A vertex painting addon for the Godot game engine.

A vertex painting addon for the Godot game engine.


Download the addon from https://github.com/tomankirilov/VPainter. Copy the addons folder in your project directory.
In Project/Project Settings/Plugins set VPainter to Active.



  • Added support for pressure sensitive pen tablets.
  • Some small bug fixes.


In the 3d editor when a MeshInstance node with a valid mesh resource is selected an icon will appear in the top editor menu.
When clicked a new sidebar will appear with painting options.


brush tool : (Shortcut - "1") use to paint vertex colors. You can adjust the size with the sliders or by using "[" and "]"
picker tool: (Shortcut - "2") use to pick the vertex color under the mouse cursor when clicked.
blur tool : (shortcut - "3") in progress
fill tool : (shortcut - "4") use to fill the entire mesh with a color. Fill tool is affected by the opacity and blend mode.

color swatches: There are two color swatches. in the main panel. When clicked they reveal a color picker dialog. The last one clicked is the active one.

pressure sensitivity: There is a new option for pressure sensitive pen tablets.

  • SizePressure - the size of your brush depends on the pressure input.
  • OpacityPressure - the opacity of your brush depends on the pressure input.

blending modes: There are currently 5 blending modes supported:

  • MIX: linearly interpolated between the colors.
  • ADD: adds the colors.
  • SUBTRACT: subtracts the colors.
  • MULTIPLY: multiplies the colors.
  • DIVIDE: divides the colors.

size: controls the size of the brush and blur tool.
opacity: controls the opacity of the brush and fill tool.
hardness: controls the hardness of the brush and blur tool.
spacing : controls the spacing between the brush "dabs". Lower spacing results in a more precise line.

make local copy : makes a local copy of the mesh. It is useful if you don't want to overwrite your original mesh data.


  • Currently Vpainter does not support godot's primitive meshes. It only works with imported meshes.
  • Currently only RGB painting is supported. Alpha channel painting is in the works.
  • Currently Vpainter does not support meshes with multiple instances of floating geometry.


In VPainter/addons/vpainter/additional_resources/ you will find two shaders:

  • shader_vertex_color.shader:
    A simple shader that displays the vertex color. It has the possibility to isolate R, G and B channels so you can preview them individually.
  • height_blend_4_textures.shader:
    A shader used in the first presentation. It is used for mixing 4 textures based on a heightmap and vertex color.
    The shader uses 3 textures per material:
    • M: A mask texture.
      R channel contains the height information
      G channel contains the rougness information
      B channel contains the metal information.
    • C: RGB color/albedo information.
    • N: Normalmap information.


  • Submit to the Godot asset library

    Submit to the Godot asset library

    Could you look into submitting this add-on to the Godot asset library? This will make it easier to discover. Thanks in advance :slightly_smiling_face:

  • Painting object with low number of vertices

    Painting object with low number of vertices

    Is there any way to paint objects with a low number of vertices? Im trying to paint a basic map consisting of cubes and prisms but the Vpainter only paints when hovering over a vertex and for example for a cube has only 8 points where you can paint

  • Add a project license

    Add a project license

    The repository currently doesn't seem to contain any license. Could you add one, please? See Choose a License for more information :slightly_smiling_face:

    For the record, most Godot plugins use the MIT license.

  • 2D?


    2D vertex colors are edited using a list, so a tool would be greatly beneficial. Though in some ways 3D polygonal is better because with 2D AA isn't always available (in 3.1+ it's broken if HDR is on, not available in web. Also AA is not available at all for polygons in 4.0a last I checked).

    However in 2D you can animate polygons directly, both vertex positions and vertex colors... and frame or tweened style for either. So over all there's a wide possibility for style.

    I similarly would like more capability for dynamic vertex colors in 3D, but I do understand it's likely beyond the scope here. Or it might not even be viable to do. For more info, a thread here.

  • Shader triplanar

    Shader triplanar

    This project helped me a lot, so I'm here to give my contribution, based on some github code, and some changes I created a triplanar shader, it needs some adjustments, but I would like it to be implemented in the project, here is the code:

    [gd_resource type="Shader" format=2]
    code = "/*----------------------
    The shader uses 3 textures per material:
    	* M: A mask texture. R channel contains the height information, G channel contains the rougness information and B channel contains the metal information.
    	* C: RGB color/albedo information.
    	* N: Normalmap information.
    shader_type spatial;
    uniform float uv_scale:hint_range(0.01, 100.0) = 1;
    uniform float UV_SCALE1:hint_range(0, 1000) = 1;
    uniform sampler2D c1:hint_albedo;
    uniform sampler2D n1:hint_normal;
    uniform float UV_SCALE2:hint_range(0, 1000) = 1;
    uniform sampler2D c2:hint_albedo;
    uniform sampler2D n2:hint_normal;
    uniform float UV_SCALE3:hint_range(0, 1000) = 1;
    uniform sampler2D c3:hint_albedo;
    uniform sampler2D n3:hint_normal;
    uniform float UV_SCALE4:hint_range(0, 1000) = 1;
    uniform sampler2D c4:hint_albedo;
    uniform sampler2D n4:hint_normal;
    uniform float blend_softness1:hint_range(0.01, 1.0) = 0.025;
    uniform float blend_softness2:hint_range(0.01, 1.0) = 0.025;
    uniform float blend_softness3:hint_range(0.01, 1.0) = 0.025;
    vec3 heightblend(vec3 input1, float height1, vec3 input2, float height2, float softness){
    	float height_start = max(height1, height2) - softness;
    	float level1 = max(height1 - height_start, 0);
    	float level2 = max(height2 - height_start, 0);
    	return ((input1 * level1) + (input2 * level2)) / (level1 + level2);
    vec3 heightlerp(vec3 input1, float height1, vec3 input2, float height2,float softness, float t ){
    	t = clamp(t, 0.0 , 1.0);
        return heightblend(input1, height1 * (1.0 - t), input2, height2 * t, softness);
    vec3 random(vec3 coord)
    	vec3 res;
    	res.x = fract(sin(dot(coord.yz, vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453123);
    	res.y = fract(sin(dot(coord.xz, vec2(16.6539,68.698))) * 69845.5962848);
    	res.z = fract(sin(dot(coord.xy, vec2(25.5263,41.256))) * 42538.6985436);
    	return res;
    vec3 triPlanarTexture(float scale,vec4 projected_coords, vec3 color_offset, vec3 normal_weights, sampler2D text ){
    	float real = (1000.0 - scale)/1000.0;
    	vec3 mask10 = texture(text, projected_coords.zy*real).rgb;
    	vec3 mask11 = texture(text, projected_coords.xz*real).rgb;
    	vec3 mask12 = texture(text, projected_coords.xy*real).rgb;
    	return mix(vec3(0.0f), mix((mask10 * normal_weights.x + mask11 * normal_weights.y + mask12 * normal_weights.z), color_offset.rgb, 0.05f), 1.0f);
    void fragment(){
    	vec4 projected_coords = CAMERA_MATRIX * vec4(VERTEX, 1.0);
    	vec3 world_normal = abs(CAMERA_MATRIX * vec4(NORMAL, 0.0)).xyz;
    	vec3 normal_weights = world_normal / (world_normal.x + world_normal.y + world_normal.z);
    	vec3 color_offset = random(floor(projected_coords.xyz));
    	vec3 mask1 = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
    	vec3 mask2 = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
    	vec3 mask3 = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
    	vec3 mask4 = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
    	vec3 col1 = triPlanarTexture(UV_SCALE1, projected_coords, color_offset, normal_weights, c1);
    	vec3 col2 = triPlanarTexture(UV_SCALE2, projected_coords, color_offset, normal_weights, c2);
    	vec3 col3 = triPlanarTexture(UV_SCALE3, projected_coords, color_offset, normal_weights, c3);
    	vec3 col4 = triPlanarTexture(UV_SCALE4, projected_coords, color_offset, normal_weights, c4);
    	vec3 nor1 = triPlanarTexture(UV_SCALE1, projected_coords, color_offset, normal_weights, n1);
    	vec3 nor2 = triPlanarTexture(UV_SCALE2, projected_coords, color_offset, normal_weights, n2);
    	vec3 nor3 = triPlanarTexture(UV_SCALE3, projected_coords, color_offset, normal_weights, n3);
    	vec3 nor4 = triPlanarTexture(UV_SCALE4, projected_coords, color_offset, normal_weights, n4);
    	vec3 m_blend1 = heightlerp(mask1.rgb, mask1.r, mask2.rgb, mask2.r, blend_softness1, COLOR.r);
    	vec3 m_blend2 = heightlerp(m_blend1.rgb, m_blend1.r, mask3.rgb, mask3.r, blend_softness2, COLOR.g);
    	vec3 m_blend3 = heightlerp(m_blend2.rgb, m_blend2.r, mask4.rgb, mask4.r, blend_softness3, COLOR.b);
    	vec3 c_blend1 = heightlerp(col1.rgb, mask1.r, col2.rgb, mask2.r, blend_softness1, COLOR.r);
    	vec3 c_blend2 = heightlerp(c_blend1.rgb, m_blend1.r, col3.rgb, mask3.r, blend_softness2, COLOR.g);
    	vec3 c_blend3 = heightlerp(c_blend2.rgb, m_blend2.r, col4.rgb, mask4.r, blend_softness3, COLOR.b);
    	vec3 n_blend1 = heightlerp(nor1.rgb, mask1.r, nor2.rgb, mask2.r, blend_softness1, COLOR.r);
    	vec3 n_blend2 = heightlerp(n_blend1.rgb, m_blend1.r, nor3.rgb, mask3.r, blend_softness2, COLOR.g);
    	vec3 n_blend3 = heightlerp(n_blend2.rgb, m_blend2.r, nor4.rgb, mask4.r, blend_softness3, COLOR.b);
    	ALBEDO = c_blend3.rgb;
    	NORMALMAP = n_blend3.rgb;
    	ROUGHNESS = m_blend3.g;
    	METALLIC = m_blend3.b;

    Tested in Godot 3.4

  • Interest in MaterialX and VPainter?

    Interest in MaterialX and VPainter?

    I proposed adding MaterialX to Godot Engine. Would you be interested in this sort of integration?

    1. https://github.com/godotengine/godot-proposals/issues/714
    2. https://github.com/materialx/MaterialX
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