A single binary, simple, message queue.



A stupid simple, single binary message queue using HTTP/2.

Most messaging workloads don't require enormous amounts of data, endless features or infinite scaling. Instead, they'd probably be better off with something dead simple.

MiniQueue is just that. A simple queue. You can publish bytes to topics and your consumers will receive what you published, nothing more.


  • Simple to run
  • Very fast
  • Not infinitely scalable
  • Multiple topics
  • HTTP/2
  • Publish
  • Subscribe
  • Acknowledgements
  • Persistent
  • Prometheus metrics


  • POST /publish/:topic
  • GET /subscribe/:topic


Run MiniQueue where you would like.

It will then expose an HTTP/2 server used for publishing and consuming.


As MiniQueue is under heavy development, take these benchmarks with a grain of salt. However, for those curious:

λ ~/ go-wrk -c 12 -d 10 -M POST -body "helloworld" https://localhost:8080/publish/test
Running 10s test @ https://localhost:8080/publish/test
  12 goroutine(s) running concurrently
104084 requests in 9.942585489s, 5.76MB read
Requests/sec:           10468.50
Transfer/sec:           592.94KB
Avg Req Time:           1.146295ms
Fastest Request:        262.281µs
Slowest Request:        867.958415ms
Number of Errors:       0

Running on my MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2019), with a 2.6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7.


Contributors are more than welcome. Please feel free to open a PR to improve anything you don't like, or would like to add. No PR is too small!


This project is licensed under the MIT license.

Tom Arrell
Senior Backend Engineer @sumup — Lover of Rust and Go, hack around building keyboards when I'm bored
Tom Arrell
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    Subscription command issue?

    I love this queue -- go, simple, secure. Thank you. However I am having a terrible time getting subscriptions to work.

    curl --insecure --cacert certs/ca.key --key certs/node.key --cert certs/node.crt -X POST https://localhost:9999/subscribe/foo                                                     
    {"error":"error decoding command"}

    Is it not possible to test subscriptions with curl? I publish just fine using the example in README. Thanks.

  • TLS handshake error from local error: tls: bad record MAC

    TLS handshake error from local error: tls: bad record MAC

    Hi tomarrell:

    I just clone the repository, and run the following:

    1. build the exetutable in the root directory
    go build .
    1. start the server
    ./miniqueue.exe --human
    1. publish a message to a topic using curl
    curl -X POST https://localhost:8080/publish/foo --data "helloworld"

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    2021/02/19 19:28:17 http: TLS handshake error from local error: tls: bad record MAC

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    curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
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    establish a secure connection to it. To learn more about this situation and
    how to fix it, please visit the web page mentioned above.

    the echo example has similar problem.

    maybe I should create a certificate on my own, and try again?

    I'm using Windows10 and git-bash

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    Allow subscription to topic which doesn't exist yet

    Currently if a subscriber attempts to read from a non-existent queue they will receive an error.

    This behaviour may be desirable in certain circumstances.

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