A Golang blocking leaky-bucket rate limit implementation

Go rate limiter GoDoc Coverage Status test

This package provides a Golang implementation of the leaky-bucket rate limit algorithm. This implementation refills the bucket based on the time elapsed between requests instead of requiring an interval clock to fill the bucket discretely.

Create a rate limiter with a maximum number of operations to perform per second. Call Take() before each operation. Take will sleep until you can continue.

import (


func main() {
    rl := ratelimit.New(100) // per second

    prev := time.Now()
    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
        now := rl.Take()
        fmt.Println(i, now.Sub(prev))
        prev = now

    // Output:
    // 0 0
    // 1 10ms
    // 2 10ms
    // 3 10ms
    // 4 10ms
    // 5 10ms
    // 6 10ms
    // 7 10ms
    // 8 10ms
    // 9 10ms
Uber Go
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Uber Go
  • atomicInt64Limiter WithoutSlack doesn't block

    atomicInt64Limiter WithoutSlack doesn't block

    First off thanks for the library :)

    Saw that a new rate limiter was introduced that benchmarked a lot better and pulled it down to try it out.

    Noticed that when running WithoutSlack, it just allows everything through instead of waiting because all subsequent Take() calls fall into the case now-timeOfNextPermissionIssue > int64(t.maxSlack)

    Easiest way to repro is using your example_test.go:

    • Using rl := ratelimit.New(100) (slack=10):
    go test -run Example -count=1
    === RUN   Example
    --- PASS: Example (0.09s)
    ok      command-line-arguments  0.207s
    • Using rl := ratelimit.New(100, ratelimit.WithoutSlack)
    go test -run Example -count=1   
    --- FAIL: Example (0.01s)
    1 10ms
    2 775µs
    3 3µs
    4 2µs
    5 10µs
    6 2µs
    7 2µs
    8 2µs
    9 2µs
    1 10ms
    2 10ms
    3 10ms
    4 10ms
    5 10ms
    6 10ms
    7 10ms
    8 10ms
    9 10ms
    FAIL    command-line-arguments  0.126s
    • Using 0.2.0 rl :=newAtomicBased(100, WithoutSlack)
    go test -run Example -count=1
    ok      go.uber.org/ratelimit   0.323s

    I am not 100% sure why the other units with mocked clocks are passing, but your example test and my application tests fail consistently with this new limiter. On darwin if that helps.

  • New atomic-based implementation squeezed into int64

    New atomic-based implementation squeezed into int64

    Hi everyone, It's been a few years since we introduced the atomic-based rate limiter. Since then, after numerous changes to the runtime scheduler, mutex-based implementation has become much more stable. So I found a way to improve atomic-based implementation further and squeeze its state into one int64. The new implementation is much faster, stable under contention, and has zero allocations.

    Benchmarks on 8 core i7 intel machine: chart 1

    Benchmarks on 8 core M1 machine: chart 2

  • Adding support for an `Allow` method

    Adding support for an `Allow` method

    This package initially seemed ideal for my use case - It supports refilling at a certain rate (so limits such as 10 per 2 minutes are possible) however only exposing Take means that it can't be used in a context where you want to return a 429 HTTP response (this would block the response which is not the behaviour I'm looking for).

    I have seen mentioned on other issues that no other features are planned, but I wanted to ask - if I made a pull request which supported an Allow method which simply returns whether a call to Take would block or not, would a merge be considered for this?

  • Update the Limiter interface to accept a context.Context object

    Update the Limiter interface to accept a context.Context object

    This also removes the Clock abstraction, since there doesn't seem to be a way to create timers using the mock clock effectively, and it isn't used in yab at all. I can add it back in and try to munge it to work if it has value.

  • Feature Request: Allow updating the limit

    Feature Request: Allow updating the limit

    Goal: To use this library with an adaptive rate limiter algorithm like Vegas or AIMD

    Problem: Right now the library exposes no way to update the rates dynamically.

    There are two ways to solve for this

    1. Create a new rate limiter every time I want to update limits
    2. Dynamically update the rate limit on the object

    Would like feedback on which is the preferred approach. Or if there is any other way.

  • Atomic based limiter

    Atomic based limiter

    Hi, I've made your limiter implementation atomic based. It is a little bit harder but in generally faster and has no goroutine scalability issues that any mutex based implementation have. Checkout this relation between RateLimiter latency and count of goroutines: limiter_scalability Original implementation moved to mutexbased.go file, so you can run benchmarks and play with other tests. But I'd suggest to leave only one implementation after all.

    [Side note] This wired latency spike in mutex based implementation is a direct illustration of mutex falling into starvation mode.

    Full benchmarking results here

  • Add Per option

    Add Per option

    Commits are individually reviewable. The first changes address nits I missed in review.

    The final change addresses #17 by adding an option called Per that reads ratelimit.New(1, Per(time.Second)) for a 1Hz rate limiter.

  • Parity with yab ratelimit

    Parity with yab ratelimit

    I was trawling through the yab ratelimiting code, and noticed that the interface exposed there is different (and IMO nicer) than the interface in this package.

    Is this package intended to be kept updated? If so, would it be possible to update the implementation to bring it up the parity? I'd be more than happy to contribute a PR if it would help. It would be great to be able to use rate limiting logic independently of yab.

  • Fix no slack option for int64 based option

    Fix no slack option for int64 based option

    This PR fixes the issue found by @twelsh-aw with int64 based implementation https://github.com/uber-go/ratelimit/issues/90

    Our tests did not detect this issue, so we have a separate PR https://github.com/uber-go/ratelimit/pull/93 that enhances our tests approach to detect potential errors better.

  • Add a test verifying initial startup sequence

    Add a test verifying initial startup sequence

    See https://github.com/uber-go/ratelimit/pull/95#discussion_r915251700

    From that discussion I wasn't sure whether the proposed the initial startup sequence of the limiter - i.e. whether at startup we always block, or always allow.

    Since we didn't seem to have that codified (perhaps apart from the example_test.go) this PR adds a test to verify this.

    This is still slightly (2/1000) flaky, but I think that's good enough to add this in - should be valuable anyway.

  • Only benchmark on the latest Go version

    Only benchmark on the latest Go version

    See https://github.com/uber-go/ratelimit/issues/86#issuecomment-1146895304


    • update to checkoutv3 (why not)
    • use setup-go action to both:
      • pick up the lastest go version
      • do appropriate caching
  • Fix test approach for detecting issues

    Fix test approach for detecting issues

    The problem in the previous approach was that mock time literally didn't run between limite.Take() calls, so now.Sub(oldState.last) would always be 0 that can be problematic for some issues detection.

    This PR adds time increments between limite.Take() calls in (r *runnerImpl) startTaking. Unfortunately our library for clock mocking github.com/benbjohnson/clock has some races reported here https://github.com/benbjohnson/clock/issues/44 and here https://github.com/benbjohnson/clock/pull/42.

    So I decided to use the time mocking approach that Ian Lance Taylor used 19 days ago in https://github.com/golang/time repository here https://github.com/golang/time/commit/579cf78fd858857c0d766e0d63eb2b0ccf29f436

    Note: this tests approach detects an error in int64 based limiter implementation that the previous test didn't manage to catch.

  • Support for increasing/decreasing limits on the fly

    Support for increasing/decreasing limits on the fly

    This allows to implement nice things!

    An example: Implement an adaptative rate limiting from outside de library, enabling algorithms like:

    1. start with a small ratelimiting value
    2. periodically increase it by a small amount
    3. notice errors, drop the rate limit by X%
    4. potentially change the value of X (increase or decrease, make the algo converge better to optimal ratelimit)
    5. loop back to 2

    A suggestion for implementation is to keep a count of how many times Take was called in the given window and, when we increase or decrease, recalculate the sleep time. In case the window is already exploded (eg 10 per second is decreased to 5 per second, but in this second we already did 8 requests), then the next Take will wait for the whole window to finish.

    From the current implementation I see there is no time window management, just a basic calculation of how much time we need to sleep in average between calls. This would maybe involve that, something to consider the complexity

  • If add some check in New function?

    If add some check in New function?

    when I use ticker := ratelimit.New(0) the code will throw exception, but when I use negative I works ok but loss my mind. ticker := ratelimit.New(-1) Pre-Request wait 10s. if need add some check in when new a litter?

  • Evaluate atomic and mutex based Take implementations.

    Evaluate atomic and mutex based Take implementations.

    #15 brought in a new implementation of Take to avoid starving out the older mutex implementation (a major performance win). Before we cut a new release, let's dive a little deeper on the new implementation's behaviors and aim for a single implementation.

  • Investigate table runner for the impact of slack

    Investigate table runner for the impact of slack

    Currently we are unable to observe the difference between ratelimit with and without slack. Investigate a test that makes the difference observable and verifiable.

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