Docker container lazy loading


Putting your containers to sleep

I don't really wanna do the work today

How it works

Lazy loading containers

monitor network traffic for active connections and recieved packets , if traffic looks to be idle, your container stops if it looks like you're trying to access a stopped container, it starts

Want to test it?

$ git clone
$ cd Lazytainer
$ docker-compose up 

Or put in your docker compose

    container_name: lazytainer
      - PORT=81,82 # comma separated list of ports...or just the one 
      - LABEL=lazytainer # value of lazytainer.marker for other containers that lazytainer checks
      # - TIMEOUT=30 # OPTIONAL number of seconds to let container idle
      # - RXHISTLENGTH=10 # OPTIONAL number of seconds to keep rx history, uptime is calculated as first item and last item from this and must have a gap of at least $MINPACKETTHRESH
      # - MINPACKETTHRESH=10 # OPTIONAL number of packets that must be recieved to keepalive/start container 
      - 81:81
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro

    container_name: whoami1
    image: containous/whoami
    command: --port 81 # make this run on the port passed through on lazytainer
    network_mode: service:lazytainer
      - lazytainer # wait for lazytainer to start before starting
      - "lazytainer.marker=lazytainer" # required label to make it work


  • improve logging - verbosity flags
  • not working

    not working

    the install went smoothly, but even though the concept looks promising, it isn't working

    debug log: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 60 rx packets 60 packets recieved in the last 60 seconds 0 active clients

    running on a docker host with 60 running containers..... nothing gets stopped sind 30 mins.

  • Net Able to access my application though lazytainer

    Net Able to access my application though lazytainer


    Im trying to use lazytainer to stop my container when not in use but im not able to access my application though lazytainer, im sure it is just a miss congiuration as im able to access without lazytainer hoping you can help :)

    Docker Compose is below

    version: "3"
        external: false
        container_name: lazytainer
        hostname: lazytainer
          - PORT=222,3000          # comma separated list of ports...or just the one 
          - LABEL=lazytainer    # value of lazytainer.marker for other containers that lazytainer checks
          - TIMEOUT=30          # OPTIONAL number of seconds to let container idle
          - MINPACKETTHRESH=10  # OPTIONAL number of packets that must be recieved to keepalive/start container 
          - POLLRATE=1          # OPTIONAL number of seconds to sleep between polls
          - VERBOSE=true        # probably set this to false unless you're debugging or doing the initial demo
          - gitea
          - 3000:3000
          - 222:22
          - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro
        image: gitea/gitea:1.17.0
        container_name: Gitea
        hostname: gitea
          - USER_UID=1000
          - USER_GID=1000
          - GITEA__database__DB_TYPE=mysql
          - GITEA__database__HOST=db:3306
          - GITEA__database__NAME=gitea
          - GITEA__database__USER=gitea
          - GITEA__database__PASSWD=${DB_PASSWORD}
        restart: always
          - gitea
          - /srv/gitea:/data
          - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
          - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
          - "lazytainer.marker=lazytainer"
          - "lazytainer.sleepMethod=stop"  # can be either "stop" or "pause", or left blank for stop
          - db
          - lazytainer
        container_name: Gitea-db
        hostname: gitea-db
        image: linuxserver/mariadb:10.5.16-alpine
        restart: always
          - TZ=Australia/Sydney
          - PUID=1000
          - PGID=1000
          - MYSQL_USER=gitea
          - MYSQL_DATABASE=gitea
          - gitea
          - /srv/gitea-db:/var/lib/mysql
          - "lazytainer.marker=lazytainer"
          - "lazytainer.sleepMethod=stop"  # can be either "stop" or "pause", or left blank for stop
         - lazytainer
  • fix: slim container image...

    fix: slim container image...

    This PR Depends on

    • Use golang buster as build image
    • Static binary
    • Tried to slim down binary using trimpath and ldflags s w
    • Utilize buildkit with gomod and build caching
    • Ignore all except go files using .dockerignore
    • Remove unnecessary spaces
    • Slim down uncompressed container image size to 6.8MB from ~15MB

    To run and build this Dockerfile you have to set up buildkit which already comes with latest docker, Just have to enable it. It won't break anything.

    docker buildx install
  • exec:

    exec: "--port": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown

    Using this docker-compose as my test/example:

    version: "3"
        container_name: lazytainer2
          - PORT=8080
          - LABEL=lazytainer
          - TIMEOUT=30
          - MINPACKETTHRESH=10
          - POLLRATE=1
          - VERBOSE=true
        image: ""
          - "8080:8080"
          - "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro"
        command: --port 8080
        container_name: youtube-dl
          - lazytainer
          - MY_ID=dbtech
          - MY_PW=password
        image: modenaf360/youtube-dl-nas
          - lazytainer.marker=lazytainer
        network_mode: "service:lazytainer"
          - "/home/docker/YouTube:/downfolder"

    I end up getting this error message:

    Pull complete ytdl 
    Pulled Container lazytainer2 
    Creating Container lazytainer2 
    Created Container youtube-dl 
    Creating Container youtube-dl 
    Created Container lazytainer2 
    Starting Container lazytainer2 
    Started Container youtube-dl 
    Starting Error response from daemon: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: exec: "--port": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown

    I've tried other containers as well with similar results. Is there a reason for this and can it be fixed easily for better compatibility?

  • Client connect trigger instead of min threshold

    Client connect trigger instead of min threshold

    I got everything working great, but is there any way to make it spin up the docker container based on when a client connects or sends an http request to the port?

    I am using it with motioneye, and motioneye doesn't ever really settle down to 0 packets and is impossible to gauge the threshold correctly. It does, however, seem to register the clients connected just fine. Also, you cannot send enough traffic to motioneye to get it to trigger back on because of the login screen it uses, I think.


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