Carbon Black Harbor Adapter is a scanner to scan images in Harbor Registry with the help of Carbon Black Cloud.



Carbon Black adapter for Harbor integrates your Harbor Registry with the Carbon Black Cloud. It leverages Harbor's official Pluggable Scanner API Spec. to enable Harbor to scan images present in its registry and provide vulnerability reports for those images - right in the Harbor UI.


All configuration values for the Harbor Adapter can be set using the following environment variables at startup:

Name Default Description
CB_API_ID Carbon Black API ID
CB_URL Carbon Black URL
LOG_LEVEL info Adapter service log level



  • Kubernetes >= 1.14
  • Harbor >= 1.10
  • Helm >= 3
  • Carbon Black Credentials - CB_API_ID, CB_ORG_KEY, CB_URL, CB_API_KEY

Obtaining CB credentials

  • Log in to the Carbon Black cloud.

  • On the left side bar navigate to Inventory -> Kubernetes -> K8s Clusters

  • Switch to CLI config and click on Add cli on the right top.

  • Provide CLI name, Default build step, CLI description and generate credentials.

  • Now you can get the following environment values from the generated credentials.

    CB_API_ID - cb_api_id, CB_ORG_KEY - org_key, CB_URL - saas_url, CB_API_KEY - cb_api_key

Obtaining Credentials

Try it out

Helm install

The easiest was to deploy Harbor Adapter is through the helm install command and make sure you provide all the necessary arguments as mentioned below:

,cb_image_scanning.org_key= ,cb_image_scanning.api_key= ,cb_image_scanning.url= cb-harbor-adapter/harbor-adapter NAME: carbon-black LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Apr 15 02:40:37 2021 NAMESPACE: default STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 TEST SUITE: None ">
$ helm repo add cb-harbor-adapter
"cb-harbor-adapter" has been added to your repositories

$ helm install carbon-black --set cb_image_scanning.api_id=,
NAME: carbon-black
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Apr 15 02:40:37 2021
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed


You can also provide the configuration through values file and make sure you provide configuration values for the following parameters in values.yaml file:

  • cb_image_scanning.api_id
  • cb_image_scanning.org_key
  • cb_image_scanning.api_key
  • cb_image_scanning.url
$ helm repo add cb-harbor-adapter
"cb-harbor-adapter" has been added to your repositories

$ helm install carbon-black -f values.yaml cb-harbor-adapter/harbor-adapter

Here is the sample values.yaml file

kubectl apply

  1. Add the base 64 encoded values for api_id, org_key, org_key, org_key into ./k8s/cb-harbor-adapter.yaml file
  2. Run the following command:
kubectl apply -f ./k8s/cb-harbor-adapter.yaml

Set up Harbor Adapter in Harbor Registry

  1. Log in to your Harbor registry
  2. Navigate to Administration -> Interrogation Services on the left panel.
  3. Click on new scanner
  4. Provide the following -

Here is how you get the service name

$ kubectl get service
NAME                                   TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)             AGE
carbon-black-harbor-adapter            ClusterIP     
            8080/TCP            8h

* check on `Use internal registry address`

Obtaining Credentials

  1. After adding set the scanner as default.
  2. Now the Adapter is ready for scanning.


Please follow



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