A tool to be used with 'go generate' to embed external template files into Go code.


A tool to be used with 'go generate' to embed external template files into Go code.


An often used scenario in developing go applications is to generate text (e.g. html pages) using the Go template packages. You have two choices: either editing the template in a dedicated file and to read this file at runtime from your application. Or you add a "big" string containing the template to the source of your app and parse this string to create the template.

If you want to create a single file application, then the more handy solution with a dedicated file is not desirable. On the other hand to edit a complex html template within a Go string in the source is very uncomfortable.

templify allows you to edit your template in an extra file and to generate an Go source file containing the embedded string.


go get github.com/wlbr/templify


Simply add a line

//go:generate templify mytemplate.file

for each template you want to embed. Every time you run a go generate in the corresponding folder, the file mytemplate.go will be created. It contains a function mytemplateTemplate returning the template string.

You may use templify mytemplate.file directly on the command line.


Usage of templify: templify [switches] templatefilename
   export the generated, the template returning function. Default (false) means the function will not be exported.

   no formatting of the generated source. Default false means source will be formatted with gofmt.

-n string
    name of generated, the template returning function. Its name will have 'Template' attached. Will be set to $(basename -s .ext outputfile) if empty (default).

-o string
   name of output file. Defaults to name of template file excluding extension + '.go'.

-p string
   name of package to be used in generated code (default "main").

-t string
   name of alternate code generation template file. If empty (default), then the embedded template will be used. Template variables supplied are: .Name, .Package, .Content


Michael Wolber
Nützt ja nix.
Michael Wolber
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    //go build -o %gopath%/bin/templify.exe github.com\wlbr\templify // templify is a tool to be used with 'go generate' to embed external template files into Go code. // // // Scenario // // An often used scenario in developing go applications is to generate text (e.g. html pages) // using the Go template packages. You have two choices: either editing the template in a // dedicated file and to read this file at runtime from your application. Or you add a // "big" string containing the template to the source of your app and parse this string to // create the template. // // If you want to create a single file application, than the more handy solution with a // dedicated file is not desirable. On the other hand to edit a complex html template within // a Go string in the source is very uncomfortable. // // templify allows you to edit your template in an extra file and to generate an Go source // file containing the embedded string. // // // Usage // // Simply add a line // //go:generate templify mytemplate.file // // for each template you want to embed. Every time you run a 'go generate' in the // corresponding folder, the file 'mytemplate.go' will be created. It contains a // function 'mytemplateTemplate' returning the template string. // // You may use 'templify mytemplate.file' directly on the command line. // // // Switches // // Usage of templify: 'templify [switches] templatefilename' // -e // export the generated, the template returning function. Default (false) means // the function will not be exported. // -f // no formatting of the generated source. Default false means source will be // formatted with gofmt. // // -n string // name of generated, the template returning function. Its name will have // 'Template' attached. Will be set to $(basename -s .ext outputfile) if empty // (default). // // -o string // name of output file. Defaults to name of template file excluding // extension + '.go'. // // -p string // name of package to be used in generated code (default "main"). // // -t string // name of alternate code generation template file. If empty (default), then // the embedded template will be used. Template variables supplied are: // .Name, .Package, .Content // package main

    //go:generate templify -p main -o embed.go embed.tpl

    import ( "errors" "flag" "fmt" "go/format" "io/ioutil" "os" "path" "strings" "text/template" )

    var pckg string var inputfile string var outfilename string var functionname string var tmplname string var frmt bool var exp bool

    func flagging() { flag.StringVar(&pckg, "p", "main", "name of package to be used in generated code.") flag.StringVar(&outfilename, "o", "", "name of output file. Defaults to name of template file + '.go'.") flag.StringVar(&functionname, "f", "", "name of generated, the template returning function. Its name will "+ "have 'Template' attached. Will be set to $(basename -s .ext outputfile) if empty (default).") flag.StringVar(&tmplname, "t", "", "name of alternate code generation template file. If empty (default), "+ "then the embedded template will be used. Template variables supplied are: .Name, .Package, .Content") flag.BoolVar(&frmt, "n", false, "do not format the generated source. Default false means source will be formatted.") flag.BoolVar(&exp, "e", false, "export the generated, the template returning function. "+ "Default (false) means the function will not be exported.") flag.Parse()

    if outfilename == "" {
    	indir := path.Dir(inputfile)
    	inext := path.Ext(path.Base(inputfile))
    	inname := strings.TrimSuffix(path.Base(inputfile), inext)
    	outfilename = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s.go", indir, inname)
    if functionname == "" {
    	ext := path.Ext(path.Base(outfilename))
    	functionname = strings.TrimSuffix(path.Base(outfilename), ext)
    if exp {
    	functionname = strings.ToUpper(functionname[0:1]) + functionname[1:]


    func readTemplifyTemplate(tplname string) (*template.Template, error) { tpl, err := template.ParseFiles(tplname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error reading templifytemplate file '%s'\n%v", tplname, err) } return tpl, err }

    func readTargetTemplate2(tplname string) string { tpl, err := ioutil.ReadFile(tplname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error reading target template file '%s'\n%v", tplname, err) os.Exit(1) }

    r := strings.NewReplacer("\"", "\\\"", "\n", "\\n\" +\n\t\"", "\t", "\\t")
    return r.Replace(string(tpl))

    } func readTargetTemplate(tplname string) string { tpl, err := ioutil.ReadFile(tplname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error reading target template file '%s'\n%v", tplname, err) os.Exit(1) }

    //r := strings.NewReplacer("\"", "\\\"", "\n", "\\n\" +\n\t\"", "\t", "\\t")
    return string(tpl)

    } func formatFile(fname string) { fstr, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error reading generated file %s before passing it to gofmt.\n%v\n", fname, err) os.Exit(1) } else { fstr, err = format.Source(fstr) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error running gofmt on the generated file '%s'\n%v\n", fname, err) os.Exit(1) } else { foutfile, err := os.Create(fname) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error creating formatted target file '%s'\n%v\n", fname, err) os.Exit(1) } else { defer foutfile.Close() fmt.Fprintf(foutfile, "%s", fstr) } } } }

    func main() { flagging()

    inputfile = flag.Arg(0)
    if inputfile == "" {
    	fmt.Println(errors.New("No template file given as argument."))
    var tpl *template.Template
    var err error
    if tmplname != "" {
    	tpl, err = readTemplifyTemplate(tmplname)
    } else {
    	tpl, err = template.New("embed").Parse(embedTemplate())
    //tpl, err := template.New("embed").Parse(internalTemplate)
    if err != nil {
    	fmt.Printf("Error parsing code generation template\n%v", err)
    data := struct {
    	Package string
    	Name    string
    	Content string
    	Package: pckg,
    	Name:    strings.Split(functionname, ".")[0],
    data.Content =   readTargetTemplate(inputfile) 
    if outfilename == "" {
    	outfilename = strings.Split(inputfile, ".")[0] + ".go"
    outfile, err := os.Create(outfilename)
    if err != nil {
    	fmt.Printf("Error creating target file '%s'\n%v\n", outfilename, err)
    defer outfile.Close()
    tpl.Execute(outfile, data)
    if !frmt {


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