Go Stream, like Java 8 Stream.

Go Stream

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Go Stream, like Java 8 Stream.

Blog Post: https://youthlin.com/?p=1755

How to get

go get github.com/youthlin/stream

国内镜像: https://gitee.com/youthlin/stream
go.mod 中引入模块路径 github.com/youthlin/stream 及版本后,
再添加 replace 即可:

// go.mod

require github.com/youthlin/stream latest

replace github.com/youthlin/stream latest => gitee.com/youthlin/stream latest

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", e) return m }) fmt.Println(m) // Output: // map[0:<0> 4:<4> 8:<8> 12:<12> 16:<16>] } ">
package main

import (


func main() {
	m := stream.IntRange(0, 10).
		Filter(func(e types.T) bool {
			return e.(int)%2 == 0
		Map(func(e types.T) types.R {
			return e.(int) * 2
		ReduceWith(map[int]string{}, func(acc types.R, e types.T) types.R {
			m := acc.(map[int]string)
			m[e.(int)] = fmt.Sprintf("<%d>", e)
			return m
	// Output:
	// map[0:<0> 4:<4> 8:<8> 12:<12> 16:<16>]


", e) }). ForEach(func(e types.T) { fmt.Printf("%s,", e) }) // Output: // 1,2,3,4,,, } func ExampleOfMap() { var m1 = map[int]string{ 3: "c", 2: "b", 1: "a", } s := stream.OfMap(m1). Map(func(e types.T) types.R { p := e.(types.Pair) p.First, p.Second = p.Second, p.First return p }). Sorted(func(left types.T, right types.T) int { p1 := left.(types.Pair) p2 := right.(types.Pair) return p1.Second.(int) - p2.Second.(int) }). ToSlice() fmt.Println(s) stream.OfMap(nil).ForEach(func(e types.T) { fmt.Println("not print") }) // Output: // [{a 1} {b 2} {c 3}] } func ExampleStream_Filter() { stream.Of(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9). Filter(func(e types.T) bool { return e.(int)%3 == 0 }). ForEach(func(e types.T) { fmt.Println(e) }) // Output: // 0 // 3 // 6 // 9 } func ExampleStream_Map() { stream.IntRange(0, 5). Map(func(t types.T) types.R { return fmt.Sprintf("<%d>", t.(int)) }). ForEach(func(t types.T) { fmt.Printf("%v", t) }) // Output: // <0><1><2><3><4> } func ExampleStream_FlatMap() { stream.Of([]int{0, 2, 4, 6, 8}, []int{1, 3, 5, 7, 9}). FlatMap(func(t types.T) stream.Stream { return stream.Of(stream.Slice(t)...) }). ForEach(func(t types.T) { fmt.Printf("%d", t) }) // Output: // 0246813579 } func ExampleStream_Sorted() { stream.IntRange(1, 10). Sorted(types.ReverseOrder(types.IntComparator)). ForEach(func(t types.T) { fmt.Printf("%d,", t) }) // Output: // 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1, } func TestToMap(t *testing.T) { m := stream.IntRange(0, 10).ReduceWith(make(map[int]int), func(acc types.R, t types.T) types.R { acc.(map[int]int)[t.(int)] = t.(int) * 10 return acc }) t.Log(m) // Output: // map[0:0 1:10 2:20 3:30 4:40 5:50 6:60 7:70 8:80 9:90] } ">
type Stream interface {
	// stateless operate 无状态操作

	Filter(types.Predicate) Stream         // 过滤
	Map(types.Function) Stream             // 转换
	FlatMap(func(t types.T) Stream) Stream // 打平
	Peek(types.Consumer) Stream            // peek 每个元素

	// stateful operate 有状态操作

	Distinct(types.IntFunction) Stream // 去重
	Sorted(types.Comparator) Stream    // 排序
	Limit(int64) Stream                // 限制个数
	Skip(int64) Stream                 // 跳过个数

	// terminal operate 终止操作

	// 遍历
	// return []T 转为切片
	ToSlice() []types.T
	// return []X which X is the type of some
	ToElementSlice(some types.T) types.R
	// return []X which X is same as the `typ` representation
	ToSliceOf(typ reflect.Type) types.R
	// 测试是否所有元素满足条件
	AllMatch(types.Predicate) bool
	// 测试是否没有元素满足条件
	NoneMatch(types.Predicate) bool
	// 测试是否有任意元素满足条件
	AnyMatch(types.Predicate) bool
	// Reduce return optional.Empty if no element. calculate result by (T, T) -> T from first element
	Reduce(accumulator types.BinaryOperator) optional.Optional
	// type of initValue is same as element.  (T, T) -> T
	ReduceFrom(initValue types.T, accumulator types.BinaryOperator) types.T
	// type of initValue is different from element. (R, T) -> R
	ReduceWith(initValue types.R, accumulator func(types.R, types.T) types.R) types.R
	FindFirst() optional.Optional
	// 返回元素个数
	Count() int64

func ExampleOf() {
	fmt.Println(stream.Of("a", "b").Count())
	var s = []int{1, 2, 3, 4}
	stream.Of(stream.Slice(s)...).ForEach(func(t types.T) {
		fmt.Printf("%d,", t)
	// Output:
	// 0
	// 1
	// 2
	// 1,2,3,4,

func ExampleOfSlice() {
	var intArr = []int{1, 2, 3, 4}
	stream.OfSlice(intArr).ForEach(func(e types.T) {
		fmt.Printf("%d,", e)
	var nilArr []int
	stream.OfSlice(nilArr).ForEach(func(e types.T) {
		fmt.Printf("should not print")
	var strArr = []string{"a", "b"}
		Map(func(e types.T) types.R {
			return fmt.Sprintf("<%s>", e)
		ForEach(func(e types.T) {
			fmt.Printf("%s,", e)
	// Output:
	// 1,2,3,4,,,

func ExampleOfMap() {
	var m1 = map[int]string{
		3: "c",
		2: "b",
		1: "a",
	s := stream.OfMap(m1).
		Map(func(e types.T) types.R {
			p := e.(types.Pair)
			p.First, p.Second = p.Second, p.First
			return p
		Sorted(func(left types.T, right types.T) int {
			p1 := left.(types.Pair)
			p2 := right.(types.Pair)
			return p1.Second.(int) - p2.Second.(int)
	stream.OfMap(nil).ForEach(func(e types.T) {
		fmt.Println("not print")
	// Output:
	// [{a 1} {b 2} {c 3}]

func ExampleStream_Filter() {
	stream.Of(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).
		Filter(func(e types.T) bool {
			return e.(int)%3 == 0
		ForEach(func(e types.T) {
	// Output:
	// 0
	// 3
	// 6
	// 9
func ExampleStream_Map() {
	stream.IntRange(0, 5).
		Map(func(t types.T) types.R {
			return fmt.Sprintf("<%d>", t.(int))
		ForEach(func(t types.T) {
			fmt.Printf("%v", t)
	// Output:
	// <0><1><2><3><4>
func ExampleStream_FlatMap() {
	stream.Of([]int{0, 2, 4, 6, 8}, []int{1, 3, 5, 7, 9}).
		FlatMap(func(t types.T) stream.Stream {
			return stream.Of(stream.Slice(t)...)
		ForEach(func(t types.T) {
			fmt.Printf("%d", t)
	// Output:
	// 0246813579
func ExampleStream_Sorted() {
	stream.IntRange(1, 10).
		ForEach(func(t types.T) {
			fmt.Printf("%d,", t)
	// Output:
	// 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,
func TestToMap(t *testing.T) {
	m := stream.IntRange(0, 10).ReduceWith(make(map[int]int), func(acc types.R, t types.T) types.R {
		acc.(map[int]int)[t.(int)] = t.(int) * 10
		return acc
	// Output:
	// map[0:0 1:10 2:20 3:30 4:40 5:50 6:60 7:70 8:80 9:90]

Change Log

  • v0.0.3 2020-12-08 add factory method: OfInts, OfInt64s, OfFloat32s, OfFloat64s, OfStrings;
    add Stream method: ReduceBy
  • v0.0.2 2020-12-07 add factory method: OfSlice, OfMap
  • v0.0.1 2020-11-12 first version


  • add Benchmark test
  • support parallel stream
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