Cluster API k3s

Cluster API k3s

Cluster API bootstrap provider k3s (CABP3) is a component of Cluster API that is responsible for generating a cloud-init script to turn a Machine into a Kubernetes Node; this implementation brings up k3s clusters instead of full kubernetes clusters.

CABP3 is the bootstrap component of Cluster API for k3s and brings in the following CRDS and controllers:

  • k3s bootstrap provider (KThrees, KThreesTemplate)

Cluster API ControlPlane provider k3s (CACP3) is a component of Cluster API that is responsible for managing the lifecycle of control plane machines for k3s; this implementation brings up k3s clusters instead of full kubernetes clusters.

CACP3 is the controlplane component of Cluster API for k3s and brings in the following CRDS and controllers:

  • k3s controlplane provider (KThreesControlPlane)

Together these two components make up Cluster API k3s...

Testing it out.

Warning: Project and documentation are in an early stage, there is an assumption that an user of this provider is already familiar with ClusterAPI.


Check out the ClusterAPI Quickstart page to see the prerequisites for ClusterAPI.

Three main pieces are

  1. Bootstrap cluster. In the samples/azure/ script, I use k3d, but feel free to use kind as well.

  2. clusterctl. Please check out ClusterAPI Quickstart for instructions.

  3. Infrastructure Specific Prerequisites:

Cluster API k3s has been tested on AWS, Azure, and AzureStackHCI environments.

To try out the Azure flow, fork the repo and look at samples/azure/

To try out the AWS flow, fork the repo and look at samples/aws/

Known Issues


  • Support for External Databases
  • Fix Token Logic
  • Setup CAPV samples
  • Clean up Control Plane Provider Code
  • Post an issue!
  • Control plane load balancer SSL health check fails

    Control plane load balancer SSL health check fails

    after applying the sample config

    $ kubectl apply -f samples/aws/k3s-cluster.yaml

    cluster-api-k3s successfully creates the vpc, control plane instance and load balancer.

    However the load balancer doesn't like how the apiserver on the control plane machine is talking https:

    image image

    When I change the health check type to TCP it works just fine. The rest of the CAPI machinery successfully connects to the apiserver and proceeds with the bootstrap of the worker node just fine. The CA and the certificates appear to me to be correct.

  • Mark DataSecretAvailable condition to true when setting dataSecretName

    Mark DataSecretAvailable condition to true when setting dataSecretName

    Closes #15

    I manually tried to edit the status subresource with the kubectl edit-status plugin and I confirm that once the DataSecretAvailable flips, then the Ready condition flips too and the cluster is fully initialized:

    $ clusterctl describe cluster k3-test-2
    NAME                                                          READY  SEVERITY  REASON  SINCE  MESSAGE
    Cluster/k3-test-2                                             True                     143m
    ├─ClusterInfrastructure - AWSCluster/k3-test-2                True                     5h45m
    ├─ControlPlane - KThreesControlPlane/k3-test-2-control-plane  True                     143m
    │ └─Machine/k3-test-2-control-plane-4s42f                     True                     5h45m
      └─MachineDeployment/k3-test-2-md-0                          True                     141m
        └─Machine/k3-test-2-md-0-6454966fcd-mvbnt                 True                     143m

    (I still need to actually test the code by building my branch into an image and trying it out)

  • Fix networking in aws k3s-template

    Fix networking in aws k3s-template

    I noticed that networking wasn't working for pods scheduled on the worker node.

    k3s uses flannel by default, which implements an overlay network using VXLAN, which uses an UDP port (the port number is documented in

    I also noticed that using the aws ccm is incompatible with servicelb (see #20) starting with k3s versions >=1.23.

    IIUC how networking is supposed to work here, servicelb is meant as a "low tech" load balancer if you expose the node directly to the public internet. But since in the same we're setting up aws ccm, I think we should also disable servicelb.

    I tested this with this sample app:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: nginx-deployment
          app: nginx
      replicas: 2 # tells deployment to run 2 pods matching the template
            app: nginx
          - name: nginx
            image: nginx:1.14.2
            - containerPort: 80
              - topologyKey:
                  - key: app
                    operator: In
                    - nginx
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: shell
          app: shell
      replicas: 2 # tells deployment to run 2 pods matching the template
        type: Recreate
            app: shell
          - name: shell
            image: debian
            command: [ "/bin/bash", "-c", "--" ]
            args: [ "apt-get update; apt install curl; while true; do sleep 30; done;" ]
          terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 1
              - topologyKey:
                  - key: app
                    operator: In
                    - shell
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: nginx
        app: nginx
      - port: 80
    kind: Ingress
      name: demo
      ingressClassName: traefik
      - http:
          - path: /
            pathType: Prefix
                name: nginx
                  number: 80

    it deploys two nginx and two shells on both nodes (control plane and worker)

    • I manually issued requests to the nginx service from both shell pods and also directly to the pod ips for the two replicas.
    • I verified that pods on both nodes can access the internet
    • I verified that I could access my nginx demo pod from the external load balancer
    $ ke --kubeconfig <(clusterctl get kubeconfig k3-test-24) get ingress -A
    NAMESPACE   NAME   CLASS     HOSTS   ADDRESS                                                                   PORTS   AGE
    default     demo   traefik   *   80      9s
  • `Ready` and `DataSecretAvailable` conditions are false despite there being a `dataSecretName`

    `Ready` and `DataSecretAvailable` conditions are false despite there being a `dataSecretName`

      kind: KThreesConfig
        creationTimestamp: "2022-12-09T11:00:38Z"
        generation: 2
        name: k3-test-2-control-plane-pl7ln
        namespace: default
        - apiVersion:
          blockOwnerDeletion: true
          controller: true
          kind: Machine
          name: k3-test-2-control-plane-4s42f
          uid: ad4312fa-bf76-4b9e-999a-3cc6e0a12182
        resourceVersion: "1142181"
        uid: 5390ddd9-f4b3-4ec7-b94a-3156b365dfce
          nodeName: '{{ ds.meta_data.local_hostname }}'
        serverConfig: {}
        version: v1.21.5+k3s2
        - lastTransitionTime: "2022-12-09T11:00:38Z"
          reason: WaitingForControlPlaneAvailable
          severity: Info
          status: "False"
          type: Ready
        - lastTransitionTime: "2022-12-09T11:00:38Z"
          status: "True"
          type: CertificatesAvailable
        - lastTransitionTime: "2022-12-09T11:00:38Z"
          reason: WaitingForControlPlaneAvailable
          severity: Info
          status: "False"
          type: DataSecretAvailable
        dataSecretName: k3-test-2-control-plane-pl7ln   # <----------
        observedGeneration: 2
        ready: true

    quickly skimming through the sources I noticed that the code that should turn this condition true has been commented out since the initial commit and never uncommented:

    	case configOwner.DataSecretName() != nil && (!config.Status.Ready || config.Status.DataSecretName == nil):
    		config.Status.Ready = true
    		config.Status.DataSecretName = configOwner.DataSecretName()
    		//conditions.MarkTrue(config, bootstrapv1.DataSecretAvailableCondition)
    		return ctrl.Result{}, nil
  • Sample for Nutanix CAPI provider

    Sample for Nutanix CAPI provider

    Add a first working sample for Nutanix CAPI Provider (CAPX)

    kubectl get nodes
    NAME                        STATUS   ROLES                       AGE     VERSION
    capx-control-plane-vxvwr   Ready    control-plane,etcd,master   9m41s   v1.24.8+k3s1
    capx-mt-0-chfx4            Ready    <none>                      8m15s   v1.24.8+k3s1
    capx-mt-0-jsx7z            Ready    <none>                      8m25s   v1.24.8+k3s1
  • custom cni (disable flannel)

    custom cni (disable flannel)

    According to if we want to install a custom CNI, we need to pass --flannel-backend=none.

    In order to do that, we need to surface the config in K3sServerConfig and in the relevant CRDs

    type K3sServerConfig struct {
    	DisableCloudController    bool     `json:"disable-cloud-controller,omitempty"`
    	KubeAPIServerArgs         []string `json:"kube-apiserver-arg,omitempty"`
    	KubeControllerManagerArgs []string `json:"kube-controller-manager-arg,omitempty"`
    	TLSSan                    []string `json:"tls-san,omitempty"`
  • cloud controller port clash on k3s >=v1.23.x

    cloud controller port clash on k3s >=v1.23.x

    When using k3s with version >= v1.23.x I get this error when spinning up the cloud controller (which blocks any other component due to the cloud controller readiness taint):

    I1124 09:28:48.381554 1 serving.go:313] Generated self-signed cert in-memory
    failed to create listener: failed to listen on listen tcp bind: address already in use

    Turns out this is caused by a change in k3s

    I tested the workaround mentioned in that ticket by manually editing /etc/rancher/k3s/config.yaml

     cluster-init: true
     disable-cloud-controller: true
     - anonymous-auth=true
     - cloud-provider=external
     - cloud-provider=external
    +- secure-port=0
     node-name: 'ip-10-0-193-85.ec2.internal'

    A quick look at the server config schema doesn't reveal any trick I can use to set that arg:

    type K3sServerConfig struct {
    	DisableCloudController    bool     `json:"disable-cloud-controller,omitempty"`
    	KubeAPIServerArgs         []string `json:"kube-apiserver-arg,omitempty"`
    	KubeControllerManagerArgs []string `json:"kube-controller-manager-arg,omitempty"`
    	TLSSan                    []string `json:"tls-san,omitempty"`
    	BindAddress               string   `json:"bind-address,omitempty"`
    	HttpsListenPort           string   `json:"https-listen-port,omitempty"`
    	AdvertiseAddress          string   `json:"advertise-address,omitempty"`
    	AdvertisePort             string   `json:"advertise-port,omitempty"`
    	ClusterCidr               string   `json:"cluster-cidr,omitempty"`
    	ServiceCidr               string   `json:"service-cidr,omitempty"`
    	ClusterDNS                string   `json:"cluster-dns,omitempty"`
    	ClusterDomain             string   `json:"cluster-domain,omitempty"`
    	DisableComponents         []string `json:"disable,omitempty"`
    	ClusterInit               bool     `json:"cluster-init,omitempty"`
    	K3sAgentConfig            `json:",inline"`

    should I add KubeCloudControllerManagerArgs ?

  • k3s vs k8s versioning

    k3s vs k8s versioning

    with CAPA, you need to pass a k8s version string like 1.21.5, while with cluster-api-k3s you need to pass the full qualified version including the k3s revision, like v1.21.5+k3s2.

    This breaks the automatic AMI image lookup logic and requires you fiddle with the imageLookupFormat or to add an explicit ami ID (which depends on a region).


    kind: KThreesControlPlane
      name: k3-test-13-control-plane
      version: v1.21.5+k3s2
    kind: AWSCluster
      name: k3-test-13
        healthCheckProtocol: TCP
      imageLookupBaseOS: ubuntu-20.04
      imageLookupFormat: capa-ami-{{.BaseOS}}-1.21.5-*

    I wonder if there is a more ergonomic way to use cluster-api-k3s.

    • Does it even make sense to use capa-ami-..... images to run k3s? These images have been tested and tuned for kubeadm based k8s, but doesn't necessarily mean k3s would benefit from that.
    • should cluster-api-k3s autodiscover the latest k3s revision (and offer the possibility to pin one if the user wants?)
    • should we just document how to use imageLookupOrg and imageLookupFilter to find a generic ubuntu image?
    • does k3s come with its own blessed AMIs?
  • Releasing via git versioning/tagging and build automation

    Releasing via git versioning/tagging and build automation

    I saw in the Makefile that the container images are built, tagged and pushed to here and here and I was trying to understand what git commits those container image tags were referring to.

    I think it would be good to have some sort of releasing by tagging at a git level (or something similar) and then have some automation (e.g. GitHub Actions) to trigger the container images build and push, to keep things referenced between the source and the image artifacts. What do you think?

    PS. Thanks for this project.

  • more a question of running on vsphere

    more a question of running on vsphere

    Great job on the initial tryout of creating a framework for k3s using cluster-api. Is this something that you are planning to eventually contribute upstream? is it ok if i ask for help when i try to integrate it with CAPV so that i can run k3s on vsphere environment?

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