Bindings to rrdtool

Go bindings to rrdtool C library (rrdtool)

This package implements Go (golang) bindings for the rrdtool C API.


rrd currently supports rrdtool-1.4.x

Install rrd with:

go get


See GoDoc for documentation.


See rrd_test.go for an example of using this package.

  • Calling Update results in Panic

    Calling Update results in Panic

    I'm not entirely sure this is an issue, or my wrong understanding on how to use the library. When i call Update(time.Now(),1234) i get a panic: panic: runtime error: cgo argument has Go pointer to Go pointer

    Here's a snippet of my code:

    u := rrd.NewUpdater(fname)
        tstamp, ok := time.Parse("2006-01-02 03:04:05.000000", timestamp)
        if ok != nil {
            Info.Println("Error parsing timestamp \"" + timestamp + "\"")
            tstamp = time.Now()
        err := u.Update(tstamp,reading)
        if err != nil {

    I've verified that the filename used to initialize the call to NewUpdater is in fact a string (and correct), and the types of the parameters in the call are time.Time and float64.

    it appears to happen in the following code (src/ +0x100*Updater).Update(0xc820129c38, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0))

    func (u *Updater) update(args []unsafe.Pointer) error {
        e := C.rrdUpdate(
        return makeError(e)
  • how to use  the func (g *Grapher) Comment(s string)

    how to use the func (g *Grapher) Comment(s string)

    I use the func (g *Grapher) Comment(s string),but i found it not have wrap,I use g.Comment("\n") have no wrap,how can i do? I see the rrdtool sites is "/n".

  • Handle numeric DS names

    Handle numeric DS names


    I just made a change in order to handle fully numeric DS names in RRD entries. By example, having:

    ds[42].index = 0
    ds[42].type = "DERIVE"
    ds[42].minimal_heartbeat = 600
    ds[42].min = 0.0000000000e+00
    ds[42].max = NaN
    ds[42].last_ds = "57447256"
    ds[42].value = 1.4651162791e+01
    ds[42].unknown_sec = 0

    currently fills ds.index map with a lot of []interface{}(nil).

    With the patch, we verify that kname doesn't start with ds., avoiding the Atoi conversion for ds.* entries and keeping the -1 key id.

    Let me know what do you think of this patch.


  • Error with VRule

    Error with VRule

    If the argument t is "time.Time", a crash occured with a message like this : parameter '%!s(int64=1421794800)' does not represent time in line VRULE:%!s(int64=1421794800)#ff0000

    You shouldn't use "%s" parameter in Sprintf because v.Unix() return int64, not a string

    func (g *Grapher) VRule(t interface{}, color string, options ...string) { if v, ok := t.(time.Time); ok { t = v.Unix() } vr := fmt.Sprintf("VRULE:%s#%s", t, color) g.push(vr, options) }

  • return values from FetchResult as []float64

    return values from FetchResult as []float64

    Suggested diff:

    diff --git a/rrd_c.go b/rrd_c.go
    index 348c017..9ff5a60 100644
    --- a/rrd_c.go
    +++ b/rrd_c.go
    @@ -457,6 +457,14 @@ func (r *FetchResult) FreeValues() {
    +// Get a copy of the (c-)values of a FetchResult as slice
    +func (r *FetchResult) GetValues() []float64 {
    +   ret := make([]float64,len(r.values))
    +   copy(ret,r.values)
    +   return ret
     // Export data from RRD file(s)
     func (e *Exporter) xport(start, end time.Time, step time.Duration) (XportResult, error) {
        cStart := C.time_t(start.Unix())
  • Add RRD `xport' support.

    Add RRD `xport' support.


    I added RRDtool xport support:

    • Add new Exporter struct to handle xport (mimicking existing Creator, Grapher, ...)
    • Update unit tests to perform some base tests for the new feature

    Could you please review this pull request and let me know if it suits to you?


  • Grapher.AddOptions feature; xport row count fix

    Grapher.AddOptions feature; xport row count fix

    Hi, Please review two commits:

    1. Grapher.AddOptions allows set arbitrary options like --border or --full-size-mode
    2. The row count in rrd_xport.c is: row_cnt = ((_end) - (_start)) / (*step); Hence +1 is excess in rowCnt calculations and gives one unassigned value.
  • Use pkg-config to handle cgo build flags

    Use pkg-config to handle cgo build flags


    I just made a change in order to use pkg-config to handle the various build flags needed by the cgo compilation (CFLAGS, LDFLAGS...).

    It helps to build the package with on OSes having librrd in a custom location (e.g. rrdtool using brew under Mac OS).

    Let me know if this PR is ok for you.


  • Add base rrdcached support for `graph' and `xport'

    Add base rrdcached support for `graph' and `xport'


    I added base support for rrdcached daemon parameters.

    As today, the support is only added to the graph and xport commands. I guess it will need some extra changes (embedded Cache method) to implement it on fetch and update.

    Let me know if this is ok for you.



  • Add various missing options to Grapher

    Add various missing options to Grapher

    This patch adds following missing options to grapher/fixes a typo (Legand -> Legend) and formats

    -a (imageformat [string]) Image format [PNG | SVG | EPS | PDF] for the generated graph.

    -i (interlaced [bool])

    If images are interlaced they become visible on browsers more quickly.

    -b (base [value])

    If you are graphing memory (and NOT network traffic) this switch should be set to 1024 so that one Kb is 1024 byte. For traffic measurement, 1 kb/s is 1000 b/s.

    -W (watermark [string])

    Adds the given string as a watermark, horizontally centered, at the bottom of the graph.

  • Get one more unexpect result after fetch

    Get one more unexpect result after fetch

    There is one more value return when fetch the RRD file.

    Here is result with rrdtool 1.4.x:

    root@fc0687556c4c:/opt/cacti/rra# rrdtool fetch local_linux_machine_proc_1.rrd AVERAGE -s now-10m -e now-10m
    1628756100: 3.1206666667e+01

    Here is result with rrd go 0.0.3:

    [root@93b53ddd9911 rrd]# go run main.go /tmp/rra/local_linux_machine_proc_1.rrd
    2021/08/12 15:24:32 2021-08-12 15:14:32.7134773 +0700 +07 m=-599.999935099
    2021/08/12 15:24:32 Start: 2021-08-12 15:10:00 +0700 +07
    2021/08/12 15:24:32 End: 2021-08-12 15:15:00 +0700 +07
    2021/08/12 15:24:32 Step: 5m0s
    2021/08/12 15:24:32 RowCnt: 2
    2021/08/12 15:24:32 DsNames  : [proc]
    2021/08/12 15:24:32 {Filename:/tmp/rra/local_linux_machine_proc_1.rrd Cf:AVERAGE Start:2021-08-12 15:10:00 +0700 +07 End:2021-08-12 15:15:00 +0700 +07 Step:5m0s DsNames:[proc] RowCnt:2 values:[31.206666666666667 0]}
  • Linkage against librrd_th

    Linkage against librrd_th


    By default, my project links against not thread safe libbrrd that causes mess with errors from different Update() calls. Changing #cgo pkg-config: librrd directive to #cgo LDFLAGS: -lrrd_th in rrd_c.go fixes the issue. What is the suggested way to link against thread safe library when using pkg-config?

    This commit switched setting of linker options to pkg-config for the reason not clear from the comment.

    Thanks, Vadim

  • Support for rrdtool 1.5.x (crashes now)

    Support for rrdtool 1.5.x (crashes now)

    Dear Michał,

    As Facette uses your rrd library for golang I experienced crashes when my ArchLinux system upgraded to rrdtool 1.4.x to 1.5.x. Is there any chance you will add extra support for rrdtool 1.5.x in the future?

    Here is the original issue:

    Kind regards, Jerry

  • Added compatibility for RRDtool 1.3.x, Added missing include

    Added compatibility for RRDtool 1.3.x, Added missing include

    • Fixed missing include warning (gcc 4.4.7-11 RHEL 6)
    • Added compatibility for RRDtool 1.3.x line (RRDtool 1.3.x does not export rrd_info_r)


    • RHEL 6 still uses RRDtool 1.3.8 in the default "supported" repositories. RHEL 6 will be supported until 2020 (End of "Production Phase 3",


    • This patch enables the RRDtool 1.3.x workaround PER DEFAULT. Please check if this breaks anything with the 1.4.x line, as I do not have access to any RRDtool 1.4.x

    This patch is equivalent to:

  • Segfault in rrd.Info()

    Segfault in rrd.Info()


    i was playing around with your rrd package and produced some segfaults using the rrd.Info() function with rrdtool 1.4.8.

    Here is my sample program:

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
      info, err := rrd.Info(os.Args[1])
      if err != nil {
      for k, v := range info {
        fmt.Println(k, ":", v)

    And the trace:

    unexpected fault address 0x0
    fatal error: fault
    [signal 0xb code=0x80 addr=0x0 pc=0x42087a]
    goroutine 1 [running]:
        /usr/lib/go/src/pkg/runtime/panic.c:464 +0x69 fp=0x7f686fd00c20
        /usr/lib/go/src/pkg/runtime/os_linux.c:237 +0xe9 fp=0x7f686fd00c38
        /usr/lib/go/src/pkg/runtime/string.goc:22 +0x1a fp=0x7f686fd00c48
    runtime.gostring(0x7f686fd00ca0, 0x208d88000000000)
        /usr/lib/go/src/pkg/runtime/string.goc:67 +0x27 fp=0x7f686fd00c80, 0x10, 0x0) +0x31 fp=0x7f686fd00c98, 0x0, 0x0, 0x8, 0x4e8580)
        /home/ushi/.go/src/ +0xd7 fp=0x7f686fd00d28, 0x0)
        /home/ushi/.go/src/ +0x477 fp=0x7f686fd00e08, 0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
        /home/ushi/.go/src/ +0xe4 fp=0x7f686fd00e38
        /tmp/test.go:10 +0x52 fp=0x7f686fd00f48
        /usr/lib/go/src/pkg/runtime/proc.c:220 +0x11f fp=0x7f686fd00fa0
        /usr/lib/go/src/pkg/runtime/proc.c:1394 fp=0x7f686fd00fa8
    goroutine 3 [syscall]:
    exit status 2

    Tell me, if you need the rrd file or additional info. My first guess is, that the string is not properly 0 terminated, but it is just a guess.

    Cheers, ushi

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