A TCP Wrapper to use QSVEncC "Remotely"*

TCP Wrapper for QSVEncC

This is a tcp wrapper implementation for QSVEncC command from QSVEnc, simply sending the input & args to the server-side, and returning the output to the client with progress info printed to stderr.

(C) 2021 Lingmo Zhu


Usage Scenario Considerable

  • QSV encoding is preferred but the machine with QSV support is not the same one (Is this a valid case?)
  • QSV is preferred in a VM, but it is hard or impossible to access it from the VM due to no GVT-g or reasonable SR-IOV support (i.e. Integrated 11th Gen Xe Graphics)


  • cmd/qsvencc-server is the server implementation, with configurable options below
    • -l --listen: tcp address to listen, with default value
    • -c --cmd-path: path to qsvencc executable, with default value qsvencc
  • cmd/qsvencc-client is the client implementation which could be a drop-in replacement of original qsvencc in the view of arguments, with additional options below
    • --remote-addr: tcp address to connect, with default value

Why Because that's the default IP address for KVM host from default bridge virbr0.

Special Note on KVM

Some configurations need to be tuned for an acceptable experience:

  • virtio NIC is strongly recommended if your input is a raw video file / stream.
  • at least mode='host-model' for the cpu configuration, or the CPU performance could be decreased dramatically.


MIT License is applied. please check LICENSE for detail.

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