Let's implement some basic ZeroMQ publisher and subscriber in Golang. Utilize Envoy as a proxy.

Envy proxy with ZeroMQ

Solution tested on DigitalOcean Droplet. In case of re-creation VM follow this article.


Let's implement some basic ZeroMQ publisher and subscriber in Golang. Utilize Envoy as a proxy.




  1. Run environment(droplet)

    docker-compose up
  2. Open another terminal's windows(workstation)

  3. Grab droplet's IP(workstation)

    export IP=$(tf output -raw public_ip)
  4. Watch logs(workstation)

  5. Run CURL command(workstation)

    curl -i --request POST   --url http://"$IP":8080/   --header 'Content-Type: application/json'   --data '{
        "title": "test",
        "content": "this is test message"
Jakub Wołynko
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Jakub Wołynko
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