Simple grpc web and grpc transcoding with Envoy

gRPC Web and gRPC Transcoding with Envoy

This is a simple stand-alone set of configurations demonstrating both gRPC Transcoding and gRPC-Web using Envoy Proxy.

This is actually nothing new and you can find a fair amount of references for each already pretty readily. I decided to write it up all within one repository as a way to refresh my knowledge since the last time i made separate samples of each years ago: grpc-transcoding-envoy, grpc_web_with_gke.

What this tutorial sets up is two independent configurations for envoy all using different mechanisms from the browser to talk to the gRPC server.

In the first, this tutorial demonstrates gRPC Transcoding where a simple gRPC client's api calls are made through REST

In the second, gRPC Web is used to show how to compile a .proto into javascript that runs on the browser.

In both Envoy is used as a proxy for the transcoding and in the other, as an intermediary to convert grpc-web to grpc (and also to do CORS)

To use this, at a minimum you will need

  • Docker
  • golang

If you want to run all of this manually, you'll also need node (10) and protoc (3.19.1)


Since this tutorial runs everything locally, we will need to setup some overrides to reference everything by DNS locally

edit /etc/hosts

The full layout of this tutorial is:

  • grpcServer: this is a simple grpc server that will run at

  • envoy: for grpc_transcoding, envoy will run at

  • envoy for grpc_web will run at

  • frontend: this is the frontend browser application for grpc_web and runs at

First get Envoy

docker cp `docker create envoyproxy/envoy-dev:latest`:/usr/local/bin/envoy .

gRPC Client Server application

To get a sense of the gRPC app, lets run just the client-server by itself.

We will be using the gRPC server for the duration of this tutorial so keep that running

cd grpc_app/

## optionally compile (you don't need to do this since the repo contains this already)
# /usr/local/bin/protoc -I ./echo    --include_imports --include_source_info   --descriptor_set_out=echo/echo.proto.pb   --go_opt=paths=source_relative   --go_out=plugins=grpc:./echo/ echo/echo.proto

# run the client/server in different shells without TLS
go run greeter_server/grpc_server.go --grpcport :50051 --insecure  
go run greeter_client/grpc_client.go --host --insecure
# now run the client/server with TLS
go run greeter_server/grpc_server.go --grpcport :50051 --tlsCert certs/grpc_server_crt.pem --tlsKey certs/grpc_server_key.pem
go run greeter_client/grpc_client.go --host --cacert certs/tls-ca.pem --servername -skipHealthCheck

Build and run the docker images locally

docker build -t grpc_app .

docker run -p 50051:50051  -t grpc_app /grpc_server  \
    --grpcport :50051
    --tlsCert /certs/grpc_server_crt.pem  \
    --tlsKey /certs/grpc_server_key.pem

docker run --net=host --add-host    -t grpc_app /grpc_client  \ --cacert /certs/tls-ca.pem  \

gRPC Transcoding

For gRPC transcoding, please see the official documentation as well as the published specification HTTP and gRPC Transcoding.

The layout of what we are running here is


so, create the transcoding image and run it

cd grpc_transcoding/
docker build -t envoy_transcoding .

docker run --net=host  -p 18080:18080 -t envoy_transcoding

Run the grpc_server

cd grpc_app
go run greeter_server/grpc_server.go --grpcport :50051 --tlsCert certs/grpc_server_crt.pem --tlsKey certs/grpc_server_key.pem

In a new shell, use curl and REST api calls to call the grpc server:

$ curl -s --cacert certs/tls-ca.pem -H "host:"
 "message": "SayHelloUnary Response cf466c3f-6509-11ec-bae1-8c8caa692a4f"
$ curl -s --cacert certs/tls-ca.pem -H "host:"
 "message": "SayHelloServerStream Response"
 "message": "SayHelloServerStream Response"
 "message": "SayHelloServerStream Response"
 "message": "SayHelloServerStream Response"
 "message": "SayHelloServerStream Response"

for POST, edit echo.proto, as shown,

  rpc SayHelloUnary (EchoRequest) returns (EchoReply) {
    option (google.api.http) = {
      post: "/echo.EchoServer/SayHelloUnary"

recompile the docker image and run

curl -vv --cacert certs/tls-ca.pem  \
   -H "host:"     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  \
   -d '{"name": "foo"}'  \

gRPC Web

For grpc-web, there are more components involved


So create the frontend image that will include the protoc compiled javascript for grpc-web:

cd frontend/
docker build -t frontend  .

# now run the image
docker run --net=host -p 8080:8080 -t frontend

# run envoy
./envoy -c proxy.yaml

If you want, check if envoy is correctly returning the CORS headers:

curl -vk --cacert CA_crt.pem -H "Origin:"     -H "Access-Control-Request-Method: GET"     -H "Access-Control-Request-Headers: Authorization, X-grpc-web"     -H "host:" -X OPTIONS

Since we are running all this locally with our own custom certificates, we will need to include the CA that singed the certs into your browser.

So, in firefox, import grpc_app/certs/tls-ca.pem file into the trust store images/cert_trust.png

Now, open up your browser and go to you should not see a certificate warning (if you do, please import the CA)

Once you go to the site, you'll see a simple text box.

What that textbox does is simply makes an CORS request to the envoy server and then makes a grpc-web call once its authorized:


The request and payload for the grpc-web calls are then made through envoy




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