Cloud-Z gathers information and perform benchmarks on cloud instances in multiple cloud providers.


Cloud-Z gathers information and perform benchmarks on cloud instances in multiple cloud providers.

  • Cloud type, instance id, and type
  • CPU information including type, number of available cores, and cache sizes
  • Benchmark CPU
  • Storage devices information
  • Benchmark storage
  • Network devices information
  • Benchmark network

Supported clouds:

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
  • Microsoft Azure

Supported platforms:

  • Windows
    • x86_64
    • arm64
  • Linux
    • x86_64
    • arm64



Cloud-Z is provided as a single binary that can be downloaded from the releases page.

$ ./cloud-z
| Cloud         | AWS                   |
| AMI           | ami-0712c70d31ba14f8a |
| Instance ID   | i-12345678900112344   |
| Instance type | t4g.nano              |
We do cool AWS stuff and way too much CloudFormation
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