A Golang protobuf plugin used to generate the necessary interfaces to interact with the database


This protobuf compiler plugin generates the Valuer and Scanner interfaces for enums defined in the proto files.

It is highly based of the code of protoc-gen-go. I just got the code, stripped out any unnecessary parts, and built this plugin.


Install it using the go install command:

go install github.com/Hellysonrp/protoc-gen-go-db-enum

Some usage examples:

protoc --plugin protoc-gen-go-db-enum --go-db-enum_out=output example.proto

protoc --plugin protoc-gen-go-db-enum --go-db-enum_out=paths=source_relative:output example.proto

If you have problems with protoc not finding the plugin in the PATH, I recommend passing the absolute path to the plugin:

protoc --plugin ${HOME}/go/bin/protoc-gen-go-db-enum --go-db-enum_out=output example.proto

protoc --plugin ${HOME}/go/bin/protoc-gen-go-db-enum --go-db-enum_out=paths=source_relative:output example.proto

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