A dependency injection library that is focused on clean API and flexibility

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Dependency injection

DI is a dependency injection library that is focused on clean API and flexibility. DI has two types of top-level abstractions: Container and Resolver. First one is responsible for accepting constructors and instances and creating abstraction bindings out of them. Second implements different instance resolution scenarios against one or more Containers.

Initially this library was heavily inspired by GoLobby Container but since then had a lot of backwards incompatible changes in structure, functionality and API. To install DI simply run in your project directory:

go get github.com/HnH/di


type Container interface {
    Singleton(constructor interface{}, opts ...Option) error
    Instance(instance interface{}, name string) error
    Factory(constructor interface{}, opts ...Option) error
    ListBindings(reflect.Type) (map[string]Binding, error)


Singleton() method requires a constructor which will return Implementation(s) of Abstraction(s). Constructor will be called once and returned Implementations(s) will later always bound to Abstraction(s) on resolution requests.

err = di.Singleton(func() (Abstraction, SecondAbstraction) {
    return Implementation, SecondImplementation

// Singleton may also accept naming option which means that returned Implementation will be available only under provided name
err = di.Singleton(func() (Abstraction) {
    return Implementation
}, di.WithName("customName"))

// Name can be provided for each of the Implementations if there are more than one
err = di.Singleton(func() (Abstraction, SecondAbstraction) {
    return Implementation, SecondImplementation
}, di.WithName("customName", "secondCustomName"))

// If there is only one Implementation returned you may give multiple aliases for it.
err = di.Singleton(func() (Abstraction) {
    return Implementation
}, di.WithName("customName", "secondCustomName"))


Factory() method requires a constructor which will return exactly one Implementation of exactly one Abstraction. Constructor will be called on each Abstraction resolution request.

err = di.Factory(func() (Abstraction) {
    return Implementation

// Factory also optionally accepts naming option which means that returned Implementation will be available only under provided name
err := di.Factory(func() (Abstraction) {
    return Implementation
}, di.WithName("customName"))


type Resolver interface {
    With(instances ...interface{}) Resolver
    Resolve(receiver interface{}, opts ...Option) error
    Call(function interface{}, opts ...Option) error
    Fill(receiver interface{}) error


Resolve() requires a receiver (pointer) of an Abstraction and fills it with appropriate Implementation.

var abs Abstraction
err = di.Resolve(&a)

// Resolution can be done with previously registered names as well
err = di.Resolve(&a, di.WithName("customName"))


The Call() executes as function with resolved Implementation as a arguments.

err = di.Call(func(a Abstraction) {
    // `a` will be an implementation of the Abstraction

// returned values can be bound to variables by providing an option
var db Database
err = di.Call(func(a Abstraction) Database {
    return &MySQL{a}
}, di.WithReturn(&db))
// db == &MySQL{a}


The Fill() method takes a struct (pointer) and resolves its fields. The example below expresses how the Fill() method works.

err = di.Singleton(func() Mailer { return &someMailer{} })

err = di.Singleton(func() (Database, Database) {
    return &MySQL{}, &Redis{} 
}, di.WithName("data", "cache"))

type App struct {
    mailer Mailer    `di:"type"`
    data   Database  `di:"name"`
    cache  Database  `di:"name"`
    x int

myApp := App{}

err := container.Fill(&myApp)

// [Typed Bindings]
// `myApp.mailer` will be an implementation of the Mailer interface

// [Named Bindings]
// `myApp.data` will be a MySQL implementation of the Database interface
// `myApp.cache` will be a Redis implementation of the Database interface

// `myApp.x` will be ignored since it has no `di` tag

Alternatively map[string]Type or []Type can be provided. It will be filled with all available implementations of provided Type.

var list []Shape

// []Shape{&Rectangle{}, &Circle{}}

var list map[string]Shape

// map[string]Shape{"square": &Rectangle{}, "rounded": &Circle{}} 
Sergey Treinis
Tech Lead / Golang software engineer
Sergey Treinis
  • Context propagation API

    Context propagation API

    type Context interface {
        Put(Container) Context
        Container() Container
        Resolver() Resolver
        Raw() context.Context

    Context propagation is possible via di.Context abstraction. Quick example:

    var container = di.NewContainer()
    var (
        ctx = di.Ctx(context.Background).Put(container)
        shp Shape
    err = ctx.Resolver().Resolve(&shp) // err == nil
  • Global method API changes and global context

    Global method API changes and global context

    type Context interface {
    	SetContainer(Container) Context
    	Container() Container
    	SetResolver(Resolver) Context
    	Resolver() Resolver
    	Raw() context.Context
  • Constructor interface. Binding WithFill() option.

    Constructor interface. Binding WithFill() option.

    Constructor implements a Construct() method which is called either after binding to container in case of singleton, either after factory method was called.

  • Fill() can fill inner structs recursively

    Fill() can fill inner structs recursively

    err = di.Singleton(func() (Database, Database) {
        return &MySQL{}, &Redis{} 
    }, di.WithName("data", "cache"))
    type App struct {
        inner  struct {
            cache Database `di:"name"`	
        } `di:"recursive"` // will be filled recursively
        another struct {
            cache Database `di:"name"`	
        } // will be ignored
    var App = App{}
    err = container.Fill(&myApp)
    // `App.inner.cache` will be a Redis implementation of the Database interface
    // `App.another` will be ignored since it has no `di` tag
  • Container.Implementation() method API changes

    Container.Implementation() method API changes

    Implementation() receives ready instance and binds it to its REAL type, which means that declared abstract variable type (interface) is ignored.

    var circle Shape = newCircle()
    err = di.Implementation(circle)
    // will return error di: no binding found for: di_test.Shape
    var a Shape
    err = di.Resolve(&a)
    // will resolve circle
    var c *Circle
    err = di.Resolve(&a)
    // also naming options can be used as everywhere
    err = di.Implementation(circle, di.WithName("customName"))
    err = di.Resolve(&c, di.WithName("customName"))
  • Container and Resolver interfaces. Resolver can resolve against multiple containers.

    Container and Resolver interfaces. Resolver can resolve against multiple containers.

    func (suite *ResolverSuite) TestResolveMultiContainer() {
    	var (
    		localContainer   = di.NewContainer()
    		localResolver, _ = di.NewResolver(localContainer, suite.container)
    	var s Shape
    	suite.Require().IsType(&Rectangle{}, s)
    	var db Database
    	suite.Require().EqualError(suite.resolver.Resolve(&db), "di: no binding found for: di_test.Database")
    	suite.Require().IsType(&MySQL{}, db)
  • Call() can return variables

    Call() can return variables

    var (
    	str string
    	db  Database
    di.Call(func(s Shape) (string, Database, error) {
    	return "mysql", &MySQL{}, nil
    }, di.WithReturn(&str, &db))
    suite.Require().Equal("mysql", str)
    suite.Require().IsType(&MySQL{}, db)
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