Plays videos using Prometheus and Grafana, e.g. Bad Apple.


Plays videos using Prometheus and Grafana, e.g. Bad Apple.



Currently 3 different modes are supported.


The bitmap mode either creates a sample or does not, depending on the brightness of the source image. It is the only mode compatible with the Prometheus UI.




The RGB mode creates a metric and sets a brightness label matching an override for each unique brightness.

This is made with 256 unique overrides.

Example coming soon.


The RGB mode creates offset metrics for red, green, and blue, and sets a brightness label matching an override for each unique color/brightness.

This is 22-bit color, made with 640 unique overrides.



A while back I thought this blog post and the corresponding source code were kind of fun. After seeing some of kevinjycui's bad apple videos I thought combining these two ideas could be an interesting (and hilariously terrible) idea.

How to use

  • Download a video e.g. bad_apple.mkv
  • Figure out the output resolution, you should scale 1:1 with height being the number of time series you want.
  • Get a png sequence ffmpeg -i bad_apple.mkv -vf "scale=180:135" -vsync 0 frames\out%06d.png
  • If you would like to make sure that the y axis doesn't change, you can add 1px white bars to each frame. e.g.
    • ffmpeg -i frames\out%06d.png -vf "crop=in_w:in_h-1:0:1,pad=iw+0:ih+1:0:1:#FFFFFF@1,format=rgb24" -y frames\out%06d.png
    • ffmpeg -i frames\out%06d.png -vf "crop=in_w:in_h-1:0:-1,pad=iw+0:ih+1:0:-1:#FFFFFF@1,format=rgb24" -y frames\out%06d.png
  • go run main.go --project="bad_apple" (use --help to see all arguments)
  • Loop over the files and send them to promtool tsdb create-blocks-from openmetrics
  • docker compose up
  • Wait for Prometheus to compact etc. so it doesn't take 20 years to render.
  • Run a script to record all the frames from the UI. (Mediocre examples are in the scripts directory.)
  • cd to wherever you stored your screenshots.
  • Generate the video file ffmpeg -framerate 30 -i '%06d.png' -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p out.mp4
  • Add sh script using promtool pinned by bingo

    Add sh script using promtool pinned by bingo

    Hey there,

    This adds a shell script, for folks that would prefer using bash or zsh instead of powershell. Also uses promtool package pinned by bingo.

    Let me know if this PR needs any modifications.

  • Fix: allow overlapping blocks

    Fix: allow overlapping blocks

    Hey there,

    Not sure if you're open to contributions nor if this is the right way to do it...

    But while trying out the project with a simple video (this one to be exact), I faced the following error when running promtool tsdb create-blocks-from openmetrics [...]:

    prometheus_1  | level=error ts=2021-08-12T03:12:17.882Z caller=db.go:766 component=tsdb msg=reloadBlocks err="invalid block sequence: block time ranges overlap: [mint: 1628676000000, maxt: 1628676299001, range: 4m59s, blocks: 2]: <ulid: 01FCW4B0D0C46EF2YZDG3YWJ0J, mint: 1628676000000, maxt: 1628676299001, range: 4m59s>, <ulid: 01FCW52YXKKZ8HPXZY2QY5R5FS, mint: 1628676000000, maxt: 1628676299001, range: 4m59s>\n[mint: 1628640000000, maxt: 1628647199001, range: 1h59m59s, blocks: 2]: <ulid: 01FCW521C9JHXC2S7MMEWN72AQ, mint: 1628640000000, maxt: 1628647199001, range: 1h59m59s>, <ulid: 01FCW514MC9DAVTAJBBSTDR5P7, mint: 1628640000000, maxt: 1628661599001, range: 5h59m59s>\n[mint: 1628647200000, maxt: 1628654399001, range: 1h59m59s, blocks: 2]: <ulid: 01FCW514MC9DAVTAJBBSTDR5P7, mint: 1628640000000, maxt: 1628661599001, range: 5h59m59s>, <ulid: 01FCW527GHM1V3BTMGWJXSZ3JC, mint: 1628647200000, maxt: 1628654399001, range: 1h59m59s>\n[mint: 1628654400000, maxt: 1628661599001, range: 1h59m59s, blocks: 2]: <ulid: 01FCW514MC9DAVTAJBBSTDR5P7, mint: 1628640000000, maxt: 1628661599001, range: 5h59m59s>, <ulid: 01FCW52DHMMZCKX6PPTAEVVM9A, mint: 1628654400000, maxt: 1628661599001, range: 1h59m59s>\n[mint: 1628661600000, maxt: 1628668799001, range: 1h59m59s, blocks: 2]: <ulid: 01FCW52KK7F98KR9N1G9D4VPYG, mint: 1628661600000, maxt: 1628668799001, range: 1h59m59s>, <ulid: 01FCW5153RF2BMBBGXMCAW5916, mint: 1628661600000, maxt: 1628668799001, range: 1h59m59s>\n[mint: 1628668800000, maxt: 1628675999001, range: 1h59m59s, blocks: 2]: <ulid: 01FCW52ST0Q92GDK8DC85CYFNS, mint: 1628668800000, maxt: 1628675999001, range: 1h59m59s>, <ulid: 01FCW4AV94BCM4ZD6RHK1Z3M37, mint: 1628668800000, maxt: 1628675999001, range: 1h59m59s>"
    prometheus_1  | level=info ts=2021-08-12T03:12:50.308Z caller=compact.go:692 component=tsdb msg="Found overlapping blocks during compaction" ulid=01FCW5J83D5PWCKMJ5P9FD4H3X
    prometheus_1  | level=info ts=2021-08-12T03:12:50.454Z caller=compact.go:454 component=tsdb msg="compact blocks" count=4 mint=1628640000000 maxt=1628661599001 ulid=01FCW5J83D5PWCKMJ5P9FD4H3X sources="[01FCW514MC9DAVTAJBBSTDR5P7 01FCW521C9JHXC2S7MMEWN72AQ 01FCW527GHM1V3BTMGWJXSZ3JC 01FCW52DHMMZCKX6PPTAEVVM9A]" duration=245.7086ms
    prometheus_1  | level=error ts=2021-08-12T03:12:52.058Z caller=db.go:780 component=tsdb msg="compaction failed" err="reloadBlocks blocks: invalid block sequence: block time ranges overlap: [mint: 1628661600000, maxt: 1628668799001, range: 1h59m59s, blocks: 2]: <ulid: 01FCW5153RF2BMBBGXMCAW5916, mint: 1628661600000, maxt: 1628668799001, range: 1h59m59s>, <ulid: 01FCW52KK7F98KR9N1G9D4VPYG, mint: 1628661600000, maxt: 1628668799001, range: 1h59m59s>\n[mint: 1628668800000, maxt: 1628675999001, range: 1h59m59s, blocks: 2]: <ulid: 01FCW4AV94BCM4ZD6RHK1Z3M37, mint: 1628668800000, maxt: 1628675999001, range: 1h59m59s>, <ulid: 01FCW52ST0Q92GDK8DC85CYFNS, mint: 1628668800000, maxt: 1628675999001, range: 1h59m59s>\n[mint: 1628676000000, maxt: 1628676299001, range: 4m59s, blocks: 2]: <ulid: 01FCW52YXKKZ8HPXZY2QY5R5FS, mint: 1628676000000, maxt: 1628676299001, range: 4m59s>, <ulid: 01FCW4B0D0C46EF2YZDG3YWJ0J, mint: 1628676000000, maxt: 1628676299001, range: 4m59s>"
    prometheus_1  | level=error ts=2021-08-12T03:14:53.812Z caller=db.go:766 component=tsdb msg=reloadBlocks err="invalid block sequence: block time ranges overlap: [mint: 1628676000000, maxt: 1628676299001, range: 4m59s, blocks: 2]: <ulid: 01FCW4B0D0C46EF2YZDG3YWJ0J, mint: 1628676000000, maxt: 1628676299001, range: 4m59s>, <ulid: 01FCW52YXKKZ8HPXZY2QY5R5FS, mint: 1628676000000, maxt: 1628676299001, range: 4m59s>\n[mint: 1628640000000, maxt: 1628647199001, range: 1h59m59s, blocks: 2]: <ulid: 01FCW521C9JHXC2S7MMEWN72AQ, mint: 1628640000000, maxt: 1628647199001, range: 1h59m59s>, <ulid: 01FCW514MC9DAVTAJBBSTDR5P7, mint: 1628640000000, maxt: 1628661599001, range: 5h59m59s>\n[mint: 1628647200000, maxt: 1628654399001, range: 1h59m59s, blocks: 2]: <ulid: 01FCW514MC9DAVTAJBBSTDR5P7, mint: 1628640000000, maxt: 1628661599001, range: 5h59m59s>, <ulid: 01FCW527GHM1V3BTMGWJXSZ3JC, mint: 1628647200000, maxt: 1628654399001, range: 1h59m59s>\n[mint: 1628654400000, maxt: 1628661599001, range: 1h59m59s, blocks: 2]: <ulid: 01FCW514MC9DAVTAJBBSTDR5P7, mint: 1628640000000, maxt: 1628661599001, range: 5h59m59s>, <ulid: 01FCW52DHMMZCKX6PPTAEVVM9A, mint: 1628654400000, maxt: 1628661599001, range: 1h59m59s>\n[mint: 1628661600000, maxt: 1628668799001, range: 1h59m59s, blocks: 2]: <ulid: 01FCW52KK7F98KR9N1G9D4VPYG, mint: 1628661600000, maxt: 1628668799001, range: 1h59m59s>, <ulid: 01FCW5153RF2BMBBGXMCAW5916, mint: 1628661600000, maxt: 1628668799001, range: 1h59m59s>\n[mint: 1628668800000, maxt: 1628675999001, range: 1h59m59s, blocks: 2]: <ulid: 01FCW4AV94BCM4ZD6RHK1Z3M37, mint: 1628668800000, maxt: 1628675999001, range: 1h59m59s>, <ulid: 01FCW52ST0Q92GDK8DC85CYFNS, mint: 1628668800000, maxt: 1628675999001, range: 1h59m59s>"

    It went away simply enabling the storage.tsdb.allow-overlapping-blocks as described in the docs:

    A simple warning is shown now and backfill proceeds as expected

    prometheus_1  | level=info ts=2021-08-12T03:36:56.469Z caller=compact.go:692 component=tsdb msg="Found overlapping blocks during compaction" ulid=01FCW6YCC5TREHFSPCD8F6KD6J
    prometheus_1  | level=info ts=2021-08-12T03:36:57.462Z caller=compact.go:454 component=tsdb msg="compact blocks" count=8 mint=1629266400000 maxt=1629331199001 ulid=01FCW6YCC5TREHFSPCD8F6KD6J sources="[01FCW6WGGW3GGZ1F6X9KYBBDKK 01FCW6WQ6K2BFBKDDKR45QAAAQ 01FCW6WY7CPTAJFEVT6NBRCZK9 01FCW6X5393PBK8C3CEFX1WRDX 01FCW6XC0MR7CKVTMTZK2B1P12 01FCW6XK4MTGEY093JD5A78Q85 01FCW6XRPE4C8C53MPNB5J50M0 01FCW6Y5NZZRMHFQ1TXHR88JVT]" duration=1.0261382s
    prometheus_1  | level=warn ts=2021-08-12T03:36:57.597Z caller=db.go:1084 component=tsdb msg="Overlapping blocks found during reloadBlocks" detail="[mint: 1629331200000, maxt: 1629338399001, range: 1h59m59s, blocks: 2]: <ulid: 01FCW6YCDRTMSPCZQWM05FXQ2J, mint: 1629331200000, maxt: 1629338399001, range: 1h59m59s>, <ulid: 01FCW64189DDKV7ACDJG5V0RV9, mint: 1629331200000, maxt: 1629352799001, range: 5h59m59s>"
    prometheus_1  | level=info ts=2021-08-12T03:36:57.617Z caller=db.go:1239 component=tsdb msg="Deleting obsolete block" block=01FCW6WGGW3GGZ1F6X9KYBBDKK
    prometheus_1  | level=info ts=2021-08-12T03:36:57.638Z caller=db.go:1239 component=tsdb msg="Deleting obsolete block" block=01FCW6WY7CPTAJFEVT6NBRCZK9

    Let me know if this PR needs any modifications.

  • Fix / simplify mode descriptions in readme

    Fix / simplify mode descriptions in readme

    Fixes use of "rgb" where "grayscale" should have been used.

    Also removing specific numbers around overrides since the total number has changed at various points / in different videos. Later I may add support for adjustable bit depth per channel.

  • Update docs

    Update docs

    • Adds preview image/gif for every mode.
    • Updates docs for latest version of grafana-image-renderer-cli.
    • Moves usage/installation docs to the docs folder.
    • Makes renderer usage docs a lot easier to read.
    • Other misc improvements.
  • Switch to Grafana 8.0

    Switch to Grafana 8.0

    This PR switches to Grafana 8 and Image Renderer 3.

    I've kept the old dashboard, which behaves almost the same as before. It takes about 5-10% less time to render each frame versus Grafana 7.

    I've also added a new dashboard which uses the new Time Series panel (pvr-dash-8), which takes about 50-60% less time to render each frame versus the old Graph panel. The downside is that it looks (in my opinion) slightly worse, as the horizontal gaps between pixels are slightly easier to see.

    For the new dashboard, I just wrote jsonnet for the overrides since I couldn't find anything in the grafana libraries for the Time Series panel. You have to manually paste the output in the grafana-created dashboard json.

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