A Godot plugin to read Arduino serial input


A Godot plugin to read Arduino serial input



Build binaries

Windows 10 64-bit

  • In Powershell run these commands
git clone --depth=1 [email protected]:Superwaitsum/GDSercomm.git
cd .\GDSercomm\
git clone --depth=1 [email protected]:GodotNativeTools/godot_headers.git
git clone --depth=1 [email protected]:ingeniamc/sercomm.git
cd .\sercomm\
cmake -S. -Bbuild
cmake --build build
cd ..
cp .\sercomm\build\config.h .\sercomm\include\public\sercomm\
mkdir lib
cp .\sercomm\build\Debug\sercomm.lib .\lib\
cp .\sercomm\build\Debug\sercomm.dll .\lib\
scons p=windows
cp .\lib\sercomm.lib .\bin\
  • Now you should have all your .dll in the GDSercomm/bin folder

Ubuntu 18.04

  • In terminal run these commands
git clone --depth=1 [email protected]:Superwaitsum/GDSercomm.git
cd GDSercomm/
git clone --depth=1 [email protected]:GodotNativeTools/godot_headers.git
git clone --depth=1 [email protected]:ingeniamc/sercomm.git
cd sercomm/
cmake -H. -Bbuild
cmake --build build
cd ..
cp sercomm/build/config.h sercomm/include/public/sercomm/
mkdir lib
cp sercomm/build/libsercomm.so lib/
scons p=linux
cp lib/libsercomm.so bin/
cp bin/libsercomm.so /usr/lib
  • Now you should have all your .so in the GDSercomm/bin folder


  • OBS! This is not tested because I don't own a OSX computer
  • In terminal run these commands
git clone --depth=1 [email protected]:Superwaitsum/GDSercomm.git
cd GDSercomm/
git clone --depth=1 [email protected]:GodotNativeTools/godot_headers.git
git clone --depth=1 [email protected]:ingeniamc/sercomm.git
cd sercomm/
cmake -H. -Bbuild
cmake --build build
cd ..
cp sercomm/build/config.h sercomm/include/public/sercomm/
mkdir lib
cp sercomm/build/libsercomm.dylib lib/
scons p=osx
cp lib/libsercomm.dylib bin/
# it is not easy to get permissions to modify /usr/lib, might not be needed?
cp bin/libsercomm.dylib /usr/lib
sudo update_dyld_shared_cache
  • Now you should have all your .dylib in the GDSercomm/bin folder


  • Git clone repo into your addons folder in the root of your project.
  • Inside the editor got to Project->Projects Settings->Plugins and activate "Serial Communication"



Joel Setterberg
Just doing my best enjoying the things I love
Joel Setterberg
  • how do i use the serial input?

    how do i use the serial input?

    hello! i am kind of new with godot and this is not an issue really but a question. From the plugin window i can see that the data is arriving but i can't understand how i can access the data from my code to use it.

  • No nativescript_init inside Windows 64bit sercomm.dll file

    No nativescript_init inside Windows 64bit sercomm.dll file

    Following the instructions on how to build the binaries for Windows 64bit will result in an No nativescript_init in sercomm.dll file.

    Could this be due to Visual Studio 16 2019 C compiler has changed and need some more options set?

  • RichTextLabel can not add a integer to text.

    RichTextLabel can not add a integer to text.

    For some reason

    res://addons/GDSerCommDock/MenuLogic.gd:45 - Invalid type in function 'add_text' in base 'RichTextLabel'. Cannot convert argument 1 from int to String.

    when reading from serial.

    My input look something like "0.86,0.83"

  • Add gitpod config

    Add gitpod config

    this commit adds support for Gitpod.io, a free automated dev environment that makes contributing and generally working on GitHub projects much easier. It allows anyone to start a ready-to-code dev environment for any branch, issue and pull request with a single click.

  • When plugin active

    When plugin active "Nonexistent function 'get_available'" error occures

    It seems that the function get_available in MenuLogic.gd isn't found when run as a tool.

    I builds the binaries with the instructions in the README.md

    I have tried scons p=platform and scons p=windows

    OS: Windows 10


    res://addons/GDSerCommDock/MenuLogic.gd:41 - Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'get_available' in base 'Reference (GDSerComm.gdns)'.

  • There is no way to indicate flow control

    There is no way to indicate flow control

    There are devices, such as the Arduino 33 BLE Sense, whose serial communication requires hardware-level flow control. Currently I can not find how to accomplish this within the plugin (nor am I sure that gdsercomm or sercomm support it after a quick glance at the repos).

    Implementing the ability to choose between RTS/CTS would be enough for my immediate purposes personally, but I figure support would also include DTR/DSR as well as XON/XOFF software-based flow control.

  • Build on Ubuntu 21.20

    Build on Ubuntu 21.20

    I tried to build Linux binary. The library built successfully

    Distro: Pop OS (based Ubuntu 21.20) Godot 3.4.1.stable

    but got this error when running the project

    E 0:00:00.540 init_library: No nativescript_init in "res://addons/GDSerCommDock/bin/libGDSercomm.so" found <C++ Source> modules/gdnative/nativescript/nativescript.cpp:1510 @ init_library()

  • Look into using LibSercomm from Vcpkg

    Look into using LibSercomm from Vcpkg

    The libsercomm dependency is now a part of the vcpkg repo.


    This means we could potentially just get it from there instead of trying to build it ourselves.

  • Have a version released to Godot Marketplace

    Have a version released to Godot Marketplace

    As a user of GDSercommPlugin I want to be able to download the plugin from Godot Marketplace when integrating it in my game.

    What do we need to address before this is possible?

    • How do you deploy a plugin in Marketplace?
    • Automated CD/CI of the binaries for all plattforms:
      • Mac OSX
      • Windows
      • Linux
      • Android?
      • IOS?
    • Automated CD/CI for deploying working builds to marketplace
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