Protoc plugin to generate contract tests for gRPC in Go

Deal - Go

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This plugin allows us to write Consumer-Driver Contracts tests!

Usage example

Proto service

First you need a proto service and add an option to it using our plugin providing the contract path:

syntax = "proto3";

import "google/protobuf/struct.proto";
import "deal/v1/contract/annotations.proto";

option go_package = "YOUR_PACKAGE_HERE/example";

message RequestMessage {
  string requestField = 1;

message ResponseMessage {
  int64 responseField = 1;

service MyService {
  rpc MyMethod(RequestMessage) returns (ResponseMessage);

  option(deal.v1.contract.deal_contract) = {
    contract_file: "contract.json"

Contract file

After that you need to write the contract that should be respected, the contract is written as a JSON file. You can set both, Success and Failures cases:

  "name": "Some Name Here",
  "services": {
    "MyService": {
      "MyMethod": {
        "successCases": [
            "description": "Should do something",
            "request": {
              "requestField": "VALUE"
            "response": {
              "responseField": "RETURN_VALUE"
        "failureCases": [
            "description": "Some description here",
            "request": {
              "requestField": "ANOTHER_VALUE"
            "error": {
              "errorCode": "NotFound",
              "message": "ANOTHER_VALUE NotFound"

Generating code

If you're using buf just add the following entry and execute buf generate:

version: v1beta1
  - name: go-deal
    out: protogen
    opt: paths=source_relative

Disclaimer: You must be using go-grpc in order to make the things work

To use the generated client you can just import it from the generated module:

import "YOUR_PACKAGE_HERE/example"

func main() {
	  contractClient := example.MyServiceContractClient{}

	  // TODO: Add the rest of the example here
  • Support `protoreflect.Map` field type

    Support `protoreflect.Map` field type

    We need to support the protoreflect.Map in our processor field function that formats the message to its string representation!

    • [ ] Make the function works correctly withprotoreflect.Map
    • [ ] Write tests to stress as many possibilities as possible
  • Validate `Enum` values

    Validate `Enum` values

    Now we're not validation the possible Enum values, so if there's a proto file like this:

    syntax = "proto3";
    message RequestMessage {}
    message ResponseMessage {
      enum MyTest {
        ONE = 0;
        TWO = 1;
      int64 responseField = 1;
      MyTest myTest = 2;
    service MyService {
      rpc MyMethod(RequestMessage) returns (ResponseMessage);

    And this contract file:

      "name": "Some Name Here",
      "services": {
        "MyService": {
          "MyMethod": {
            "successCases": [
                "description": "Should do something",
                "request": {
                  "requestField": "VALUE"
                "response": {
                  "responseField": 42,
                  "myTest": 4

    Everything will work but we don't have four Enum options, just two (ONE, TWO) and something like this code below will be generate and probably can lead some errros:

    return &ResponseMessage{MyTest: 4, ResponseField: 42}
    • [ ] Validates possible Enum values
    • [ ] It'll be great to allow the user pass ONE instead of 0
  • Support `protoreflect.EnumNumber` field type

    Support `protoreflect.EnumNumber` field type

    We need to support the protoreflect.EnumNumber in our processor field function that formats the message to its string representation!

    • [ ] Make the function works correctly withprotoreflect.EnumNumber
    • [ ] Write tests to stress as many possibilities as possible
  • Support `protoreflect.List` field type

    Support `protoreflect.List` field type

    We need to support the protoreflect.List in our processor field function that formats the message to its string representation!

    • [ ] Make the function works correctly withprotoreflect.List
    • [ ] Write tests to stress as many possibilities as possible
  • Support `protoreflect.Message` field type

    Support `protoreflect.Message` field type

    We need to support the protoreflect.Message in our processor field function that formats the message to its string representation!

    • [ ] Make the function works correctly withprotoreflect.Message
    • [ ] Write tests to stress as many possibilities as possible
  • Update `` with examples of how to use `deal`

    Update `` with examples of how to use `deal`

    We need to put some usage examples of deal:

    • [ ] Normal client
    • [ ] Stub client
    • [ ] Server test

    As inspiration you can see our example project faunists/deal-go-example

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