Personal-Solana-Wallet - Create your personal wallet on Solana blockchain

Personal Wallet on Solana using Go ♾️

Setting up environment

  • Installation of Cobra Go package
go get -u
  • Installation of Solana-go-sdk package
go get -u[email protected]

Getting Started

  • Clone this repository
git clone

cd Personal-Solana-Wallet
  • Available CLI commands
└─# go run main.go

A CLI wallet application created in Go that interacts with the Solana blockchain.

  personal-wallet [command]

Available Commands:
  completion     Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  createWallet   Creates a new wallet
  help           Help about any command
  importWallet   Imports and existing wallet
  requestAirdrop Request airdrop in Solana
  transfer       Transfer SOL

  -h, --help     help for personal-wallet
  -t, --toggle   Help message for toggle

Use "personal-wallet [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Features and Usage

  • Creating personal Wallet
  • Fetching the personal Wallet
  • Airdrop SOL
  • Transferring SOL

  • Create your personal Wallet
go run main.go createWallet
  • Fetch the personal Wallet
go run main.go importWallet
  • Airdrop SOL to the Wallet - Maximum 5 SOL in one transaction
go run main.go requestAirdrop 3

We can check the transaction hash on the Solana explorer to confirm the transaction.

  • Transferring SOL to another address
go run main.go transfer <recepient public address> <amount in SOL>
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