DERO: Secure, Anonymous Blockchain with Smart Contracts. Subscribe to Dero announcements by sending mail to [email protected] with subject: subscribe announcements

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Table of Contents

  2. DERO Crypto
  4. Technical
  5. DERO blockchain salient features
  6. DERO Innovations
    1. Dero DAG
    2. Client Protocol
    3. Dero Rocket Bulletproofs
    4. 51% Attack Resistant
  7. DERO Mining
  8. DERO Installation
    1. Installation From Source
    2. Installation From Binary
  9. Next Step After DERO Installation
    1. Running DERO Daemon
    2. Running DERO wallet
      1. DERO Cmdline Wallet
      2. DERO WebWallet
      3. DERO Gui Wallet
  10. DERO Explorer
  11. Proving DERO Transactions


        DERO is decentralized DAG(Directed Acyclic Graph) based blockchain with enhanced reliability, privacy, security, and usability. Consensus algorithm is PoW based on DERO AstroBWT: ASIC/FPGA/GPU resistant CPU mining algorithm . DERO is industry leading and the first blockchain to have bulletproofs, TLS encrypted Network.
        DERO is the first crypto project to combine a Proof of Work blockchain with a DAG block structure and wholly anonymous transactions based on CryptoNote Protocol. The fully distributed ledger processes transactions with a twelve-second average block time and is secure against majority hashrate attacks. DERO will be the first CryptoNote blockchain to have smart contracts on its native chain without any extra layers or secondary blockchains. At present DERO have Smart Contracts on testnet.

DERO Crypto

        Secure and fast crypto is the basic necessity of this project and adequate amount of time has been devoted to develop/study/implement/audit it. Most of the crypto such as ring signatures have been studied by various researchers and are in production by number of projects. As far as the Bulletproofs are considered, since DERO is the first one to implement/deploy, they have been given a more detailed look. First, a bare bones bulletproofs was implemented, then implementations in development were studied (Benedict Bunz,XMR, Dalek Bulletproofs) and thus improving our own implementation.
        Some new improvements were discovered and implemented (There are number of other improvements which are not explained here). Major improvements are in the Double-Base Double-Scalar Multiplication while validating bulletproofs. A typical bulletproof takes ~15-17 ms to verify. Optimised bulletproofs takes ~1 to ~2 ms(simple bulletproof, no aggregate/batching). Since, in the case of bulletproofs the bases are fixed, we can use precompute table to convert 64*2 Base Scalar multiplication into doublings and additions (NOTE: We do not use Bos-Coster/Pippienger methods). This time can be again easily decreased to .5 ms with some more optimizations. With batching and aggregation, 5000 range-proofs (~2500 TX) can be easily verified on even a laptop. The implementation for bulletproofs is in , optimized version is in

        There are other optimizations such as base-scalar multiplication could be done in less than a microsecond. Some of these optimizations are not yet deployed and may be deployed at a later stage.


P2P Default Port: 20202
RPC Default Port: 20206
Wallet RPC Default Port: 20209

P2P Default Port: 30303
RPC Default Port: 30306
Wallet RPC Default Port: 30309


        For specific details of current DERO core (daemon) implementation and capabilities, see below:

  1. DAG: No orphan blocks, No soft-forks.
  2. BulletProofs: Zero Knowledge range-proofs(NIZK)
  3. Cryptonight Hash: This is memory-bound algorithm. This provides assurance that all miners are equal. ( No miner has any advantage over common miners).
  4. P2P Protocol: This layers controls exchange of blocks, transactions and blockchain itself.
  5. Pederson Commitment: (Part of ring confidential transactions): Pederson commitment algorithm is a cryptographic primitive that allows user to commit to a chosen value while keeping it hidden to others. Pederson commitment is used to hide all amounts without revealing the actual amount. It is a homomorphic commitment scheme.
  6. Borromean Signature: (Part of ring confidential transactions): Borromean Signatures are used to prove that the commitment has a specific value, without revealing the value itself.
  7. Additive Homomorphic Encryption: Additive Homomorphic Encryption is used to prove that sum of encrypted Input transaction amounts is EQUAL to sum of encrypted output amounts. This is based on Homomorphic Pederson commitment scheme.
  8. Multilayered Linkable Spontaneous Anonymous Group (MLSAG) : (Part of ring confidential transactions): MLSAG gives DERO untraceability and increases privacy and fungibility. MLSAG is a user controlled parameter ( Mixin) which the user can change to improve his privacy. Mixin of minimal amount is enforced and user cannot disable it.
  9. Ring Confidential Transactions: Gives untraceability , privacy and fungibility while making sure that the system is stable and secure.
  10. Core-Consensus Protocol implemented: Consensus protocol serves 2 major purpose
  11. Protects the system from adversaries and protects it from forking and tampering.
  12. Next block in the chain is the one and only correct version of truth ( balances).
  13. Proof-of-Work(PoW) algorithm: PoW part of core consensus protocol which is used to cryptographically prove that X amount of work has been done to successfully find a block.
  14. Difficulty algorithm: Difficulty algorithm controls the system so as blocks are found roughly at the same speed, irrespective of the number and amount of mining power deployed.
  15. Serialization/De-serialization of blocks: Capability to encode/decode/process blocks .
  16. Serialization/De-serialization of transactions: Capability to encode/decode/process transactions.
  17. Transaction validity and verification: Any transactions flowing within the DERO network are validated,verified.
  18. Socks proxy: Socks proxy has been implemented and integrated within the daemon to decrease user identifiability and improve user anonymity.
  19. Interactive daemon can print blocks, txs, even entire blockchain from within the daemon
  20. status, diff, print_bc, print_block, print_tx and several other commands implemented
  21. GO DERO Daemon has both mainnet, testnet support.
  22. Enhanced Reliability, Privacy, Security, Useability, Portabilty assured.

DERO blockchain salient features

DERO Innovations

        Following are DERO first and leading innovations.


        DERO DAG implementation builds outs a main chain from the DAG network of blocks which refers to main blocks (100% reward) and side blocks (8% rewards).

DERO DAG Screenshot Live

DERO DAG Screenshot Live

Client Protocol

        Traditional Blockchains process blocks as single unit of computation(if a double-spend tx occurs within the block, entire block is rejected). However DERO network accepts such blocks since DERO blockchain considers transaction as a single unit of computation.DERO blocks may contain duplicate or double-spend transactions which are filtered by client protocol and ignored by the network. DERO DAG processes transactions atomically one transaction at a time.

DERO Rocket Bulletproofs

  • Dero ultrafast bulletproofs optimization techniques in the form used did not exist anywhere in publicly available cryptography literature at the time of implementation. Please contact for any source/reference to include here if it exists. Ultrafast optimizations verifies Dero bulletproofs 10 times faster than other/original bulletproof implementations. See:

  • DERO rocket bulletproof implementations are hardened, which protects DERO from certain class of attacks.

  • DERO rocket bulletproof transactions structures are not compatible with other implementations.

        Also there are several optimizations planned in near future in Dero rocket bulletproofs which will lead to several times performance boost. Presently they are under study for bugs, verifications, compatibilty etc.

51% Attack Resistant

        DERO DAG implementation builds outs a main chain from the DAG network of blocks which refers to main blocks (100% reward) and side blocks (8% rewards). Side blocks contribute to chain PoW security and thus traditional 51% attacks are not possible on DERO network. If DERO network finds another block at the same height, instead of choosing one, DERO include both blocks. Thus, rendering the 51% attack futile.

DERO Mining


DERO Installation

        DERO is written in golang and very easy to install both from source and binary.

Installation From Source

  1. Install Golang, Golang version 1.12.12 required.
  2. In go workspace: go get -u
  3. Check go workspace bin folder for binaries.
  4. For example on Linux machine following binaries will be created:
    1. derod-linux-amd64 -> DERO daemon.
    2. dero-wallet-cli-linux-amd64 -> DERO cmdline wallet.
    3. explorer-linux-amd64 -> DERO Explorer. Yes, DERO has prebuilt personal explorer also for advance privacy users.

Installation From Binary

        Download DERO binaries for ARM, INTEL, MAC platform and Windows, Mac, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Linux etc. operating systems.
Most users required following binaries:
Windows 7-10, Server 64bit/amd64
Windows 32bit/x86/386
Linux 64bit/amd64
Linux 32bit/x86
FreeBSD 64bit/amd64
OpenBSD 64bit/amd64
Mac OS
Contact for support of other hardware and OS.

Next Step After DERO Installation

        Running DERO daemon supports DERO network and shows your support to privacy.

Running DERO Daemon

        Run derod.exe or derod-linux-amd64 depending on your operating system. It will start syncing.

  1. DERO daemon core cryptography is highly optimized and fast.
  2. Use dedicated machine and SSD for best results.
  3. VPS with 2-4 Cores, 4GB RAM, 60GB disk is recommended.

DERO Daemon
DERO Daemon Screenshot

Running DERO Wallet

Dero cmdline wallet is most reliable and has support of all functions. Cmdline wallet is most secure and reliable.

DERO Cmdline Wallet

        DERO cmdline wallet is menu based and very easy to operate. Use various options to create, recover, transfer balance etc.
NOTE: DERO cmdline wallet by default connects DERO daemon running on local machine on port 20206.
If DERO daemon is not running start DERO wallet with --remote option like following:
./dero-wallet-cli-linux-amd64 --remote

DERO Wallet
DERO Cmdline Wallet Screenshot


        Web Wallet runs in your browser, your seeds, keys etc. never leave your browser.


        Download DERO GUI Wallet

DERO Explorer

DERO Explorer is used to check and confirm transaction on DERO Network.
DERO users can run their own explorer on local machine and can browse on local machine port 8080.
DERO Explorer DERO EXPLORER Screenshot

Proving DERO Transactions

DERO blockchain is completely private, so anyone cannot view, confirm, verify any other's wallet balance or any transactions. So to prove any transaction you require Tx private key and receiver address.
Tx private key can be obtained using get_tx_key command in dero-wallet-cli.
Enter the Tx private key and receiver address in DERO EXPLORER
DERO Explorer Proving Transaction DERO Explorer Proving Transaction

  • A security vulnerability submission

    A security vulnerability submission

    Hello, I found a vulnerability which can dos nodes. I want to know how to submit vulnerability details and vulnerability reward rules. You can contact me through TG(@RedTeamPing).

  • Multi sig support to create a gambling website?

    Multi sig support to create a gambling website?

    Really great project! I love it! I mined it, it tested transactions, very fast, really impressive work!

    I started about 2 weeks ago developing in PHP on a online gambling website that will be hosted on i2p and I would like to create multisig addresses to ensure best protection for my users.

    Where can I find some documentation of how to use multi signature addresses? I ask for a small snippet that creates multi signature addresses and creates transaction using multi sig. Thx

  • Installation from source: `go get -u` does not compile on Arch Linux

    Installation from source: `go get -u` does not compile on Arch Linux

    Installation from source: go get -u does not compile.

    Here is Dockerfile :

    FROM archlinux:latest
    RUN echo 2022-01-08 # you can update this line to enforce refresh instead of using --no-cache
    RUN pacman -Syyu --noconfirm && \
    pacman -S --noconfirm \
           git base-devel  \
           screen tmux \
           go go-tools \
           aria2 htop
    RUN useradd -m -G tty,users,wheel -s /bin/bash --user-group -u 1532 dero
    USER dero
    RUN go get -u

    Building with: docker build -m 8096m . -t arch_dero fails with following output:

    go: downloading v0.0.0-20160126235308-23def4e6c14b
    go: downloading v0.0.0-20190318233801-ac98e3ecb4b0
    go: downloading v0.2.0
    go: downloading v1.0.0
    go get: installing executables with 'go get' in module mode is deprecated.
            Use 'go install pkg@version' instead.
            For more information, see
            or run 'go help get' or 'go help install'.
    home/dero/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/cmd/explorer/explorer.go:104:14: undefined: jsonrpc.NewRPCClient
    home/dero/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/cmd/explorer/explorer.go:119:28: rpcClient.Call undefined (type *jsonrpc.RPCClient is pointer to interface, not interface)
    home/dero/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/cmd/explorer/explorer.go:226:29: rpcClient.CallNamed undefined (type *jsonrpc.RPCClient is pointer to interface, not interface)
    home/dero/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/cmd/explorer/explorer.go:239:29: rpcClient.CallNamed undefined (type *jsonrpc.RPCClient is pointer to interface, not interface)
    home/dero/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/cmd/explorer/explorer.go:599:28: rpcClient.Call undefined (type *jsonrpc.RPCClient is pointer to interface, not interface)
    home/dero/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/cmd/explorer/explorer.go:679:28: rpcClient.Call undefined (type *jsonrpc.RPCClient is pointer to interface, not interface)
    home/dero/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/cmd/explorer/explorer.go:750:28: rpcClient.Call undefined (type *jsonrpc.RPCClient is pointer to interface, not interface)
    home/dero/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/cmd/explorer/explorer.go:846:28: rpcClient.Call undefined (type *jsonrpc.RPCClient is pointer to interface, not interface)
    home/dero/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/walletapi/daemon_communication.go:110:14: undefined: "".NewRPCClient
    home/dero/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/walletapi/daemon_communication.go:113:28: rpcClient.Call undefined (type *"".RPCClient is pointer to interface, not interface)
    home/dero/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/walletapi/daemon_communication.go:223:28: rpcClient.CallNamed undefined (type *"".RPCClient is pointer to interface, not interface)
    home/dero/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/storage/badgerdb.go:62:6: opts.Dir undefined (type func(string) badger.Options has no field or method Dir)
    home/dero/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/storage/badgerdb.go:63:6: opts.ValueDir undefined (type func(string) badger.Options has no field or method ValueDir)
    home/dero/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/storage/badgerdb.go:67:7: opts.TableLoadingMode undefined (type func(string) badger.Options has no field or method TableLoadingMode)
    home/dero/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/storage/badgerdb.go:68:7: opts.ValueLogLoadingMode undefined (type func(string) badger.Options has no field or method ValueLogLoadingMode)
    home/dero/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/storage/badgerdb.go:70:7: opts.TableLoadingMode undefined (type func(string) badger.Options has no field or method TableLoadingMode)
    home/dero/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/storage/badgerdb.go:71:7: opts.ValueLogLoadingMode undefined (type func(string) badger.Options has no field or method ValueLogLoadingMode)
    home/dero/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/storage/badgerdb.go:75:24: cannot use opts (type func(string) badger.Options) as type badger.Options in argument to badger.Open
    home/dero/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/storage/badgerdb.go:120:20: too many arguments in call to b.tx.Commit
            have (nil)
            want ()
  • cannot compile from the source

    cannot compile from the source


    I have tried compiling the project from its source by following the doc, but it failed:

    When trying to install the derosuite with go get -u I have the following error:

    go get -u                                                                                                                                                          
    go: downloading v2.1.5+incompatible
    go: downloading v1.1.0
    go: downloading v1.6.2
    go: downloading v0.0.0-20180603132655-2972be24d48e
    go: downloading v1.3.5
    go: downloading v1.1.0
    go: downloading v0.0.0-20150115210727-5cc570678d1b
    go: downloading v0.3.0
    go: downloading v0.0.0-20160722084837-9365ae6e95d2
    go: downloading v1.0.0
    go: downloading v1.0.0
    go: downloading v0.0.0-20180111231733-ee0de3bc6815
    go: downloading v3.5.1+incompatible
    go: downloading v0.0.0-20170329170629-f846ae58a1ab
    go: downloading v0.0.0-20200819041909-2aa72927c3e2
    go: downloading v0.2.0
    go: downloading v1.2.0
    go: downloading v0.0.0-20210331224755-41bb18bfe9da
    go: downloading v0.5.4
    go: downloading v0.0.0-20200219081550-352acaa9f2b2
    go: downloading v1.10.0
    go: downloading v0.0.0-20171115192701-f018bc92e7d7
    go: downloading v1.1.42
    go: downloading v1.1.1
    go: downloading v0.0.0-20161218191547-fe7663eb78fd
    go: downloading v4.0.4+incompatible
    go: downloading v1.8.1
    go: downloading v0.0.0-20210505214959-0714010a04ed
    go: downloading v0.0.0-20210506145944-38f3c27a63bf
    go: downloading v0.0.0-20210220033141-f8bda1e9f3ba
    go: downloading v2.1.2+incompatible
    go get: updating to[email protected]: parsing go.mod:
    	module declares its path as:
    	        but was required as:

    Thus I downloaded the source with git clone and I tried running sh but this fails with the following error:

    go.mod file not found in current directory or any parent directory; see 'go help modules'

    I then tried creating a go mod myself but this also fails:

    $ go mod init derosuite
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: downloading v0.0.0-20210507014357-30e306a8bba5
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: finding module for package
    go: found in v2.1.5+incompatible
    go: found in v2.1.5+incompatible
    go: found in v0.0.0-20210506145944-38f3c27a63bf
    go: found in v0.0.0-20210506145944-38f3c27a63bf
    go: found in v2.1.5+incompatible
    go: found in v2.1.5+incompatible
    go: found in v0.0.0-20150115210727-5cc570678d1b
    go: found in v0.0.0-20171115192701-f018bc92e7d7
    go: found in v2.1.5+incompatible
    go: found in v2.1.5+incompatible
    go: found in v2.1.5+incompatible
    go: found in v2.1.5+incompatible
    go: found in v2.1.5+incompatible
    go: found in v2.1.5+incompatible
    go: found in v2.1.5+incompatible
    go: found in v2.1.5+incompatible
    go: found in v2.1.5+incompatible
    go: found in v2.1.5+incompatible
    go: found in v2.1.5+incompatible
    go: found in v2.1.5+incompatible
    go: found in v0.0.0-20210331224755-41bb18bfe9da
    go: found in v0.5.4
    go: found in v1.10.0
    go: found in v1.8.1
    go: found in v4.0.4+incompatible
    go: found in v0.0.0-20210220033141-f8bda1e9f3ba
    go: found in v2.1.5+incompatible
    go: found in v0.0.0-20170329170629-f846ae58a1ab
    go: found in v0.0.0-20200219081550-352acaa9f2b2
    go: found in v1.10.0
    go: found in v1.0.0
    go: found in v0.0.0-20180603132655-2972be24d48e
    go: found in v0.0.0-20180111231733-ee0de3bc6815
    go: found in v2.1.2+incompatible
    go: found in v0.0.0-20210507014357-30e306a8bba5
    go: found in v2.1.5+incompatible
    go: found in v2.1.5+incompatible
    go: found in v0.3.0
    go: found in v3.5.1+incompatible
    go: found in v2.1.5+incompatible
    go: found in v2.1.5+incompatible
    go: found in v1.1.42
    go: found in v2.1.5+incompatible
    go: found in v1.2.0
    go: found in v0.0.0-20210506145944-38f3c27a63bf
    go: found in v0.0.0-20160722084837-9365ae6e95d2
    go: found in v1.1.0
    go: found in v0.0.0-20200819041909-2aa72927c3e2
    go: found in v0.0.0-20161218191547-fe7663eb78fd
    go: found in v0.0.0-20210505214959-0714010a04ed
    go: found in v1.0.0
    go: found in v0.2.0
    go: found in v1.3.5
    go: found in v1.6.2
    go: found in v1.6.2
    go: found in v0.0.0-20210506145944-38f3c27a63bf
    go: found in v0.0.0-20210506145944-38f3c27a63bf
    go: derosuite/storage imports[email protected]: parsing go.mod:
    	module declares its path as:
    	        but was required as:

    Any help appreciated.

  • [go question] Help building stable release

    [go question] Help building stable release

    I would like to build the binaries of a stable release. Naturally I went for the go get command in your README and when starting the dero-wallet-cli I was warned:

    DERO Wallet : 2.2.1-0.Atlantis.Astrobwt+03072020 This version is under heavy development, use it for testing/evaluations purpose only

    I'm glad to have this warning message. However, I tried a number of things to try and rebuild the source in the latest tag Version_P2P_bug_fix from a git clone or after the go get command using several methods I found online. It is getting complicated and I'm not getting any results and see that results can vary depending on a projects vendor paths.

    Can you give a simple example to build this project from a tag please? Thank you!

  • Incoming TXID xxxx from RPC Server rejected by MEMPOOL

    Incoming TXID xxxx from RPC Server rejected by MEMPOOL

    derod --version

    I transfer some DERO from wallet rpc, but I get errors. How to fix it? Error log is

    2018-12-22T08:46:50Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:51Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:51Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:51Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:51Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:52Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:52Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:52Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:52Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:53Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:53Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:53Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:53Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:53Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:53Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:53Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:53Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:53Z WARN     : !!MEMPOOL Deleting TX since atleast one of the key images is already consumed  txid=408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182 chain height 1387077 tx height 0
    2018-12-22T08:46:53Z WARN     : !!MEMPOOL Deleting TX since atleast one of the key images is already consumed  txid=105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559 chain height 1387077 tx height 0
    2018-12-22T08:46:53Z WARN     : Pool does NOT contain 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182, returning nil
    2018-12-22T08:46:53Z WARN     : Pool does NOT contain 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559, returning nil
    2018-12-22T08:54:59Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-22T09:10:00Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:00Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:22Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:22Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:22Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:22Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:23Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:23Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:24Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:24Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:24Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:40:56Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:40:57Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:40:57Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:40:58Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:40:58Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:40:58Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:40:58Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:40:58Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:40:58Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:40:58Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:40:59Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:40:59Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:41:00Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:41:00Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:41:01Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:41:01Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:51:46Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-22T06:59:55Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-22T07:39:40Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:40Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:41Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:41Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:41Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:41Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:41Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:41Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:41Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:42Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:42Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:42Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:42Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:43Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:43Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:43Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:43Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:43Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:40:56Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:40:57Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:40:57Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:40:58Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:40:58Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:40:58Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:40:58Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:40:58Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:40:58Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:40:58Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:40:59Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:40:59Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:41:00Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:41:00Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:41:01Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:41:01Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9899a6d11a2d2137a6308321b2588c9380b35a56ebfa8a209c74e1ffcc872f54  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T06:51:46Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-22T06:59:55Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-22T07:39:40Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:40Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:41Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:41Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:41Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:41Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:41Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:41Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:41Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:42Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:42Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:42Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:42Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:43Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:43Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:43Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:43Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:43Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:43Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:43Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:43Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:43Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:43Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:43Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:43Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:44Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:44Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:45Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:45Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:46Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:46Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:46Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:46Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:47Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:47Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:47Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:47Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:47Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:47Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:47Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:47Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:47Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:47Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:48Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:48Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:48Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:48Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:49Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:49Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:49Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:49Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:49Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:49Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:49Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:49Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:49Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:49Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:50Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:50Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:51Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:51Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:52Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:52Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:52Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:52Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T07:39:52Z WARN     : !!MEMPOOL Deleting TX since atleast one of the key images is already consumed  txid=8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41 chain height 1386742 tx height 0
    2018-12-22T07:39:52Z WARN     : !!MEMPOOL Deleting TX since atleast one of the key images is already consumed  txid=e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a chain height 1386742 tx height 0
    2018-12-22T07:39:52Z WARN     : Pool does NOT contain 8791c8b73f4dd288f22798f8e1378fe57a41bfe27e9bfc1b206caadb46da3a41, returning nil
    2018-12-22T07:39:52Z WARN     : Pool does NOT contain e4920fadaeff2733c67e303b968a251de142bbcb4ec654c84c87c7f18211840a, returning nil
    2018-12-22T07:42:16Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-22T07:58:26Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-22T08:20:41Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-22T08:46:45Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:46Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:46Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:46Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:46Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:46Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:46Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:47Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:47Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:48Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:48Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:48Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:48Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:48Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:48Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:48Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:48Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:48Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:48Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:48Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:48Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:48Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:48Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:49Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:49Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:49Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:49Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:50Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:50Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:50Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:50Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:51Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:51Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:51Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:51Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:52Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:52Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:52Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:52Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:53Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:53Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:53Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:53Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:53Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:53Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:53Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:53Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T08:46:53Z WARN     : !!MEMPOOL Deleting TX since atleast one of the key images is already consumed  txid=408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182 chain height 1387077 tx height 0
    2018-12-22T08:46:53Z WARN     : !!MEMPOOL Deleting TX since atleast one of the key images is already consumed  txid=105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559 chain height 1387077 tx height 0
    2018-12-22T08:46:53Z WARN     : Pool does NOT contain 408e9140d1f4ec03da0b4ea180c2f160a1e48a2cb8ba3b33cb30d67b20642182, returning nil
    2018-12-22T08:46:53Z WARN     : Pool does NOT contain 105b74214ec78ccb840352e2947c2ae07fb0d71b714d6605b8958d8d2f143559, returning nil
    2018-12-22T08:54:59Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-22T09:10:00Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:00Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:01Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:01Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:01Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:01Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:03Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:03Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:04Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:26Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:26Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:26Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:27Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:27Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:27Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:28Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:28Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:15:14Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-22T09:19:06Z WARN     : Could not read length prefix err read tcp> read: connection reset by peer level=debug DIR=OUT RIP="" com=P2P
    2018-12-22T09:19:13Z WARN     : Dial failed err dial tcp i/o timeout
    2018-12-22T09:10:17Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:17Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:18Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:27Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:27Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:27Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:28Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:28Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:15:14Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-22T09:19:06Z WARN     : Could not read length prefix err read tcp> read: connection reset by peer level=debug DIR=OUT RIP="" com=P2P
    2018-12-22T09:19:13Z WARN     : Dial failed err dial tcp i/o timeout
    2018-12-20T15:14:34Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-20T15:17:18Z WARN     : Could not read length prefix err read tcp> read: connection reset by peer level=debug DIR=OUT RIP="" com=P2P
    2018-12-20T15:18:12Z WARN     : Could not read length prefix err read tcp> i/o timeout level=debug DIR=OUT RIP="" com=P2P
    2018-12-20T15:20:42Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-20T15:24:50Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-20T15:32:58Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-20T15:37:07Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-20T15:39:13Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-20T16:07:31Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-20T16:17:40Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-20T16:25:37Z WARN     : Could not read length prefix err read tcp> i/o timeout level=debug DIR=OUT RIP="" com=P2P
    2018-12-20T16:33:50Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-20T16:35:55Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-20T16:50:06Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-20T16:58:14Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-20T17:14:25Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-20T17:18:32Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-20T17:25:22Z WARN     : Could not read data size  read 0, frame length 3061 err read tcp> read: connection reset by peer%!(EXTRA string=level=debug DIR=OUT RIP="" com=P2P
    2018-12-20T18:02:56Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-20T18:07:03Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-20T18:07:12Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 0bc0eeb2400ba418b01ac5ab34eae6592b545b1055f61e88e8d70ddff211c380  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-20T18:07:12Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9a938e491b965606cc325e92938b68222fd1f8987a0e5a769499470c1100c3e1  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-20T18:07:12Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx b4a669fca3b6ca6b9b17d23fa794bc0c974e4b853ecacca1300791858682545d  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-20T18:07:12Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 0bc0eeb2400ba418b01ac5ab34eae6592b545b1055f61e88e8d70ddff211c380  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-20T18:07:12Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9a938e491b965606cc325e92938b68222fd1f8987a0e5a769499470c1100c3e1  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-20T18:07:12Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx b4a669fca3b6ca6b9b17d23fa794bc0c974e4b853ecacca1300791858682545d  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-20T18:07:14Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 0bc0eeb2400ba418b01ac5ab34eae6592b545b1055f61e88e8d70ddff211c380  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-20T18:07:14Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9a938e491b965606cc325e92938b68222fd1f8987a0e5a769499470c1100c3e1  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-20T18:07:14Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx b4a669fca3b6ca6b9b17d23fa794bc0c974e4b853ecacca1300791858682545d  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-20T18:07:14Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 0bc0eeb2400ba418b01ac5ab34eae6592b545b1055f61e88e8d70ddff211c380  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-20T18:07:14Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9a938e491b965606cc325e92938b68222fd1f8987a0e5a769499470c1100c3e1  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-20T18:07:14Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx b4a669fca3b6ca6b9b17d23fa794bc0c974e4b853ecacca1300791858682545d  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-20T18:07:14Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 0bc0eeb2400ba418b01ac5ab34eae6592b545b1055f61e88e8d70ddff211c380  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-20T18:07:14Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 9a938e491b965606cc325e92938b68222fd1f8987a0e5a769499470c1100c3e1  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:26Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:26Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:26Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:26Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:27Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:27Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:27Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:28Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:10:28Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx 82005cbe11b94c820083a1ff9f9f1244830bc65c001f8db68d715d6305bad737  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:15:14Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-22T09:19:06Z WARN     : Could not read length prefix err read tcp> read: connection reset by peer level=debug DIR=OUT RIP="" com=P2P
    2018-12-22T09:19:13Z WARN     : Dial failed err dial tcp i/o timeout
    2018-12-22T09:40:27Z WARN     : Could not read length prefix err read tcp> i/o timeout level=debug DIR=OUT RIP="" com=P2P
    2018-12-22T09:19:06Z WARN     : Could not read length prefix err read tcp> read: connection reset by peer level=debug DIR=OUT RIP="" com=P2P
    2018-12-22T09:19:13Z WARN     : Dial failed err dial tcp i/o timeout
    2018-12-22T09:40:27Z WARN     : Could not read length prefix err read tcp> i/o timeout level=debug DIR=OUT RIP="" com=P2P
    2018-12-22T09:40:33Z WARN     : Dial failed err dial tcp i/o timeout
    2018-12-22T09:40:34Z WARN     : Dial failed err dial tcp i/o timeout
    2018-12-22T09:41:32Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-22T09:42:12Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e0d14306d64e9b2176621070c871cae4c4667810be1038a594c2abb668523870  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:42:12Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx a1947d6790de35755f8f6c8dfffbf95783712983de9aa3d66db251f1fbed9204  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:42:13Z WARN     : !!MEMPOOL Deleting TX since atleast one of the key images is already consumed  txid=e0d14306d64e9b2176621070c871cae4c4667810be1038a594c2abb668523870 chain height 1387374 tx height 0
    2018-12-22T09:42:13Z WARN     : !!MEMPOOL Deleting TX since atleast one of the key images is already consumed  txid=a1947d6790de35755f8f6c8dfffbf95783712983de9aa3d66db251f1fbed9204 chain height 1387374 tx height 0
    2018-12-22T09:42:13Z WARN     : !!MEMPOOL Deleting TX since atleast one of the key images is already consumed  txid=91b97d324498a071a36894cdcb312f40b0755db70945cd8ec8666e6825aa3018 chain height 1387374 tx height 0
    2018-12-22T09:42:13Z WARN     : Pool does NOT contain e0d14306d64e9b2176621070c871cae4c4667810be1038a594c2abb668523870, returning nil
    2018-12-22T09:42:13Z WARN     : Pool does NOT contain a1947d6790de35755f8f6c8dfffbf95783712983de9aa3d66db251f1fbed9204, returning nil
    2018-12-22T09:42:13Z WARN     : Pool does NOT contain 91b97d324498a071a36894cdcb312f40b0755db70945cd8ec8666e6825aa3018, returning nil
    2018-12-22T09:57:43Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-22T10:01:49Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-22T09:41:32Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-22T09:42:12Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx e0d14306d64e9b2176621070c871cae4c4667810be1038a594c2abb668523870  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:42:12Z WARN     : TX already in history, but tx a1947d6790de35755f8f6c8dfffbf95783712983de9aa3d66db251f1fbed9204  is still in mempool HOW ?? skipping it
    2018-12-22T09:42:13Z WARN     : !!MEMPOOL Deleting TX since atleast one of the key images is already consumed  txid=e0d14306d64e9b2176621070c871cae4c4667810be1038a594c2abb668523870 chain height 1387374 tx height 0
    2018-12-22T09:42:13Z WARN     : !!MEMPOOL Deleting TX since atleast one of the key images is already consumed  txid=a1947d6790de35755f8f6c8dfffbf95783712983de9aa3d66db251f1fbed9204 chain height 1387374 tx height 0
    2018-12-22T09:42:13Z WARN     : !!MEMPOOL Deleting TX since atleast one of the key images is already consumed  txid=91b97d324498a071a36894cdcb312f40b0755db70945cd8ec8666e6825aa3018 chain height 1387374 tx height 0
    2018-12-22T09:42:13Z WARN     : Pool does NOT contain e0d14306d64e9b2176621070c871cae4c4667810be1038a594c2abb668523870, returning nil
    2018-12-22T09:42:13Z WARN     : Pool does NOT contain a1947d6790de35755f8f6c8dfffbf95783712983de9aa3d66db251f1fbed9204, returning nil
    2018-12-22T09:42:13Z WARN     : Pool does NOT contain 91b97d324498a071a36894cdcb312f40b0755db70945cd8ec8666e6825aa3018, returning nil
    2018-12-22T09:57:43Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-22T10:01:49Z WARN     : error while querying time  server err read udp> i/o timeout
    2018-12-22T10:08:34Z WARN     : Incoming TXID 78a007b40b6e52ccab077af3f9c507ce52b8dc6caf7127cf31ef92ee3a3305a9 from RPC Server rejected by MEMPOOL
    2018-12-22T10:13:21Z WARN     : Pool does NOT contain 2be3648f219fbce566cf2834f308a9844606ab4b108d5dfb6e95debcc6512e34, returning nil
    2018-12-22T10:13:40Z WARN     : Incoming TXID 6c6eafd25918275c63eddf3575d16fcab63fa7927749c1c2e96a3e7d26778e5c from RPC Server rejected by MEMPOOL
    2018-12-22T10:18:49Z WARN     : Incoming TXID 92bc378913eeef66d899879a94dd32395330f0c29a0daef7681f8c539a7c54ee from RPC Server rejected by MEMPOOL
  • Please update documentation of `get install` installation method.

    Please update documentation of `get install` installation method.

    In we have recommendation to install using go get while in logs we see that this method is deprecated:

    $ go get -u
    go get: installing executables with 'go get' in module mode is deprecated.
            Use 'go install pkg@version' instead.
            For more information, see
            or run 'go help get' or 'go help install'.

    Please update documentation with new get install method.

  • CLI Wallet Synchronization Reverts to 1-2 Blocks Behind Current Block

    CLI Wallet Synchronization Reverts to 1-2 Blocks Behind Current Block

    Wallet Version: Version 2.2.1-0.Atlantis.Astrobwt+03072020 OS: Fedora 33

    The CLI wallet is usually a block or two behind the current block. For example, in the wallet the synchronization will appear like this 5758225/5758226 and be orange in color. Sometimes it will sync and stay green for an entire block but most of the time it will turn green like it is synced, for example 5758226/5758226, and in a fraction of a second reverts back a block or two to this 5758225/5758226 and stays unsynced until a new block is found and it does the same thing where it syncs for a fraction of a second and then reverts to 1-2 blocks behind.

  • Is there any way to get block_reward without fee?

    Is there any way to get block_reward without fee?

    I'm working on a dero pool with PPS method to give profit. So I need to know the block reward without fee. Such as monero, it has a rpc method 'getcoinbasetxsum' so that I can know the fee of every block. Is there any way for Dero?

  • run daemon on ubuntu 18.10 crash

    run daemon on ubuntu 18.10 crash*BoltTXWrapper).Rollback(0xc460c7c9c0) /home/git/gowork/src/ +0x2f*Blockchain).Load_Height_for_BL_ID(0xc420081ad0, 0x37ca2e0, 0xc460c7c9c0, 0x83b8df51b5fab5a5, 0x84cb606cf73f83c8, 0xca2736754da3b8af, 0x29b68ba1444101d, 0x243d) /home/git/gowork/src/ +0x1d4*Blockchain).Get_Height(0xc420081ad0, 0x58) /home/git/gowork/src/ +0x1db /home/git/gowork/src/ +0x3f*Connection).Send_TimedSync(0xc46499a480, 0x0) /home/git/gowork/src/ +0x56*Connection).Handle_TimedSync(0xc46499a480, 0xc43507f680, 0x5f, 0x5f) /home/git/gowork/src/ +0x193, 0xc45785ca80, 0xc43d8d5ef0, 0xc420000001) /home/git/gowork/src/ +0x6e9 created by /home/git/gowork/src/ +0x623

    goroutine 198 [semacquire]: sync.runtime_SemacquireMutex(0xc42e18a194, 0xc4303d4a00) /home/git/local/go/src/runtime/sema.go:71 +0x3d sync.(*Mutex).Lock(0xc42e18a190) /home/git/local/go/src/sync/mutex.go:134 +0x108*DB).removeTx(0xc42e18a000, 0xc4589b3180) /home/git/gowork/src/ +0x52*Tx).close(0xc4589b3180) /home/git/gowork/src/ +0x37c*Tx).rollback(0xc4589b3180) /home/git/gowork/src/ +0x43*Tx).Rollback(0xc4589b3180, 0x0, 0xc4303d4b18) /home/git/gowork/src/ +0x72*BoltTXWrapper).Rollback(0xc460c7c970) /home/git/gowork/src/ +0x2f*Blockchain).Load_Height_for_BL_ID(0xc420081ad0, 0x37ca2e0, 0xc460c7c970, 0x83b8df51b5fab5a5, 0x84cb606cf73f83c8, 0xca2736754da3b8af, 0x29b68ba1444101d, 0x243d) /home/git/gowork/src/ +0x1d4*Blockchain).Get_Height(0xc420081ad0, 0x58) /home/git/gowork/src/ +0x1db /home/git/gowork/src/ +0x3f*Connection).Send_TimedSync(0xc46499a480, 0x1) /home/git/gowork/src/ +0x56, 0x37ca700, 0xc45785ca80) /home/git/gowork/src/ +0x472 created by /home/git/gowork/src/ +0x4ce

    goroutine 199 [chan receive]:*RateCounter).run.func1(0xc469dbd780) /home/git/gowork/src/ +0x8d created by*RateCounter).run /home/git/gowork/src/ +0x52

    goroutine 200 [chan receive]:*RateCounter).run.func1(0xc464762800) /home/git/gowork/src/ +0x8d created by*RateCounter).run /home/git/gowork/src/ +0x52

    goroutine 201 [chan receive]:*RateCounter).run.func1(0xc469dbd7c0) /home/git/gowork/src/ +0x8d created by*RateCounter).run /home/git/gowork/src/ +0x52

  • Cannot use wallet generated non-deterministically

    Cannot use wallet generated non-deterministically

    I generated a wallet by hand but I am unable to use it since it needs to be deterministic. There is no way around this since the binaries are not based on the code on github and the github code doesn't even save the wallet database file for use with the official binaries.

  • Drakogangcom

    Drakogangcom Titanium Track Official Website Sun, 24 Nov 2019 10:49:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sun, 24 Nov 2019 10:49:45 +0000 Fixed built-in MENU action not appearing on some devices (+ added GUI setting to forcibly hide it). Updated translations. ]]> Sun, 27 Oct 2019 16:24:55 +0000 Fixed TB 8.4.0 FC at launch on some devices. This is a bugfix release. Have a look at the changes in 8.4.0 too! ]]> Sun, 27 Oct 2019 12:13:15 +0000 Fixed FC with free version when restoring apps on Android 10. [PRO] Improved handling of thread timestamps with XML restore of SMS/MMS on some devices. Updated target SDK version. Updated translations. ]]> Sun, 14 Apr 2019 17:55:25 +0000 Fixed scheduled jobs getting killed on Android 8.0+ if scenario calculations took >5 seconds. Minor improvements. Updated translations. ]]> Sun, 10 Mar 2019 12:24:26 +0000 Improved scheduled job reliability on some Android 8.0+ devices. Fixed FC on startup after restoring settings from SD card on Android 6.0 and below. Fixed possible “empty app list” glitch after restoring TB settings from SD card. Misc bugfixes. ]]> Thu, 28 Feb 2019 05:52:56 +0000 Removed all SMS/Call log backup/restore features for non-rooted devices, in compliance with Google’s Developer Policy. Removed rooting instructions from the Knowledge Base, in compliance with Google’s Device and Network Abuse policy. Minor bugfixes. ]]> Thu, 17 Jan 2019 21:19:39 +0000 This is mostly a bugfix release. Have a look at the changes in 8.3.0 too! Fixed access rights issue on some non-rooted devices. Updated translations. ]]> Wed, 16 Jan 2019 20:46:31 +0000 Added auto-detection of Magisk. [PRO] Fixed license file detection bug on the first run on some devices. Fixed inability to restore TB settings from SD card on some devices. Fixed app install/un-install events not being received on Android 8.0+. Fixed detection of Android ID capabilities on Android 8.0+. Major translation updates. ]]> Sun, 14 Oct 2018 16:11:20 +0000 Made ongoing notifications silent (as they should be) on Android 8.0+ devices. Fixed scheduled jobs not running with TB 8.2.1 on some devices. ]]> Sat, 13 Oct 2018 13:28:34 +0000 Mea culpa: the previous release had lots of issues due to the forced Android SDK 26 migration. Added support for write-protecting backups on DocumentsProvider. Fixed failure to restore apps in interactive mode (free version) on Android 8.0+ devices. Fixed scheduled jobs not running on Android 8.0+ devices. Fixed notifications not appearing on Android 8.0+ devices. Fixed FC when sharing a backup on Android 7.0+ devices. ]]>

  • Unable to access my DERO webwallet

    Unable to access my DERO webwallet

    Instead of being prompted to enter my username and password im asked to restore my account, so using my seed phrase im getting an error that the seed phrase is not detected in any language. Am i entering the information wrong?

  • Dero web wallet ( remembers my seedphrase when I recover my wallet using it.

    Dero web wallet ( remembers my seedphrase when I recover my wallet using it.

    When I recover my wallet using the seed and reload the page, I need to enter my password to open the wallet again. But If i click "Restore Wallet using SEED words (25 words)", My seedphrase is already entered in the "25 seed words" feild from the last time. It stays that way even if I delete my wallet or reload the page. The only way to make the field blank again is to close the tab and open the wallet in another tab. While I haven't tested, this might also be an issue with other recovery options.

    I am using Waterfox Browser 78.14.

  • Hashrate distributions information source

    Hashrate distributions information source

    Hello What is the source of information for hashrate distributions shows at ? Where/How I can see that hashrate distributions in full details? Thanks

OpenZeppelin Contracts is a library for secure smart contract development.

A library for secure smart contract development. Build on a solid foundation of community-vetted code. Implementations of standards like ERC20 and ERC

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Arbitrum is a Layer 2 cryptocurrency platform that makes smart contracts scalable, fast, and private.
Arbitrum is a Layer 2 cryptocurrency platform that makes smart contracts scalable, fast, and private.

Arbitrum is a Layer 2 cryptocurrency platform that makes smart contracts scalable, fast, and private. Arbitrum interoperates closely with Ethereum, so Ethereum developers can easily cross-compile their contracts to run on Arbitrum. Arbitrum achieves these goals through a unique combination of incentives, network protocol design, and virtual machine architecture.

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Akroma GO client - Akroma is an EVM based application development platform (smart-contracts).

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DERO Homomorphic Encryption Blockchain Protocol
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Homomorphic encryption is a form of encryption allowing one to perform calculations on encrypted data without decrypting it first. The result of the computation is in an encrypted form, when decrypted the output is the same as if the operations had been performed on the unencrypted data.

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Running chaincode in development mode: Smart contract developers that want to iteratively develop and test their chaincode packages without the overhead of the smart contract lifecycle process for every update.

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Troon-NFT-Contract is deployed on Flow Blockchain, which is a white-label smart-contract for NFTs with an addition layer of Brand, Schema and Template

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Easy to use cryptographic framework for data protection: secure messaging with forward secrecy and secure data storage. Has unified APIs across 14 platforms.

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Prototype to predict Ethereum transactions' access lists

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Sep 18, 2022
Uses Google's classic diff-match-patch algorithm to compare two files, sending the color highlighted output to *testing.T for use when testing expected versus actual results.

Compare-files uses Google's classic diff-match-patch algorithm to compare two files. It sends the color highlighted output to *testing.T for use when

Dec 30, 2021
An interoperable smart contract hub
An interoperable smart contract hub

Juno An interoperable smart contract hub which automatically executes, controls or documents a procedure of relevant events and actions according to t

Jan 1, 2023
The bare metal Go smart card
The bare metal Go smart card

Authors Andrea Barisani [email protected] | [email protected] Introduction The GoKey application implements a USB smartcard in pure Go

Dec 8, 2022
Yet another Binance Smart Chain client based on TrustFi Network

TrustFi Smart Chain The goal of TrustFi Smart Chain is to bring programmability and interoperability to Binance Chain. In order to embrace the existin

Mar 27, 2021
The Fabric Smart Client is a new Fabric Client that lets you focus on the business processes and simplifies the development of Fabric-based distributed application.

Fabric Smart Client The Fabric Smart Client (FSC, for short) is a new Fabric client-side component whose objective is twofold. FSC aims to simplify th

Dec 14, 2022
A smart contract development toolchain for Go

ethgen - A smart contract development toolchain for Go A simple yet powerful toolchain for Go based smart contract development Compile solidity contra

Sep 14, 2022