REST API of Instagram's functionalities; developed using GO (and Mongo).


REST API of Instagram's functionalities; developed using GO (and Mongo).


  1. Complete API has been developed using Go
  2. MongoDB has been used to storage
  3. Only standard libraries have been used


  1. Create a User
  • POST request
  • JSON request body used
  • Added data to the URL ‘/users'
  1. Display details of all users
  • GET request
  • Display the user (unique) id, name, email and hash of the password
  • URL: "/users"
  1. Fetch details of the user using id
  • GET request
  • Displays user id, name, email and hash of the password
  • URL: "/users/id"
  1. Create a Post
  • POST request
  • JSON request body used
  • Added data to the URL ‘/posts'
  1. Display details of all posts (like scrolling through the feed)
  • GET request
  • Display the post (unique) id, caption, imageURL and timestamp
  • URL: "/posts"
  1. Fetch details of all the posts of a particular user using id
  • GET request
  • Display the post (unique) id, caption, imageURL and timestamp (for all posts of that user)
  • URL: "/posts/id"

Added functionalities:

  1. Passwords have been securely stored such they can't be reverse engineered (using sha256)
  2. Only JSON format is accepted (validation added)
  3. Unique id is linking a user to his/her posts


  1. User:
  • ID
  • Name
  • Email
  • Password (saved in encrypted form; as a hash)
  1. Post:
  • Id
  • Caption
  • Image URL
  • Posted Timestamp

Directions to run the application:

Prerequisites/ Software requirements:

  • Go
  • Linux shell (eg. Gitbash)
  • Install mongo dependencies (run go get


  • Clone this repository
  • cd to the folder "cmd" in the terminal
  • Run the command go run server.go; This should start the server
  • Open another terminal in this folder (cmd)
  • In this other terminal, run the commands for the specific functionality required: (make sure the path to curl is set under environment variables)
    • To create a new user, run curl localhost:3000/users -X POST -d '{"id":"<id>","name":"<name>","email":"<email>","pwd":"<password>"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
    • To get details of all the users, run curl localhost:3000/users
    • To get the details of a particular user, run curl localhost:3000/users/_id_
    • To create a new post, run curl localhost:3000/userpost -X POST -d '{"id":"<id>","caption":"<caption>","imageurl":"<url>"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
    • To get details of all the posts on the feed, run curl localhost:3000/posts
    • To get all the posts of a particular user, run curl localhost:3000/users/_id_

Sample images:

Fetching all available Users

Creating a new User

Users in MongoDB

Fetching User using ID

Creating A Post

Posts in db

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