A Golang library to manipulate strings according to the word parsing rules of the UNIX Bourne shell.


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A Golang library to manipulate strings according to the word parsing rules of the UNIX Bourne shell.


go get github.com/Wing924/shellwords


import "github.com/Wing924/shellwords"
args, err := shellwords.Split("./foo --bar=baz")
// args should be ["./foo", "--bar=baz"]

args, err := shellwords.Split("./foo 'a b c'")
// args should be ["./foo", "a b c"]
line := shellwords.Join([]string{"abc", "d e f"})
// line should be `abc d\ e\ f`
line := shellwords.Escape("./foo 'a b c'")
// line should be `./foo\ \'a\ b\ c\'\"`


This is based on go-shellwords and ruby module: rubysl-shellwords

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