DCreater - Build your own blog system with golang


Create your blog server


  • docker
  • docker-compose


  1. setup database
    • start up mysql container by docker and mount the database on database/maindata
    • load databse and table mysql -u root -p app < app_scheme.sql
    • turn off ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY SET GLOBAL sql_mode=(SELECT REPLACE(@@sql_mode,'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY',''));
  2. write the config file
    • write the following server config file, name should be app.yaml and put under app/config
        main: &main_server
            port: 8000
            domain: dcreater.com
            RunMode: release #debug
            ReadTimeout: 60s
            WriteTimeout: 60s
            FilePath: ./file # path of user file
            LogPath: ./log # path of log file
            ViewPath: ./view
                key: your_reCAPTCHA_key
                AcceptScore: 0.5 # from 0 to 1
        main: &main_database
            driver: mysql
            user: your_user
            password: your_password
            name: app
            param: "parseTime=true"
            host: db
            port: 3306
                MaxOpenConnects: 25
                MaxIdleConnects: 0
                ConnMaxLifetime: 300 # secondsd
  3. change the reCAPTCHA_token in app/view/js/sign.js
  4. you con modify the docker-compose file to change path
  5. go to app folder and build the app docker build -t "yanbinlin/creater" .
  6. prepare ssl cert for nginx


  1. Since the front end don't suppor sine up now, you should sing up user to databese first
  2. run the docker compose
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