A lightweight load balancer used to create big Selenium clusters

Go Grid Router

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Go Grid Router (aka Ggr) is a lightweight active load balancer used to create scalable and highly-available Selenium clusters. Ggr Animation


Quick Start Guide

To use Go Grid Router do the following:

  1. Install Docker to host
  2. Create configuration directory:
$ mkdir -p /etc/grid-router/quota
  1. Create users.htpasswd file:
$ htpasswd -bc /etc/grid-router/users.htpasswd test test-password
  1. Start Selenium standalone server on port 4445:
$ java -jar selenium-server-standalone.jar -port 4445

You can also start Selenoid instead.

  1. Create quota file (use correct browser name and version):
$ cat /etc/grid-router/quota/test.xml
<qa:browsers xmlns:qa="urn:config.gridrouter.qatools.ru">
<browser name="firefox" defaultVersion="59.0">
    <version number="59.0">
        <region name="1">
            <host name="localhost" port="4445" count="1"/>

Note: file name should correspond to user name you added to htpasswd file. For user test we added on previous steps you should create test.xml.

  1. Start Ggr container:
# docker run -d --name ggr -v /etc/grid-router/:/etc/grid-router:ro --net host aerokube/ggr:latest-release
  1. Access Ggr on port 4444 in the same way you do for Selenium Hub but using the following url:

Complete Guide & Build Instructions

Complete reference guide (including build instructions) can be found at: http://aerokube.com/ggr/latest/

Selenium and Playwright testing infrastructure
  • Not able to set up GGR in mac with Cloud Service

    Not able to set up GGR in mac with Cloud Service

    @vania-pooh I have installed the docker/ selenoid and added cloud service. I have not changed the test.xml file name, can you help us to install in right way to execute the test in cloud service.

    Step 1 : Install docker Step 2 : $ mkdir -p /etc/grid-router/quota Step 3 : htpasswd -bc /etc/grid-router/users.htpasswd test test-password Step 4 : curl -s https://aerokube.com/cm/bash | bash Step 5 : ./cm selenoid start --vnc --port 4445 Step 6 : docker run -d --name ggr -v /etc/grid-router/:/etc/grid-router:ro --net host aerokube/ggr:latest-release

    Step 7 : http://test:test-password@localhost:4444/wd/hub

    /etc/grid-router/quota/test.xml <qa:browsers xmlns:qa="urn:config.gridrouter.qatools.ru"> <browser name="chrome" defaultVersion="70.0"> <version number="70.0"> <region name="1"> <host name="ondemand.saucelabs.com" port="443" count="1" username="saucelabs-id" password="saucelabs-password" scheme="https" /> </region> </version> </browser> </qa:browsers>

  • ggr docker start issue

    ggr docker start issue

    I have created selenium hub and node .. i have also created quotes directory as well as test.xml file in proper location .. also given 777 permissions .. but still below router creation failed.

    docker run -d --name ggr -v /etc/grid-router/:/etc/grid-router:ro --net host aerokube/ggr:latest-release

    [root@cherishlocalhost quota]# docker run -d --name ggr -v /etc/grid-router/:/etc/grid-router:ro --net host aerokube/ggr:latest-release 524a34207a46657de84183fb94c5705e64bc5ce8d13524348d8a5b7794e37427 [root@cherishlocalhost quota]# docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 524a34207a46 aerokube/ggr:latest-release "/usr/bin/ggr -lis..." 3 seconds ago Exited (1) 2

    root@cherishlocalhost quota]# docker run -it aerokube/ggr:latest-release 2018/03/26 21:31:27 [-] [-] [INIT] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-] [Users file is "/etc/grid-router/users.htpasswd"] 2018/03/26 21:31:27 [-] [-] [INIT] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-] [Users file "/etc/grid-router/users.htpasswd" does not exist]

  • Issue in setting up GGR on windows machine.

    Issue in setting up GGR on windows machine.

    I have done the setup with docker +GGR facing issue while invoking following url. http://test:test-password@localhost:4444/wd/hub Result : localhost refused to connect. Here is the command to start ggr container docker run -d -it --name ggr --mount src=%CD%,target=/etc/grid-router,type=bind aerokube/ggr -listen :4444

  • 404 page not found

    404 page not found

    I followed all the steps to setup grid router . When I hit http://test:test-password@someip:4444/wd/hub , I get 404 page not found , is this expected or will it work only with selenium tests? When I Run with selenium tests I get ,

    [Stream 1] Connecting to selenium grid: http://test:test-password@someip:4444/wd/hub [Stream 1] Desired capabilities: Capabilities [{browserName=chrome, version=, platform=ANY}] [Stream 1] org.openqa.selenium.remote.UnreachableBrowserException: Could not start a new session. Possible causes are invalid address of the remote server or browser start-up failure. [Stream 1] Build info: version: '3.4.0', revision: 'unknown', time: 'unknown' [Stream 1] System info: host: 'mave-host', ip: '', os.name: 'Linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '3.10.0-514.21.2.el7.x86_64', java.version: '1.8.0_121' [Stream 1] Driver info: driver.version: RemoteWebDriver [Stream 1] at org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver.execute(RemoteWebDriver.java:658)

  • Hub selection logic algorithm not correct?

    Hub selection logic algorithm not correct?


    First off all thanks for the create job!. We can now successful use selenium testcases for loadtesting. I don't know if this is the correct way to submit an issue/question. If not please let me know.

    The issue: We have configured 10 hubs in the quota xml file. These 10 hubs can build max 5 nodes. They are configured for the same region using the same chrome browser version. In the quota file we did configure the count="5" for all hubs.

    When we start 40 parallel testcases against the Go Gridrouter we would expect the router to divide/allocate the 40 testcases over the hubs available in the quota xml file. We have set the count="5" for all 10 hubs. So we would expect if there are enough hubs there could not be more then 5 parallel session per hub.

    What we now see is that the Go Gridrouter divide/allocate more then 5 testcases per hub. Some hubs are getting 10, others are getting 3 etc. In this way we cant guarantee for example 40 concurrent / parallel testcases.

    We have checked the hub selection logic: 2. Randomly selects a host from all hosts and tries to obtain browser on that host. Our algorithm also considers browser counts specified in XML for each host so that hosts with more browsers get more connections.

    Is this a bug or as designed? Can we make this work?

    Thanks in advanced Best Regards Michel Langras

  • ggr docker start issue in windows 10

    ggr docker start issue in windows 10

    Hi, I am very new to docker with selenoid. I am trying to use selenoid instead of selenium grid. I am trying to configuring ggr(go grid router). Can you please anyone explain about it. also, I have seen some ggr configuration in GitHub. but I am unable to find the exact setup. facing some issues while creating multiple selenoid hubs. can you please anybody help me. GGR setup. for load balancing. using multiple selenoid hubs. and also we tried couple of video also which was given what are the links you shared to me we alredy gone through it. But i am unable to find exact setup.While configuring GGR setup i mean the way of using this feature. its not clear for me. Can you please , if you have any example base setup. its very helpful . Followed steps in power shell windows 10:- 1.Install Docker to host 2.mkdir -p /etc/grid-router/quota 3. C:\Windows\system32> htpasswd -bc /etc/grid-router/users.htpasswd test test-password Adding password for user test 4.C:\etc\grid-router\quota> docker run -d --name ggr -v /etc/grid-router/:/etc/grid-router:rw --net host aerokube/ggr:l atest-release bc5af4b44631e500c9f5115d27c77192d724b0f14bc3f8b738060b22607b491c logs:- 2020/03/16 07:33:15 [-] [-] [INIT] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-] [Users file is "/etc/grid-router/users.htpasswd"]

    2020/03/16 07:33:15 [-] [-] [INIT] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-] [Users file "/etc/grid-router/users.htpasswd" does not exist or is a directory]

    can you please help me

  • GGR Configuration Issue in windows

    GGR Configuration Issue in windows


    I am very new to docker with selenoid. I am trying to use selenoid instead of selenium grid.

    I am trying to configuring ggr(go grid router). Can you please anyone explain about it.

    also, I have seen some ggr configuration in GitHub. but I am unable to find the exact setup. facing some issues while creating multiple selenoid hubs. can you please anybody help me. GGR setup. for load balancing. using multiple selenoid hubs.

    and also we tried couple of video also which was given

    what are the links you shared to me we alredy gone through it. But i am unable to find exact setup.While configuring GGR setup i mean the way of using this feature. its not clear for me. Can you please , if you have any example base setup. its very helpful .

  • Unable to ping ggr from host machine

    Unable to ping ggr from host machine

    First off, thank you for all the hard work on ggr/selenoid/-ui.

    My setup: Host Machine: Windows Server 2012 Hypervisor: Hyper-V running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Docker (client/server) Version: 1.12.0, API Version: 1.24, Go version: go1.6.3

    I have no issues executing tests on selenoid and viewing them on selenoid-ui from my host machine.

    Followed all the instructions to create quota directory and create users.htpasswd file etc.

    To make sure it's working properly, I only started the ggr container using:

    docker run -d --name ggr -v /etc/grid-router/:/etc/grid-router:ro --net host aerokube/ggr:latest-release

    When I try to ping it from inside of ubuntu, everything works fine: {"uptime":"16.624757336s","lastReloadTime":"2018-05-15 18:23:18.079808378 +0000 UTC m=+0.001698442","numRequests":0,"version":"1.5.3"}

    Issue is when I try to ping it from my host machine: ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT..

    I can access selenoid/selenoid-ui / run tests without any issues from my host machine, but only having issues when trying to ping/access ggr. I can see the container status running without any issues either.

    I start the selenoid container and captured the netstat info to compare vs when running only ggr on using: docker run -d --name selenoid
    -p 4444:4444 \ (just fyi, when running it with ggr, I tried -p 4445:4444) -v /etc/selenoid:/etc/selenoid:ro
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
    -conf /etc/selenoid/browsers.json -limit 16

    netstat info when only running ggr: https://pasteboard.co/HlkAjFK.jpg

    netstat info when only running selenoid: https://pasteboard.co/HlkAvVm.jpg

    any additional info please advise

  • org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: cannot create session chrome-80.0 on any hosts after 2 attempt(s)

    org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: cannot create session chrome-80.0 on any hosts after 2 attempt(s)

    I'm trying to create a selenium cluster using ggr.

    It's throwing below error: org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: cannot create session chrome-80.0 on any hosts after 2 attempt(s)

    Will get same error when I set browse name = firefox& version 74.0: can not create session firefox-74.0

    Test code:- (DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities(); capabilities.setBrowserName("chrome"); capabilities.setVersion("80.0"); capabilities.setCapability("enableVNC", true); capabilities.setCapability("enableVideo", false);

        RemoteWebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(
    	    URI.create("http://test:[email protected]:4444/wd/hub").toURL(), 

    ggr ec2 instance :- image

    when is use ping : image

    quota loaded by ggr


    HUB -1 ec2 instance image]

    HUB-2 ec2 instance image

    test.xml file image

    I have created password using this command:- $ htpasswd -bc /etc/grid-router/users.htpasswd test test-password

    Please let me know what I'm doing wrong.

    When I try directly to connect to selenoid hub. it works fine

    (Test code ) --> (HUB-1)Selenoid hub ---> Works

    (Test code)-- ggr(HUB-1,HUB-2) ---->(HUB-1/HUB-2) ---> not works

  • Error with creating webdriver instance while using GGR with external selenium service

    Error with creating webdriver instance while using GGR with external selenium service

    Trying a use case to run this GGR in a RHEL box with instructions mentioned in Dockerfile.

    Do I really need to install GO lang as a prerequisite to run the command:

    ["/usr/bin/ggr", "-listen", ":4444", "-users", "/etc/grid-router/users.htpasswd", "-quotaDir", "/etc/grid-router/quota"]

  • Balancer only works with two hubs

    Balancer only works with two hubs

    MY ENV

    5cbfd8521449        aerokube/ggr:latest        "/usr/bin/ggr -lis..."   33 minutes ago      Up 33 minutes                                ggr
    e60db9cb01c9        aerokube/selenoid:latest   "/usr/bin/selenoid..."   About an hour ago   Up About an hour>4444/tcp   selenoid2
    67177dac9cd7        aerokube/selenoid:latest   "/usr/bin/selenoid..."   About an hour ago   Up About an hour>4444/tcp   selenoid1
    2e104a5cfe62        aerokube/selenoid:latest   "/usr/bin/selenoid..."   About an hour ago   Up About an hour>4444/tcp   selenoid
    <qa:browsers xmlns:qa="urn:config.gridrouter.qatools.ru">
    <browser name="firefox" defaultVersion="52.0">
        <version number="52.0">
            <region name="1">
                <host name="localhost" port="4454" count="1"/>
                <host name="localhost" port="4455" count="1"/>
                <host name="localhost" port="4456" count="1"/>

    When I run the tests, I see that only 2 hubs work from 3. Why does this happen?

  • Add auth headers to vnc connections

    Add auth headers to vnc connections

    Right now usernames, passwords, and wss urls are ignored in the quota file when connecting to VNC. I've added a couple of methods that will add an authorization header and use WSS when required.

  • 401 Unauthorized on GGR

    401 Unauthorized on GGR

    I am facing the exact same issue as #176, but it could not be resolved using the same fix. I get a 401 Unauthorized, when running the test: "http://test:testpassword@<ip_address>:4444/wd/hub" as you can see my password does not contain any special characters.

    if I enter http://test:[email protected]:4444/quota on the browser , it still prompts me for a username and password. If I enter the same credentials, it still gives me a '401 Unauthorized"

    there are no messages in the ggr container log. All I have is: 2019/11/20 12:37:56 [-] [-] [INIT] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-] [Users file is "/etc/grid-router/users.htpasswd"] 2019/11/20 12:37:56 [-] [-] [INIT] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-] [Loading configuration files from "/etc/grid-router/quota"]

    My quota file is /etc/grid-router/quota/test.xml

    The UI URL at port 8080 correctly shows this ggr linked to all the selenoid hosts, and the total quota count.

    I have also set up the user and password correctly using htpasswd

  • Capability to explicitly select region from quota

    Capability to explicitly select region from quota

    We have internal and external hubs which can handle the same browsers/devices in different regions (ff: 45, regions: us and europe). It would be great to have possibility to handle requests via single quota for multi regions using extra custom capabilities like "region". For now we have to organize it using several quota files and decide on the pipeline level which quota to use (us or eu).

    Attached quota seems rather stable but we can't request exact region


  • GGR interrupts the session if there are extensions in capabilities

    GGR interrupts the session if there are extensions in capabilities

    preconditions: java, selenium, desireCapabilities with extensions

    when I create session through RemoteWebDriver, I get error:

    org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Could not start a new session. Possible causes are invalid address of the remote server or browser start-up failure.

    there is nothing in grr logs

    problem is not observed for guest quota, only auth connection

  • Ggr is probably losing error message

    Ggr is probably losing error message

    Getting the following errors:

    org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Build info: version: '3.13.0', revision: '2f0d292', time: '2018-06-25T15:24:21.231Z'
    System info: host: 'youtrack-linux-1574', ip: '', os.name: 'Linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '4.4.0-130-generic', java.version: '1.8.0_171'
    Driver info: org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver
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