Jwtex - A serverless JWT exchanger and OIDC IdP


*This README is a work in progress

jwtex is a serverless application that takes JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) in one format and converts them to another format. It also acts as a basic OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity provider to authenticate the emitted JWTs.

Use cases

tl;dr: Create useful AWS role session tags from JWTs issued by GitHub, GitLab, etc.

GitHub Actions can generate OIDC tokens to authenticate CI/CD jobs. This can be used to federate into many systems, including AWS. The JWT that GitHub generates contains a wealth of information about the job that created it, but most of that useful information is discarded when federating into AWS. For example, here's a GitHub JWT's claims:

  "actor": "octocat",
  "aud": "https://github.com/octo-org",
  "base_ref": "",
  "environment": "prod",
  "event_name": "workflow_dispatch",
  "exp": 1632493867,
  "head_ref": "",
  "iat": 1632493567,
  "iss": "https://token.actions.githubusercontent.com",
  "job_workflow_ref": "octo-org/octo-automation/.github/workflows/oidc.yml@refs/heads/main",
  "jti": "example-id",
  "nbf": 1632492967,
  "ref": "refs/heads/main",
  "ref_type": "branch",
  "repository": "octo-org/octo-repo",
  "repository_owner": "octo-org",
  "run_attempt": "2",
  "run_id": "example-run-id",
  "run_number": "10",
  "sha": "example-sha",
  "sub": "repo:octo-org/octo-repo:environment:prod",
  "workflow": "example-workflow"

And this is what appears in CloudTrail (I've removed irrelevant fields for brevity):

  "eventName": "AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity",
  "eventSource": "sts.amazonaws.com",
  "recipientAccountId": "0123456789012",
  "requestParameters": {
    "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:role/ExampleGithubRole",
    "roleSessionName": "botocore-session-1631674835"
  "responseElements": {
    "assumedRoleUser": {
      "arn": "arn:aws:sts::0123456789012:assumed-role/ExampleGithubRole/botocore-session-1631674835",
      "assumedRoleId": "AROAY99999AOBPS6VNUFM:botocore-session-1631674835"
    "audience": "https://github.com/octo-org",
    "credentials": {
      "accessKeyId": "ASIAY29999OMG3MKNAG",
      "expiration": "Sep 15, 2021 4:00:36 AM",
      "sessionToken": "IQ[trimmed]lg=="
    "provider": "arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:oidc-provider/token.actions.githubusercontent.com",
    "subjectFromWebIdentityToken": "repo:octo-org/octo-repo:environment:prod"
  "sourceIPAddress": "",
  "userAgent": "aws-cli/2.2.35 Python/3.8.8 Linux/5.8.0-1040-azure exe/x86_64.ubuntu.20 prompt/off command/sts.get-caller-identity",
  "userIdentity": {
    "identityProvider": "arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:oidc-provider/token.actions.githubusercontent.com",
    "principalId": "arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:oidc-provider/token.actions.githubusercontent.com:https://github.com/octo-org:repo:octo-org/octo-repo:environment:prod",
    "type": "WebIdentityUser",
    "userName": "repo:octo-org/octo-repo:environment:prod"

The only useful information that is passed through is the sub. It would be really great if we could a) record other claims of the GitHub JWT in CloudTrail and b) use those other claims as AWS IAM role session tags.

Let's make it happen

Here's how to deploy this:

  • Create a new AWS account in your org solely for running jwtex. You should minimise who has access to it as it is a sensitive service.

  • Deploy jwtex into that account:

# jwtex.yml
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
    Type: AWS::Serverless::Application
        ApplicationId: 'arn:aws:serverlessrepo:us-east-1:607481581596:applications/jwtex'
        SemanticVersion: '0.1.0'
      Prefix: jwtex # ssm parameter prefix *without* leading slash
      CertificateArn: arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:0123456789012:certificate/ae2265dc-6397-40cf-b8e4-24f890e26d2e
      DomainName: jwtex.example.com
      HostedZoneId: Z1234YD7WANM86
      MapperFunctionArn: !GetAtt Mapper.Arn

    Type: AWS::SSM::Parameter
      Name: /jwtex/issuers/github
      Type: String
      Value: '{"issuer": "https://token.actions.githubusercontent.com"}'

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      Architectures: [arm64]
      Runtime: nodejs14.x
      Handler: mapper.handler
      CodeUri: ./mapper.js
// mapper.js
module.exports.handler = async function(input) {
    const claims = input.claims;

    if (claims.repository_owner !== "octo-org") {
        return { allow: false };

    // let's extract these claims from the github jwt into
    // role session tags
    const interestingClaims = [
    const tags = Object.fromEntries(interestingClaims.map(name => [

    claims["https://aws.amazon.com/tags"] = {
        principal_tags: tags,
        transitive_tag_keys: [],

    return { allow: true, claims };
  • Deploy your new OIDC IdP and roles for GitHub into each AWS account in the org:
    Type: AWS::IAM::OIDCProvider
      Url: https://jwtex.example.com
      ThumbprintList: ["TODO: insert thumbprint here"]
      ClientIdList: [https://github.com/octo-org]
    Type: AWS::IAM::Role
      RoleName: ExampleGithubRole
      ManagedPolicyArns: [arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/ReadOnlyAccess]
          - Effect: Allow
            Action: sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity
              Federated: !Ref JwtexOidc
                aws:RequestTag/repository: octo-org/octo-repo
                aws:RequestTag/ref: refs/heads/main
          - Effect: Allow
            Action: sts:TagSession
              Federated: !Ref JwtexOidc
  • Update your GHA workflows to exchange your GitHub JWT for a new JWT:

  id-token: write
  contents: read

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Configure AWS
        run: |
          export AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE=/tmp/awscreds
          github_jwt=$(curl -s -H "Authorization: bearer $ACTIONS_ID_TOKEN_REQUEST_TOKEN" "$ACTIONS_ID_TOKEN_REQUEST_URL" | jq -r '.value')
          curl -s --data-binary "$github_jwt" -o $AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE $url
      - run: aws sts get-caller-identity --region us-east-1
          AWS_ROLE_ARN: arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:role/ExampleGithubRole

Now your role sessions have those helpful tags and your CloudTrail entries have been enriched:

diff --git cloudtrail.json cloudtrail.json
index 649867d..2784d1a 100644
--- cloudtrail.json
+++ cloudtrail.json
@@ -3,8 +3,20 @@
   "eventSource": "sts.amazonaws.com",
   "recipientAccountId": "0123456789012",
   "requestParameters": {
+    "principalTags": {
+      "actor": "octocat",
+      "event_name": "workflow_dispatch",
+      "ref": "refs/heads/main",
+      "repository": "octo-org/octo-repo",
+      "run_attempt": "2",
+      "run_id": "example-run-id",
+      "run_number": "10",
+      "sha": "example-sha",
+      "workflow": "example-workflow"
+    },
+    "transitiveTagKeys": [],
     "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:role/ExampleGithubRole",
     "roleSessionName": "botocore-session-1631674835"
   "responseElements": {
     "assumedRoleUser": {
@@ -17,14 +29,15 @@
       "expiration": "Sep 15, 2021 4:00:36 AM",
       "sessionToken": "IQ[trimmed]lg=="
-    "provider": "arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:oidc-provider/token.actions.githubusercontent.com",
+    "packedPolicySize": 44,
+    "provider": "arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:oidc-provider/jwtex.example.com",
     "subjectFromWebIdentityToken": "repo:octo-org/octo-repo:environment:prod"
   "sourceIPAddress": "",
   "userAgent": "aws-cli/2.2.35 Python/3.8.8 Linux/5.8.0-1040-azure exe/x86_64.ubuntu.20 prompt/off command/sts.get-caller-identity",
   "userIdentity": {
-    "identityProvider": "arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:oidc-provider/token.actions.githubusercontent.com",
-    "principalId": "arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:oidc-provider/token.actions.githubusercontent.com:https://github.com/octo-org:repo:octo-org/octo-repo:environment:prod",
+    "identityProvider": "arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:oidc-provider/jwtex.example.com",
+    "principalId": "arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:oidc-provider/jwtex.example.com:https://github.com/octo-org:repo:octo-org/octo-repo:environment:prod",
     "type": "WebIdentityUser",
     "userName": "repo:octo-org/octo-repo:environment:prod"
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