Minecraft Server List Ping library written in Go


Minecraft Server List Ping library written in Go.


  • Modern Minecraft support (1.7 and newer)
  • Legacy protocol support (1.6 and older)
  • Older versions support (Beta 1.8 to Release 1.3)


package main

import (


func main() {
	res, err := ping.Ping("altea.land", 25565)
	if err != nil {

  • panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range [-1:]

    panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range [-1:]

    When running pings in coroutines after a few "threads" finish i get this error/panic:

    panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range [-3:]
    goroutine 183 [running]:
    github.com/dreamscached/minequery/v2.(*Pinger).ping17ReadStatusResponsePacketPayload(0xc0000564a0?, {0x2673ea66f98, 0xc0065da1c0})
            C:/Users/Sandbox/go/pkg/mod/github.com/dreamscached/minequery/[email protected]/ping_17.go:1841 +0x525

    This is my code:

    var wg sync.WaitGroup
    var pingout []minequery.Status17
    for i, data := range payload {
      go func(data Data, i int) {
        defer wg.Done()
        res, err := minequery.Ping17(data.IP, data.Ports[0].Port)
        if err != nil { fmt.Printf("[%d -> %s] (Failed) %s\n", i, data.IP, err); return }
        pingout = append(pingout, *res)
      }(data, i)
  • Velocity does not ping correctly

    Velocity does not ping correctly

    Hello, i run a velocity 3.1 server.

    When i try to use the example in the README, i get:

    panic: ping error: response error: expected packet 0x0 but got 0x1 instead

  • Implement session store for querying

    Implement session store for querying

    Current implementation of Query creates a new session for each request; ideally this has to be done with session pool of some sort per documentation at wiki.vg

  • Spigot 1.4 servers reply with 1.6 ping response format

    Spigot 1.4 servers reply with 1.6 ping response format

    Spigot 1.4 servers (unlike CraftBukkit and Vanilla) reply with 1.6 response, which include 5 and not 3 fields, and uses \0\0 separator instead of §.

    Documentation on wiki.vg, however, doesn't mention it; in addition to that, Minecraft client 1.4.7 easily handles both responses, both from Spigot and Vanilla/Bukkit implementations of server.

  • sendServerListPing does not use timeout

    sendServerListPing does not use timeout

    So if server doesn't respond, we just staying locked.

    See https://github.com/alteamc/minequery/blob/0902c57917dc366ee7e8fe4750c73942234f3b83/ping/ping.go#L16

    // PingWithTimeout performs a Server List Ping interaction with modern (1.7 and newer) Minecraft server running on the specified host and the specified port with
    // read and write timeout.
    func PingWithTimeout(host string, port uint16, timeout time.Duration) (*Response, error) {
    	// ...
    	res, err := sendServerListPing(conn, host, port)
    	if err != nil {
    		return nil, fmt.Errorf("ping error: %w", err)
            // ...
  • Fix #15

    Fix #15

    Although it is stated on the Server List Ping wiki page that one can ignore the description length, ignoring it and waiting for the connection to close results in a delay due to internal call to io.ReadAll function. This PR resolves this issue.

  • Use custom JSON unmarshaller

    Use custom JSON unmarshaller

    Some projects might require usage of custom JSON unmarshaller that is more efficient than encoding/json from stdlib. For this purpose it's necessary that we add support for this feature.

  • Create error types

    Create error types

    Currently library API returns new error instances on each error; in order to more flexibly respond to errors it would be nice to have actual error instances comparable with errors.Is

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