Implementation of Minecraft protocols : ping, query and icon.

mcutils - Implementation of Minecraft protocols in Go



test workflow


All protocols are implemented in Go, without any external dependency. All protocols should be supported on any platform/architecture as long as Go can compile them.

All protocols have been implemented using All of them are 100% compliant with the standard described there.

This project also contains an helper in communication with tcp/udp, called pkg/networking.

This project has no dependency.

Supported protocols

All protocols implementations support SRV record resolving.

Rcon implementation supports fragmented response packets.



go install


$ mcutils ping <hostname> <port>
Example : mcutils ping localhost 25565

$ mcutils query <basic|full> <hostname> <port>
Example : mcutils query basic localhost 25565

$ mcutils rcon <hostname> <port> <password> <command>
Example : mcutils rcon localhost 25575 mypassword "say hello"

How to use (simple way) ?


// Ping returns the server list ping infos (JSON-like object), and latency of a minecraft server.
properties, latency, err := ping.Ping("localhost", 25565)


// QueryBasic returns the basic stat of a minecraft server.
basicStat, err := query.QueryBasic("localhost", 25565)

// QueryBasic returns the full stat of a minecraft server.
fullStat, err := query.QueryFull("localhost", 25565)


// Rcon executes a command on a minecraft server, and returns the response of that command.
response, err := rcon.Rcon("localhost", 25575, "password", "command")

How to use (full control way) ?


pingclient := ping.NewClient("localhost", 25565)

// Connect opens the connection, and can raise an error for example if the server is unreachable
err := pingclient.Connect()

// Handshake is the base request of ping, the one that displays number of players, MOTD, etc...
// If all went well, hs contains a field Properties which contains a golang-usable JSON Object
hs, err := pingclient.Handshake()

// Ping is a request that basically do nothing and is just used for measuring the latency
// pong contains the latency in ms
pong, err := pingclient.Ping()

// Disconnect closes the connection
err = pingclient.Disconnect()


queryclient := query.NewClient("localhost", 25565)

// Connect opens the connection, and can raise an error for example if the server is unreachable
err := queryclient.Connect()

// Handshake request is used to get the challenge token, needed for questing basic and full stat
challengeToken, err := queryclient.Handshake()

// BasicStat returns several informations about the server like number of players, maximum number of players, etc... in a fully predictable way
bs, err := queryclient.BasicStat(challengeToken)

// FullStat returns several informations (more than BasicStat) in a JSON format, plus the list of connected players
fs, err := queryclient.FullStat(challengeToken)

// Disconnect closes the connection


rconclient := rcon.NewClient("localhost", 25575)

// Connect opens the connection, and can raise an error for example if the server is unreachable
err := rconclient.Connect()

// Authenticate request is used to authenticate the connection.
// If the authentication succeeds, ok will be true, and if it fails, ok will be false.
// err will be nil unless there is a communication problem with the server
ok, err := rconclient.Authenticate("password")

// Command will execute the given command on the server, and the output text will be returned in res
res, err := rconclient.Command("playerlist")

// Disconnect closes the connection
  • Ping taking forever to fail

    Ping taking forever to fail


    when the ping handshake is being executed on an old protocol server like 1.6.4 it takes like 15+ seconds until it returns the error. When using the command, it returns an error instantly, for some reason.

    After some troubleshooting, I could only find out that it hangs with the first call of in.ReadUVarInt() but I couldn't figure out what's causing it.

  • Slow ping performance

    Slow ping performance

    After completing the implementation and replacing mcping I have noticed that a lot of ping requests timeout with a timeout of 3 seconds and a global timeout of 6 seconds. I'm running workers to handle almost 1k ping requests at the same time.

    With mcping this takes less than 2 seconds to process all 1k addresses with a timeout of 1 second for each request.

    mcutils finishes after 4-5 seconds, causing it to frequently hit the global timeout while the per-request timeout is lower. Reducing the DialTimeout and ReadTimeout from 3 seconds to 1 (to have the same timeout as mcping), results in a time less than 3 seconds but with a lot more requests failing with a timeout.

    So it seems that mcutils takes a lot longer to process the requests. Is there any way this can be improved?

  • Raw ping response for legacy servers

    Raw ping response for legacy servers

    As stated in the Wiki, a server running Forge will add additional information about the installed mods,

    On the latest versions you can access it using the ping.JSON map, but for legacy servers the handshake is parsed into ping.LegacyPingInfos without the option of getting the raw map response.

    Thank you so much for all the work!

  • Query fails with IO timeout on Forge modpack server

    Query fails with IO timeout on Forge modpack server

    Hi there, as noted over in itzg/mc-monitor#22 I encounter a problem when running the query protocol against a Forge server:

    root@d89b9e0a7935:/go# time mcutils query full <HOST> 25565
    Error : read udp> i/o timeout.
    Usage : mcutils query <basic|full> <hostname> <port>
    real    0m5.017s
    user    0m0.003s
    sys     0m0.000s

    Same result regardless of basic or full query request. It's pretty clear it's hitting the default 5 second timeout but ping seems to work just fine. For easier repro the ping result is available in a gist here:

    mcutils version: mcutils v1.3.2 Minecraft server version: 1.16.5 Server detail: Forge Mod Loader (modded) running Enigmatica 6 v1.5.1

    If I find the time to investigate this one this long weekend I'll add whatever I find.

  • Possible forever query

    Possible forever query

    Hey, I have a small problem. I'm trying to query many servers in goroutines using producer-consumer pattern but it seems that the package has deadlock somewhere. Is it possible to maybe implement some kind of timeout? My consumers are getting clogged after some time and after some investigation it seems that query is responsible for that lock. I'm not sure what's going on internally in lib, haven't been digging into it. It would be great if anyone could look into it, if you need more details please dont hestitate to ask.

  • Error when calling Disconnect on already closed connection

    Error when calling Disconnect on already closed connection


    I'm getting the following error when calling pingclient.Disconnect() when the connection was already closed.

    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x0 pc=0x668b98]
    goroutine 80565 [running]:*PingClient).Disconnect(0xc000ef5f68)
            /go/src/gocode/vendor/ +0x18
    main.retrieveMinecraft({0xc000239734, 0x66c38d}, 0x0)
            /go/src/gocode/cmd/main/main.go:114 +0x2f7
    created by main.queryServers.func1
            /go/src/gocode/cmd/main/main.go:182 +0x1ef
  • Panic fix for bedrock ping

    Panic fix for bedrock ping

    I understand that there should be an implementation strictly in accordance with the protocol, but the situation with Minecraft servers is such that not all servers implement in accordance with the protocol The use of the ErrInvalidData error was also skipped

    Information about at odds with reality

    On some servers (perhaps even on many), there is no information about the numbered game mode in the response. The same goes for IPv4 and IPv6 ports

    For example:

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