Read csv file from go using tags


Read csv file from Go using tags

godoc for artonge/go-csv-tag

Go goreportcard for artonge/go-csv-tag

PRs Welcome

The project is in maintenance mode.

It is kept compatible with changes in the Go ecosystem but no new features will be developed. PR could be accepted.


go get



The csv file:

name, ID, number
name1, 1, 1.2
name2, 2, 2.3
name3, 3, 3.4

Your Go code:

type Demo struct {                                // A structure with tags
	Name string  `csv:"name"`
	ID   int     `csv:"ID"`
	Num  float64 `csv:"number"`

tab := []Demo{}                                   // Create the slice where to put the content
err  := csvtag.LoadFromPath(
	"file.csv",                                   // Path of the csv file
	&tab,                                         // A pointer to the create slice
	csvtag.CsvOptions{                            // Load your csv with optional options
		Separator: ';',                           // changes the values separator, default to ','
		Header: []string{"name", "ID", "number"}, // specify custom headers

You can also load the data from an io.Reader with:

csvtag.LoadFromReader(youReader, &tab)

Or from a string with:

csvtag.LoadFromString(yourString, &tab)


Your Go code:

type Demo struct {                         // A structure with tags
	Name string  `csv:"name"`
	ID   int     `csv:"ID"`
	Num  float64 `csv:"number"`

tab := []Demo{                             // Create the slice where to put the content
		Name: "some name",
		ID: 1,
		Num: 42.5,

err := csvtag.DumpToFile(tab, "csv_file_name.csv")

You can also dump the data into an io.Writer with:

err := csvtag.DumpToWriter(tab, yourIOWriter)

Or dump to a string with:

str, err := csvtag.DumpToString(tab)

The csv file written:

some name,1,42.5
  • Have you tested the LoadFromPath?

    Have you tested the LoadFromPath?

    First use the example DumpToFile to generate a csv test file, then use LoadFromPath to load this file, panic happened

    generated csv file : name, ID, number 'name1', 1, 1.2

    panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 1

    goroutine 1 [running]:, 0x3, 0x3, 0xc0000b4 330, 0x2, 0x2, 0x4bbf00, 0xc000096560, 0x3, 0xc0000b4330) E:/Go/gopath/src/ +0xe9f, 0xc0000ca028, 0x4bbf00, 0 xc000096560, 0xc0000c7f28, 0x1, 0x1, 0xc00008c8f0, 0xc0000a00c0) E:/Go/gopath/src/ +0x17e, 0x11, 0x4bbf00, 0xc00009656 0, 0xc0000c7f28, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0) E:/Go/gopath/src/ +0x10b

  • Fail to load content with trailing spaces

    Fail to load content with trailing spaces

    The library fails to parse CSV files that contain lines with trailing spaces. I came across this issue when trying to read a GTFS file using the go-gtfs library.


    header1, header2, header3
    line1, 1, 1.2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
    line2, 2, 2.3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
    line3, 3, 3.4           

    Error produced:

    error mapping csv from path csv_files/trailingSpaces.csv:
            ==> error mapping the content to the destination
            ==> line: [line1 1 1.2                ] to slice: {line1 1 0}:
            ==> error parsing float '1.2                ':
            ==> strconv.ParseFloat: parsing "1.2                ": invalid syntax
  • My attempt at Dump function

    My attempt at Dump function

    Thanks again for writing this package! I am pretty new to Golang, but I really like this language. I have been trying to use it as my main language. Feel free to tell me any ideas you have to make this pull request better.

    Side note: I made the second param into Dump an io.Writer because it made the functionality easier to test and it did not limit the functionality. Let me know your thoughts on it!

  • Commnent errors

    Commnent errors

    I noticed that you are from Belgium, so what may seem strange to me may be normal to you. I am referring to treat vs treate and occure vs occur.

    In any case, thanks for creating this project! It looks good and I will probably start using it soon. Have a good day

  • Float32 loading problem

    Float32 loading problem


    Thanks for this awesome tool, it helps me a lot for many different projects.

    For the purpose of the PR, I have a struct with float32 fields and if I need to parse csv files into those structs. I realize it is not workings as expected , I am getting 0 value for those float32 fields. If I set those fields to float64 , it is being parsed as expected. I m a newbie to golang and I am not really sure this is intended or not. I have just created this PR , to fix this issue, please fell free to accept/change/reject for the matching cause.


  • int64 support.

    int64 support.

    Hi I was trying to use this package to decode a struct with int64 fields and It wasn't working. There is a simple fix for this in load.go:

    func storeValue(rawValue string, valRv reflect.Value) error {
    	switch valRv.Kind() {
    	case reflect.String:
    	case reflect.Int64: // Add this.
    	case reflect.Int:
    		value, err := strconv.ParseInt(rawValue, 10, 64)
    		if err != nil && rawValue != "" {
    			return fmt.Errorf("error parsing int '%v':\n	==> %v", rawValue, err)
  • Add way to specify notation to be used for floats

    Add way to specify notation to be used for floats

    When Dumping structs containing floats, the default representation is used. For high exponents, this is scientific notation, e.g. 1e-06 for 0.000001.

    This is incompatible with some specifications that use csv. Currently, there's no way of specifying which representation go-csv-tag should use. Similar situations may arrise for other types, like if an integer should be duped as a hexadeximal value.

  • Dump


    Thanks again for writing this package! I am pretty new to Golang, but I really like this language, so I have been trying to use it as my main language. Feel free to tell me any ideas you have to make this pull request better.

    Side note: I made the second param into Dump an io.Writer because it made the functionality easier to test and it did not limit the overall functionality of Dump. Let me know what you think!

  • bug fix: Can't get the last value if header end with white space.

    bug fix: Can't get the last value if header end with white space.

    hi, As you can see, if the cvs file's header end with white space, the lib can't load the last value correctly. i fix it with strings.TrimSpace() and the test case is provided.

  • Add option to configure CSV reader LazyQuote attribute

    Add option to configure CSV reader LazyQuote attribute

    This change allows to use go-csv-tag lib with CSV files having lazy quotes inside. Refactored load.go so that CSV reader creation is separated from usage, to simplify use of parameters.

  • GoDoc reference

    GoDoc reference

    I just noticed that the godoc reference was referencing the example you have in the source code. I capitalized the field names so that it matches the README

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