File Processor in Concurrency Pattern using Golang goroutine.

File Processor in Concurrency Pattern

Implement a file processor solution in concurrency pattern using Golang goroutine.

App architecture

Get Started

  1. Run docker-compose up to start the localstack and redis services.
  2. Create a Dynamodb table if the storage is Dynamodb.
    aws dynamodb create-table --table-name Users --attribute-definitions AttributeName=UUID,AttributeType=S --key-schema AttributeName=UUID,KeyType=HASH --billing-mode PAY_PER_REQUEST --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 --profile localstack
  3. There are 3 types of storage services defined, Dynamodb, Redis, and Fake storages. The storage service is injected via this code.
    writer := &fileprocessor.StorageWriter{
    	// Storage: storage.NewDynamodbService(),
    	// Storage: storage.NewFakeStorage(),
    	Storage: storage.NewRedisService(),
  4. Run go run main.go --path /path/to/file


Localstack service health checks


Start a Redis cli to connect to the Redis server in docker container.

docker run -it --rm \
> --network go-file-processor_app-tier \
> bitnami/redis:6.2.6 redis-cli -h go-file-processor_redis_1
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