This program performs stress testing for the Cosmos module


Cosmos Modules Testing Program 🔧


This program performs stress testing for the Cosmos module. Support: Liquidity , IBC transfer

Note: Requires Go 1.15+




This stress testing program for the Cosmos module requires a configuration file, config.toml in current working directory. An example of configuration file is available in example.toml and the config source code can be found in here.


# Clone the project 
git clone
cd modules-test-tool

# Build executable
make install

Setup local testnet

Just by running simple command make localnet, it bootstraps a single local testnet in your local computer and it automatically creates 4 genesis accounts with enough amounts of different types of coins. You can customize them in this script for your own usage.

# Run a single blockchain in your local computer 
make localnet

CLI Commands

$ tester -h

comos module stress testing program

  tester [command]

Available Commands:
  create-pools   create liquidity pools with the sample denom pairs.
  deposit        deposit coins to a liquidity pool in round times with a number of transaction messages
  help           Help about any command
  muilt-transfer muilt Transfer a fungible token through IBC
  stress-test    run stress test
  swap           swap offer coin with demand coin.
  transfer       Transfer a fungible token through IBC
  withdraw       withdraw pool coin from the pool in round times with a number of transaction messages

  -h, --help                help for tester
      --log-format string   logging format; must be either json or text; (default "text")
      --log-level string    logging level; (default "debug")



# This command is useful for local testing.
tester ca

# tester deposit [pool-id] [deposit-coins] [round] [tx-num] [flags]
tester d 1 2000000uakt,2000000uatom 5 5

# tester withdraw [pool-id] [pool-coin] [round] [tx-num] [flags]
tester w 1 10pool94720F40B38D6DD93DCE184D264D4BE089EDF124A9C0658CDBED6CA18CF27752 5 5

# tester swap [pool-id] [offer-coin] [demand-coin-denom][round] [tx-num] [msg-num]
tester s 1 1000000uakt uatom 2 2 5

# tester transfer [src-port] [src-channel] [receiver] [amount] [round] [tx-num] [msg-num]
tester transfer transfer channel-0 cosmos18zh6zd2kwtekjeg0ns5xvn2x28hgj8n6gxhe8c 1stake 1 1 1
B-Harvest, Cosmos Validator, Liquidity Module, Gravity-DEX
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