Go module with token package to request Azure Resource Manager and Azure Graph tokens.


Go module with token package to request Azure Resource Manager and Azure Graph tokens.


Install azure cli: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/install-azure-cli?view=azure-cli-latest

create azure spn

set variables for creating app registration

$ spname='<<name-spn>>'
$ tenantId=$(az account show --query tenantId -o tsv)
$ subscriptions=('<<subscription-id-01 subscription-id-02 ...>>')

Create the Azure AD application

$ applicationId=$(az ad app create \
    --display-name "$spname" \
    --identifier-uris "https://$spname" \
    --query appId -o tsv)

Update the application group memebership claims

$ az ad app update --id $applicationId --set groupMembershipClaims=All

Create a service principal for the Azure AD application

$ az ad sp create --id $applicationId

Get the service principal secret

$ applicationSecret=$(az ad sp credential reset \
    --name $applicationId \
    --credential-description "passwrd" \
    --query password -o tsv)

Add SPN to the subscriptions as an reader

for s in "${subscriptions[@]}"; do {
    az role assignment create --assignee $applicationId --subscription $s --role 'Reader'
}; done

set environment variables for auth

Once the Azure App registration is created set the following environment variables:

$ export AZURE_CLIENT_ID='$applicationId'
$ export AZURE_TENANT_ID=$tenantId
$ export AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET='$applicationSecret'

Install and run the example Access Token Printer

$ go get github.com/bartvanbenthem/azauth
$ cd azauth
$ sudo cp bin/aztokenprinter /usr/bin
$ aztokenprinter
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