Code generator to help implement the visitor pattern.



package example

type (
	Node struct{}
	Leaf struct{}

run mkvisitor -type "Node,Leaf" then generate

package example

import "fmt"

type Visitor interface {

func (s *Node) Accept(v Visitor) { v.VisitNode(s) }
func (s *Leaf) Accept(v Visitor) { v.VisitLeaf(s) }

type VisitorDefault struct{}

func (s *VisitorDefault) VisitNode(_ *Node) {}
func (s *VisitorDefault) VisitLeaf(_ *Leaf) {}
func VisitSwitch(visitor Visitor, v interface{}) {
	switch v := v.(type) {
	case *Node:
	case *Leaf:
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("VisitSwitch cannot switch %#v", v))

in visitor_mkvisitor.go in the same directory.

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