A kubernetes operator demo generated by code-generator, it only watches cr's events


a small operator demo which only watches car cr's events.





download dependences

go mod get -u ./...
go mod vendor

code generate

sudo chmod +x vendor/k8s.io/code-generator/generate-groups.sh
make code_gen

build controller

make build

run controller

make run

regist CRD

kubectl apply -f crd/car.yaml

create CR

kubectl apply -f cr/car.yaml

get CR info

kubectl describe car example-car


regist crd and run controller, you will get:

go run . -kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml -alsologtostderr=true
I1116 15:47:20.211328  746138 controller.go:82] Setting up event handlers
I1116 15:47:20.211944  746138 controller.go:112] Starting car control loop
I1116 15:47:20.211955  746138 controller.go:114] Waiting for informer caches to sync
I1116 15:47:20.312421  746138 controller.go:119] Starting workers
I1116 15:47:20.312485  746138 controller.go:125] Starting workers

if you create or update a example-car cr in k3s/k8s, you will get:

I1116 15:47:47.780189  746138 controller.go:181] Successfully synced 'default/example-car'
I1116 15:47:47.780265  746138 event.go:282] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"Car", Namespace:"default", Name:"example-car", UID:"50d0c928-1e1c-4c68-aafd-37a832d576c3", APIVersion:"samplecrd.github.com/v1", ResourceVersion:"61815", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'Synced' Car synced successfully

if you delete this cr, you will get:

W1116 15:57:31.026478  746138 controller.go:209] Car: default/example-car does not exist in local cache, will delete it from carset
I1116 15:57:31.026807  746138 controller.go:212] Deleting Car: default/example-car ...
I1116 15:57:31.026816  746138 controller.go:181] Successfully synced 'default/example-car'
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