An interactive kubernetes client featuring auto-complete.


Software License Go Report Card

An interactive kubernetes client featuring auto-complete using go-prompt.


kube-prompt accepts the same commands as the kubectl, except you don't need to provide the kubectl prefix. So it doesn't require the additional cost to use this cli.

And you can integrate other commands via pipe (|).

>>> get pod | grep web
web-1144924021-2spbr        1/1     Running     4       25d
web-1144924021-5r1fg        1/1     Running     4       25d
web-1144924021-pqmfq        1/1     Running     4       25d


Downloading standalone binary

Binaries are available from github release.

macOS (darwin) - amd64
chmod +x kube-prompt
sudo mv ./kube-prompt /usr/local/bin/kube-prompt
Linux - amd64
chmod +x kube-prompt
sudo mv ./kube-prompt /usr/local/bin/kube-prompt
Linux - i386
chmod +x kube-prompt
sudo mv ./kube-prompt /usr/local/bin/kube-prompt
Linux - arm64
chmod +x kube-prompt
sudo mv ./kube-prompt /usr/local/bin/kube-prompt

Using Homebrew (macOS)

$ brew install c-bata/kube-prompt/kube-prompt

Arch Linux

An unofficial AUR package kube-prompt is available. Install instructions can be found on the Arch wiki.

Building from source

$ GO111MODULE=on go build .

To create a multi-platform binary, use the cross command via make:

$ make cross

Similar projects


Hopefully support following commands enough to operate kubernetes.

  • get Display one or many resources
  • describe Show details of a specific resource or group of resources
  • create Create a resource by filename or stdin
  • replace Replace a resource by filename or stdin.
  • patch Update field(s) of a resource using strategic merge patch.
  • delete Delete resources by filenames, stdin, resources and names, or by resources and label selector.
  • edit Edit a resource on the server
  • apply Apply a configuration to a resource by filename or stdin
  • namespace SUPERSEDED: Set and view the current Kubernetes namespace
  • logs Print the logs for a container in a pod.
  • rolling-update Perform a rolling update of the given ReplicationController.
  • scale Set a new size for a Deployment, ReplicaSet, Replication Controller, or Job.
  • cordon Mark node as unschedulable
  • drain Drain node in preparation for maintenance
  • uncordon Mark node as schedulable
  • attach Attach to a running container.
  • exec Execute a command in a container.
  • port-forward Forward one or more local ports to a pod.
  • proxy Run a proxy to the Kubernetes API server
  • run Run a particular image on the cluster.
  • expose Take a replication controller, service, or pod and expose it as a new Kubernetes Service
  • autoscale Auto-scale a Deployment, ReplicaSet, or ReplicationController
  • rollout rollout manages a deployment
  • label Update the labels on a resource
  • annotate Update the annotations on a resource
  • config config modifies kubeconfig files
  • cluster-info Display cluster info
  • api-versions Print the supported API versions on the server, in the form of "group/version".
  • version Print the client and server version information.
  • explain Documentation of resources.
  • convert Convert config files between different API versions
  • top Display Resource (CPU/Memory/Storage) usage


Masashi Shibata


This software is licensed under the MIT License (See LICENSE).

Masashi Shibata
Creator of go-prompt and kube-prompt. Optuna committer. Kubeflow/Katib reviewer.
Masashi Shibata
  • resources are not prompted

    resources are not prompted

    First of all, thanks for the project, this tool is awesome. I'm using it but from the gifs you provided I understand that it also supports prompting names of actual resources that are available in my cluster. For example if I write "get pods a" it should prompt me all pods that start with "a". Unfortunately it doesn't work for me and I have no idea how to troubleshoot that. Any ideas?

  • Register at a homebrew official repository

    Register at a homebrew official repository

    kube-prompt is gradually becoming a little bit famous. So perhaps it is the worth to register at a homebrew official repository. It is a little bit comfortable because we don't need brew tap.

  • Setting default namespace

    Setting default namespace

    I think this feature would be very useful when we're working in certain namespace. For example, we would execute kube-prompt --namespace staging to set default namespace to staging if not set explicitly in the prompt. So we don't need to type --namespace option for each commands.

    Bonus: Taking more generic approach, it would be better if kube-prompt CLI accept options from original kubectl command as defaults. For example, executing kube-prompt --namespace dev -o wide sets default namespace to dev and output format to wide for any compatible commands. (i.e. it behaves like currying/partial application in functional programming)

  • Upgrade dependencies: go-client v8.0.0, k8s v1.11

    Upgrade dependencies: go-client v8.0.0, k8s v1.11

    This is not well tested, but I did the annoying work to upgrade the kubernetes go-client dependency to version 8.0.0 and adjust to the breaking changes that comes with it (mostly breaking changes that were introduced by version 5.0.0). Also I upgraded the kubernetes object's apiVersion where applicable.

    I did not test it thouroughly. There seem to be bugs, but since I started using kube-prompt just today, I don't even know yet, if these bugs are related to the upgrade. But I suppose this PR is still worthwhile to move towards an up to date kubernetes client.

    • Add dependency to apimachinery; use it for ListOptions

    • Change code to reflect breaking changes of go-client v5.0.0:

      • Enforced explicit references to API group client interfaces in clientsets to avoid ambiguity.
      • Moved pkg/api and pkg/apis to


    • Rename package imports that have API version as their last label to better reflect which API they represent

    • Migrate objects to newer API versions: Some k8s objects have migrated to newer apiVersions like apps/v1, core/v1.

  • Good News! gcloud will support interactive shell mode.

    Good News! gcloud will support interactive shell mode.

    To all kube-prompt's users

    In public alpha version of gcloud, interactive shell mode is added. This feature provides interactive completion of kubectl's subcommands, not to mention a gcloud's subcommands (See for more details)

    Some features still lack but it will be improved in the future (ex: kube-prompt and kube-shell provides feature to complete kubernetes resources such as pods, deployments and so on). It's great news, but it means the worth of kube-prompt will be disappear anymore. Therefore I will not actively develop kube-prompt.


  • brew: Calling bottle :unneeded is disabled

    brew: Calling bottle :unneeded is disabled

    We get the following error when installing kube-prompt with brew.

    $ brew install c-bata/kube-prompt/kube-prompt
    Error: c-bata/kube-prompt/kube-prompt: Calling bottle :unneeded is disabled! There is no replacement.
    Please report this issue to the c-bata/kube-prompt tap (not Homebrew/brew or Homebrew/core):
  • Provide linux-arm64 binary release on GitHub

    Provide linux-arm64 binary release on GitHub

    Because the cross build is already supported. Could you upload the Linux-arm64 binary to Github release? So I can use the released binary directly in my project.

  • odd view when type `--`

    odd view when type `--`

    Im going to type get pod --namespace XXX but when type get pod --, it show odd view, seems miss a new line: image

    environment: kube-prompt v1.0.4 (rev-61ddcfd) mac item2

  • Looking for co-maintainers

    Looking for co-maintainers

    In response to and all kube-prompt's users.

    After publishing kube-prompt, I'm pleased that many users more than I expected use this. But I don't have enough time and mental energy to reply issues, check PRs and update version of kubernetes/client-go. So I'm looking for one or more co-maintainers that can help me.

    If you are interested, please reply to this issue. Thanks.

  • Support for completion of ", and "config use-context "">

    Support for completion of "edit ", and "config use-context "

    First off, great tool, and i like the modular framework of go-prompt.

    This PR adds completion for "edit ", as well as easy switching of context from cluster to cluster via "config use-context ".

    Hopefully someone else finds this useful, as i tend to live in a terminal, and switching from environment to environment for rapid management is fantastic.

  • Fix panic

    Fix panic


    ~ kube-prompt panic: interface conversion: error is *url.Error, not *errors.StatusError

    goroutine 1 [running]:, 0xc0000fde00, 0xe656a23892ca10dd) /Users/xx/go/src/ +0x486 main.main() /Users/xx/go/src/ +0x37


    ~ kube-prompt error Get dial tcp i/o timeout

  • Panic: : integer divide by zero when running in alpine container

    Panic: : integer divide by zero when running in alpine container

    I am compiling kube-prompt and then running from container. Getting following error as soon as prompt starts.

    bash-5.1# kube-prompt 
    kube-prompt  (rev-)
    Please use `exit` or `Ctrl-D` to exit this program.
    panic: runtime error: integer divide by zero
    goroutine 1 [running]:*Render).toPos(...)
            /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/render.go:269*Render).move(0xc0001dfb18, 0x112521b, 0xc0001dfb18)
            /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/render.go:258 +0xbb*Render).clear(0xc0003bc5b0, 0x112521b)
            /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/render.go:245 +0x25*Render).BreakLine(0xc0003bc5b0, 0xc00032dbc0)
            /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/render.go:229 +0x22d*Prompt).feed(0xc00038b5f0, {0xc000127800, 0x0, 0x400})
            /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/prompt.go:124 +0x31a*Prompt).Run(0xc00038b5f0)
            /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/prompt.go:71 +0x539
            /app/kube-prompt/main.go:41 +0x37f


    FROM golang:1.18-alpine AS builder
    WORKDIR /app
    RUN apk add --no-cache git
    RUN git clone
    RUN cd kube-prompt && go build -o kube-prompt .
    FROM alpine:3.15
    COPY --from=builder /app/kube-prompt/kube-prompt .
  • Fetch the latest binary release without arch info

    Fetch the latest binary release without arch info

    Inspired by

    #Stop execution on any error
    trap "fail_trap" EXIT
    set -e
  • CVE issues

    CVE issues

    A trivy scan of the repo indicates that there a few CVE issues with dependencies (likely k8s libraries). Please consider updating the libraries to address the (>= HIGH) vulnerabilities.

    |           LIBRARY           | VULNERABILITY ID | SEVERITY |         INSTALLED VERSION         |           FIXED VERSION            |                 TITLE                 |
    | | CVE-2020-26160   | HIGH     | 3.2.0+incompatible                | v4.0.0-preview1                    | jwt-go: access restriction            |
    |                             |                  |          |                                   |                                    | bypass vulnerability                  |
    |                             |                  |          |                                   |                                    | --> |
    +-----------------------------+------------------+          +-----------------------------------+------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
    |         | CVE-2020-29652   |          | 0.0.0-20190820162420-60c769a6c586 | v0.0.0-20201216223049-8b5274cf687f | golang: crypto/ssh: crafted           |
    |                             |                  |          |                                   |                                    | authentication request can            |
    |                             |                  |          |                                   |                                    | lead to nil pointer dereference       |
    |                             |                  |          |                                   |                                    | --> |
    +                             +------------------+          +                                   +------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
    |                             | CVE-2020-9283    |          |                                   | v0.0.0-20200220183623-bac4c82f6975 | Processing       |
    |                             |                  |          |                                   |                                    | of crafted ssh-ed25519                |
    |                             |                  |          |                                   |                                    | public keys allows for panic          |
    |                             |                  |          |                                   |                                    | -->  |
  • Is it possible to have Vi mode like Vi mode in Bash?

    Is it possible to have Vi mode like Vi mode in Bash?

    If you only want to use this mode in Bash, an alternative is to use the following in your .bashrc, again with a login/logout or resourcing of the file:

    set -o vi
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