Casbin-forum is the official forum for Casbin developers and users.


Casbin-forum is the official forum for Casbin developers and users.



Casbin-forum contains 2 parts:

Name Description Language Source code
Frontend Web frontend UI for Casbin-forum Javascript + React
Backend RESTful API backend for Casbin-forum Golang + Beego + MySQL


  • Get the code:

    go get


    git clone
  • Custom settings: Casbin-forum currently allows some user-defined items, and the customized files are located in web/src/main/custom/.

    Customizable option:

    • Logo, include forum Logo and organization Logo which organization by web/src/main/custom/logo.css
  • Setup database:

    Casbin-forum will store its users, nodes and topics informations in a MySQL database named: casbin_forum, will create it if not existed. The DB connection string can be specified at:

    dataSourceName = root:123@tcp(localhost:3306)/

    Casbin-forum uses XORM to connect to DB, so all DBs supported by XORM can also be used.

  • Setup your forum to enable some third-party login platform:

    Casbin-forum provide a way to sign up using Google account, Github account, WeChat account and so on, so you may have to get your own ClientID and ClientSecret first.

    1. Google

      You could get them by clicking on this url: You should set Authorized JavaScript origins to fit your own domain address, for local testing, sethttp://localhost:3000. And set the Authorized redirect URIs, the same domain address as before, add /callback/google/signup and /callback/google/link after that, for local testing, sethttp://localhost:3000/callback/google/signup + http://localhost:3000/callback/google/link.

    2. Github

      You could get them by clicking on this url: You should set Homepage URL to fit your own domain address, for local testing, sethttp://localhost:3000. And set the Authorization callback URL, the same domain address as before, add /callback/github after that, for local testing, sethttp://localhost:3000/callback/github.

    And to improve security, you could set a state value determined by yourself to make sure the request is requesting by yourself, such as "random". Those information strings can be specified at:

    GoogleAuthClientID = "xxx" //your own client id
    GoogleAuthClientSecret = "xxx" //your own client secret
    GoogleAuthState = "xxx" //set by yourself
    GithubAuthClientID = "xxx" //your own client id
    GithubAuthClientSecret = "xxx" //your own client secret
    GithubAuthState = "xx" //set by yourself, we may change this to a random word in the future

    You may also have to fill in the same information at: By the way, you could change the value of scope to get different user information form them if you need, we just take profile and email.

    export const GoogleClientId  = "xxx"
    export const GoogleAuthState  = "xxx"
    export const GoogleAuthScope  = "profile+email"
    export const GithubClientId  = "xxx"
    export const GithubAuthState  = "xxx"
    export const GithubAuthScope  = "user:email+read:user"
    1. QQ

      Before you begin to use QQ login services, you should make sure that you have applied the application at QQ-connect


    export const QQClientId  = ""
    export const QQAuthState  = ""
    export const QQAuthScope  = "get_user_info"
    export const QQOauthUri = ""
    QQAPPID = ""
    QQAPPKey = ""
    QQAuthState = ""
    1. WeChat

      Similar to QQ login service, before using WeChat to log in, you need to apply for OAuth2.0 service fee on the WeChat open platform open weixin. After completing the configuration, you can log in via WeChat QR code.


    export const WechatClientId  = ""
    export const WeChatAuthState = ""
    export const WeChatAuthScope = "snsapi_login"
    export const WeChatOauthUri = ""
    WeChatAPPID = ""
    WeChatKey = ""
    WeChatAuthState = ""

    We would show different login/signup methods depending on your configuration.

  • OSS, Mail, and SMS services.

    We use Ali OSS, Ali Mail, and Ali SMS to save the user's pictures, send emails to users and send short messages to users.

    You could use another OSS, Mail, and SMS services, we separate those functions from main code, you could found those functions at

    We would mainly use Ali services for example in the next.

    Information in Conf.js

    export const OSSRegion = "" //your oss region
    //The endpoint of your oss region, find it on
    export const OSSEndPoint = "" //your oss end point
    export const OSSBucket = "" //your oss bucket
    //The path stored in your oss
    //eg: `casbin-forum` or `casbin/forum/xxx/xxx`
    export const OSSBasicPath = "" //prefix for saved pictures 
    //If you set a custom domain name in ali-oss bucket, please fill in.
    export const OSSCustomDomain = ""

    Information in app.conf. You could get your roleArn in Before that, you should have an independent account for this application, and add corresponding permissions. Such as:

        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [
        "Version": "1"

    By the way, you should set your bucket permissions to public read.

    accessKeyID     = ""
    accessKeySecret = ""
    roleArn         = ""
    OSSCustomDomain = ""
    OSSBasicPath = ""
    OSSRegion = ""
    OSSEndPoint = ""
    OSSBucket = ""
    SMSSignName = ""
    SMSTemplateCode = ""
    mailUser = ""
    mailPass = ""
    mailHost = ""
    mailPort = ""
  • Github corner

    We added a Github icon in the upper right corner, linking to your Github repository address. You could set ShowGithubCorner to hidden it.


    export const ShowGithubCorner = true
    export const GithubRepo = "" //your github repository
  • Run backend (in port 7000):

    go run main.go
  • Run frontend (in the same machine's port 3000):

    cd web
    ## npm
    npm install
    npm run start
    ## yarn
    yarn install
    yarn run start
  • Open browser:


Casbin authorization library and the official middlewares
  • There seems to be a bug when creating a new topic.

    There seems to be a bug when creating a new topic.

    There seems to be a bug. When creating a new topic, clicking multiple times will create multiple identical topics. Normally, only one should be created.


  • Added Casdoor JS SDK

    Added Casdoor JS SDK

    Part of:

    This is a initial version of Casdoor JS SDK. It only supports password login. In next PRs, I will implement these functions:

    • OAuth login
    • Forget password
    • 2FA

    Deployed at: Username: Kininaru Password: 123

  • fix: made casnode adapt the layout according to the page size

    fix: made casnode adapt the layout according to the page size


    Now, when you drag the browser window to 4:3, it automatically displays the phone's layout, no matter what device you are using.

    And now there is a minimum width limit.

    Deployed at:

  • fix: zoom image broken

    fix: zoom image broken

    fix: #436 CPT2203060120-500x563 The package Zmage seemed to be broken, replaced the places which require zoom images with package

  • chore: optimize images

    chore: optimize images

    *Total -- 43.74kb -> 27.72kb (36.63%)

    /web/src/logo.png -- 33.46kb -> 18.87kb (43.62%) /web/public/favicon.png -- 10.28kb -> 8.85kb (13.88%)

    Signed-off-by: ImgBotApp [email protected]

  • Implement post content translation via API like Google Translate API

    Implement post content translation via API like Google Translate API

    Currently this website does not support language translation. Because of that it tough for other user who are not familiar with chinese language to understand the content.

    I like to work on this by add google translation api.


    See Twitter:



    We may provide a translate button for each post, we will also provide a global switch to translate all contents shown.

  • Make it SEO friendly via SSR

    Make it SEO friendly via SSR

    Refer to:

    As we know, SPA is not friendly for SEO like Googlebot. We need to add SSR (Server-Side Rendering) to this React app, like using Next.js:

  • fix: [Web] fixed hidding of SignIn behind github -with signoff

    fix: [Web] fixed hidding of SignIn behind github -with signoff

    This PR fixes #306 Signed-off-by: Nikhil [email protected]

    ** Description ** There was an issue with the navbar links as on the smaller devices the "SignIn" link gets hide behind the GitHub logo.

    Before Changes

    Screenshot from 2021-06-22 17-40-06

    Screenshot from 2021-06-22 17-40-01

    After Changes

    Screenshot from 2021-06-22 17-39-43

    Screenshot from 2021-06-22 17-39-50

  • fix: Perfect the function of add node

    fix: Perfect the function of add node

    Signed-off-by: MRGUOKING [email protected]

    You can add a node on a page, and the node ID will be automatically generated according to the node name and parent node

    Signed-off-by: MRGUOKING [email protected]

  • It is recommended to put all configuration (including front-end configuration) on the back end

    It is recommended to put all configuration (including front-end configuration) on the back end


    It is recommended to put all configuration (including front-end configuration) on the back end, which provides a public interface to provide configuration to the front end, which always only interacts with a back-end API, and all configuration is managed by the back end,mainly casdoor configuration

  • Try to use docker to simplify the deployment process of casbin-forum

    Try to use docker to simplify the deployment process of casbin-forum

    I want to try to use docker to simplify the deployment process of casbin-forum , This will make it easier for more users and developers to try the forum

  • The casdoor page is blank

    The casdoor page is blank

    [root@web web]# serve -s build -l 8000 ERROR: Cannot copy server address to clipboard: Couldn't find the xsel binary and fallback didn't work. On Debian/Ubuntu you can install xsel with: sudo apt install xsel.

    ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ Serving! │ │ │ │ - Local: http://localhost:8000 │ │ - On Your Network: │ │ │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────┘


  • Failed to access http://your-ip:8000

    Failed to access http://your-ip:8000

    `[root@web web]# npm run build

    [email protected] build craco build

    Creating an optimized production build... Compiled successfully.

    File sizes after gzip:

    783.97 kB build/static/js/main.2df5edba.js 73.89 kB build/static/css/main.f8e90a0a.css

    The bundle size is significantly larger than recommended. Consider reducing it with code splitting: You can also analyze the project dependencies:

    The project was built assuming it is hosted at /. You can control this with the homepage field in your package.json.

    The build folder is ready to be deployed. You may serve it with a static server:

    yarn global add serve serve -s build

    Find out more about deployment here:`

    [root@web web]# cd .. [root@web casdoor]# sudo nohup ./main & [1] 27548 [root@web casdoor]# nohup: ignore input and append output to "nohup.out"

    Unable to access http://your-ip:8000 to configure Casnode

    [root@web web]# netstat -tln Active Internet connections (only servers) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp6 0 0 ::1:25 :::* LISTEN tcp6 0 0 :::111 :::* LISTEN tcp6 0 0 :::22 :::* LISTEN tcp6 0 0 :::8888 :::* LISTEN

    to open ports 7001 and 8000, but it does not show occupied

    The database password has been changed to 123 driverName = mysql dataSourceName = root:123@tcp(localhost:3306)/

  • Support discuz x3.4 Theme

    Support discuz x3.4 Theme

    Hi mainainer,

    We are trying to use casnode instead of Discuz X. Our volunteer perfer to use the currently Discuz X theme. The website is

    image image

  • Fix broken links in member profile page

    Fix broken links in member profile page


    We need to fix these broken links:


    We should fix it to have the same behavior as: . See how it works.


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