:tongue: CleverGo is a lightweight, feature rich and high performance HTTP router for Go.


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CleverGo is a lightweight, feature rich and trie based high performance HTTP request router.

go get -u clevergo.tech/clevergo



  • Full features of HTTP router.
  • High Performance: extremely fast, see Benchmark.
  • Gradual learning curve: you can learn the entire usages by going through the documentation in half an hour.
  • Reverse Route Generation: allow generating URLs by named route or matched route.
  • Route Group: as known as subrouter.
  • Friendly to APIs: it is easy to design RESTful APIs and versioning your APIs by route group.
  • Middleware: plug middleware in route group or particular route, supports global middleware as well. Compatible with most of third-party middleware.
  • Logger: a generic logger interface, supports zap and logrus. Logger can be used in middleware or handler.
  • ...


Checkout example for details.


Contributions are welcome.

  • Star it and spread the package.
  • File an issue to ask questions, request features or report bugs.
  • Fork and make a pull request.
  • Improve documentations.


See CREDIT.md.

CleverGo Web Framework
Toolkits for building web applications and services.
CleverGo Web Framework
  • Render 覆盖已设置 Content-Type Header

    Render 覆盖已设置 Content-Type Header

    c.SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/javascript; charset=utf-8")
    return c.Render(200, "index.html", data)


    Content-Type: application/javascript; charset=utf-8


    Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

    https://github.com/clevergo/clevergo/blob/master/context.go#L350 这里强制使用 headerContentTypeHTML 覆盖了原 Content-Type

  • 路由功能加强



    r.Get("/a", func(c *clevergo.Context) error {
    	return c.String(http.StatusOK, "/a")
    r.Get("/a/b", func(c *clevergo.Context) error {
    	return c.String(http.StatusOK, "/a/b")
    // 优先级最低
    r.Get("/*any", func(c *clevergo.Context) error {
    	return c.String(http.StatusOK, c.Params.String("any"))


    panic: wildcard segment '*any' conflicts with existing children in path '/*any'
  • Context enhancement

    Context enhancement

    • [x] Context.SetCookie: already done since v1.6
    • [x] Context.Cookies and Context.Cookie
    • [x] Context.Emit, Context.Blob
    • [x] Context.JSON, Context.JSONBlob
    • [x] Context.JSONP, Context.JSONPCallback, Context.JSONPBlob, Context.JSONPCallbackBlob
    • [x] Context.XML, Context.XMLBlob
    • [x] Context.String
    • [x] Context.HTML, Context.HTMLBlob
    • [x] Context.FormValue
    • [x] Context.PostFormValue
    • [x] Context.QueryString, Context.QueryParams and Context.QueryParam
    • [x] Context.Render: renders a template. Renderer implementation:
    • [x] Context.RouteURL: generates the URL of naming route.
  • 如何在中间件中获取ctx.Response响应状态?


    当前无法获取 ctx.Response 状态码

    func TimeShow(next clevergo.Handle) clevergo.Handle {
    	return func(ctx *clevergo.Context) error {
    		start := time.Now()
    		// ctx.Response.Status()
    		fmt.Printf("%s %s %d\n", time.Since(start).String(), ctx.Request.URL.String(), 200)
    		return nil

    需要包装 http.ResponseWriter 接口

    type ResponseWriter struct {
    	size   int
    	status int
    	written bool
  • /hello/xxx/  match route   app.Get(

    /hello/xxx/ match route app.Get("/hello/:name" should be 404 not 301

    Describe the bug http://localhost:8080/hello/aa retrun 200 http://localhost:8080/hello/aa/ return 301 should be 404

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. test.go

    package main
    import (
    func hello(c *clevergo.Context) error {
    	return c.String(http.StatusOK, fmt.Sprintf("Hello %s!", c.Params.String("name")))
    func main() {
    	app := clevergo.New()
    	app.Get("/hello/:name", hello)   

    go run test.go 2. curl curl http://localhost:8080/hello/aa/ Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

    curl http://localhost:8080/hello/aa/ return 404 like net/http main.go

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        http.HandleFunc("/hello/aa", func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
            fmt.Fprintf(w, "Welcome to my website!")
       http.ListenAndServe(":80", nil)
    go run main.go 

    curl http://localhost:80/hello/aa/ return 404 page not found

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

  • session  doc  from https://clevergo.tech/zh/basics/session/ is empty

    session doc from https://clevergo.tech/zh/basics/session/ is empty

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]

    Describe the solution you'd like A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

    Describe alternatives you've considered A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

    Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

  • 建议添加一些常用的快捷输出方法.



    JSON(code int, i interface{}) error
    HTML(code int, html string) error
    String(code int, s string) error
    Render(code int, name string, data interface{}) error
    Cookies() []*http.Cookie
    Cookie(name string) (*http.Cookie, error)
    SetCookie(cookie *http.Cookie)


  • 中间件优先级疑问



    package main
    import (
    func middleware(name string) clevergo.MiddlewareFunc {
    	return func(next clevergo.Handle) clevergo.Handle {
    		return func(ctx *clevergo.Context) error {
    			fmt.Printf("开始: %s\n", name)
    			if err := next(ctx); err != nil {
    				return err
    			fmt.Printf("结束: %s\n", name)
    			return nil
    func myHandle(ctx *clevergo.Context) error {
    	fmt.Println("执行: handle")
    	return nil
    func main() {
    	router := clevergo.NewRouter()
    	test := router.Group("/test", clevergo.RouteGroupMiddleware(middleware("路由组中间件")))
    	test.Get("/abc", myHandle, clevergo.RouteMiddleware(middleware("路由中间件")))
    	http.ListenAndServe(":80", router)
    开始: 全局中间件
    开始: 路由中间件
    开始: 路由组中间件
    执行: handle
    结束: 路由组中间件
    结束: 路由中间件
    结束: 全局中间件


  • Activating Open Collective

    Activating Open Collective

    Hi, I'm making updates for Open Collective. Either you or another core contributor signed this repository up for Open Collective. This pull request adds financial contributors from your Open Collective https://opencollective.com/clevergo ❤️

    What it does:

    • adds a badge to show the latest number of financial contributors
    • adds a banner displaying contributors to the project on GitHub
    • adds a banner displaying all individuals contributing financially on Open Collective
    • adds a section displaying all organizations contributing financially on Open Collective, with their logo and a link to their website

    P.S: As with any pull request, feel free to comment or suggest changes.

    Thank you for your great contribution to the Open Source community. You are awesome! 🙌 And welcome to the Open Collective community! 😊

    Come chat with us in the #opensource channel on https://slack.opencollective.com - great place to ask questions and share best practices with other Open Source sustainers!

  • Add a Gitter chat badge to README.md

    Add a Gitter chat badge to README.md

    go-gem/gem now has a Chat Room on Gitter

    @ruishengyang has just created a chat room. You can visit it here: https://gitter.im/go-gem/gem.

    This pull-request adds this badge to your README.md:


    If my aim is a little off, please let me know.

    Happy chatting.

    PS: Click here if you would prefer not to receive automatic pull-requests from Gitter in future.

  • Change module path

    Change module path


    • Import path was changed from github.com/clevergo/clevergo to clevergo.tech/clevergo.
    • Router was renamed as Application.
    • NewRouter was deleted, and New was introduced for creating an application.
    • IRouter was renamed as Router.
    • Context improvements:
      • Context.Host: returns the host of request.
      • Context.Context: returns the context.Context of request.

    The module path was changed, but it won't break things while using original path. The only impact I can think of is that the original module will not be updated and maintained anymore.

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