Bxog is a simple and fast HTTP router for Go (HTTP request multiplexer).

Bxog is a simple and fast HTTP router for Go (HTTP request multiplexer).

API documentation Go Report Card Mentioned in Awesome Go


An example of using the multiplexer:

package main

import (

	bx "github.com/claygod/Bxog"

// Handlers
func IHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, r *bx.Router) {
	io.WriteString(w, "Welcome to Bxog!")
func THandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, r *bx.Router) {
	params := r.Params(req, "/abc/:par")
	io.WriteString(w, "Params:\n")
	io.WriteString(w, " 'par' -> "+params["par"]+"\n")
func PHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, r *bx.Router) {
	// Getting parameters from URL
	params := r.Params(req, "country")
	io.WriteString(w, "Country:\n")
	io.WriteString(w, " 'name' -> "+params["name"]+"\n")
	io.WriteString(w, " 'capital' -> "+params["city"]+"\n")
	io.WriteString(w, " 'valuta' -> "+params["money"]+"\n")
	// Creating an URL string
	io.WriteString(w, "Creating an URL from the current route (This is an example of creating an another URL):\n")
	io.WriteString(w, r.Create("country", map[string]string{"name": "Russia", "city": "Moscow", "money": "rouble"}))

// Main
func main() {
	m := bx.New()
	m.Add("/", IHandler)
	m.Add("/abc/:par", THandler)
	m.Add("/country/:name/capital/:city/valuta/:money", PHandler).
		Id("country"). // For a convinience you can indicate a short ID
		Method("GET")  // It is not necessary to indicate the GET method here as the GET method is used by default but this way is used to set an allowed method

Click URLs:


Necessary changes in the configuration of the multiplexer can be made in the configuration file config.go


Bxog is the fastest router, showing the speed of query processing. Its speed is comparable to the speed of the popular multiplexers: Bone, Httprouter, Gorilla, Zeus. The test is done on a computer with a i3-6320 3.7GHz processor and 8 GB RAM. In short (less time, the better):

  • Bxog 163 ns/op
  • HttpRouter 183 ns/op
  • Zeus 12302 ns/op
  • GorillaMux 14928 ns/op
  • GorillaPat 618 ns/op
  • Bone 47333 ns/op

Detailed benchmark here



  • New - create a new multiplexer
  • Add - add a rule specifying the handler (the default method - GET, ID - as a string to this rule)
  • Start - start the server indicating the listening port
  • Params - extract parameters from URL
  • Create - generate URL of the available options
  • Shutdown - graceful stop the server
  • Stop - aggressive stop the server
  • Test - Start analogue (for testing only)

Example: m := bxog.New() m.Add("/", IHandler)

Named parameters

Arguments in the rules designated route colon. Example route: /abc/:param , where abc is a static section and :param - the dynamic section(argument).

Static files

The directory path to the file and its nickname as part of URL specified in the configuration file. This constants FILE_PREF and FILE_PATH

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  • add to awesome-go

    add to awesome-go

    Hi! I recommend that you add the library to the list of awesome-go. Then your project will be more popular and will have more contributors.

    You have some issues with golint and i also recommend check this out and fix it: https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/claygod/Bxog#golint

    Thank you.

  • Publish more

    Publish more

    Почему только на хабре? Послушай коммент с хабра: все сущности, которые не нужны пользователю, сделай приватными. И публикуй в golang-nuts гугл группе, а также в golang сабреддите (reddit.com/r/golang)

  • I think, I found an error in the example

    I think, I found an error in the example


    Thank you for this framework!

    When I start your example, I saw an error in the output. If I used a recommended url http://localhost/country/USA/capital/Washington/valuta/dollar, I did't see a Country in the last string and I saw "Moscow" in the capital place.

    I think, the code below is more right (and I replaced "valuta" to "currency"):

    package main

    import ( "io" "net/http"



    // Handlers func IHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, r *bxog.Router) { io.WriteString(w, "Welcome to Bxog!") } func THandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, r *bxog.Router) { params := r.Params(req, "/abc/:para") io.WriteString(w, "Params:\n") io.WriteString(w, " 'par' -> "+params["par"]+"\n") } func PHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, r *bxog.Router) { // Getting parameters from URL params := r.Params(req, "country") io.WriteString(w, "Country:\n") io.WriteString(w, " 'Name' -> "+params["name"]+"\n") io.WriteString(w, " 'Capital' -> "+params["city"]+"\n") io.WriteString(w, " 'Currency' -> "+params["money"]+"\n") // Creating a URL string io.WriteString(w, "Creating a URL from route:\n") io.WriteString(w, r.Create("country", params))


    // Main func main() { m := bxog.New() m.Add("/", IHandler) m.Add("/abc/:par", THandler) m.Add("/country/:name/capital/:city/currency/:money", PHandler). Id("country"). // For ease indicate the short ID Method("GET") // GET method do not need to write here, it is used by default (this is an example) m.Start(":80") }

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