Shell script to download and set GO environmental paths to allow multiple versions.


gobrew lets you easily switch between multiple versions of go. It is based on rbenv and pyenv.


The automatic installer

You can install this via the command line with either curl or wget.

via curl

curl -L | sh

via wget

wget --no-check-certificate -O - | sh

The manual way

  1. Check out gobrew where you want it installed.

     $ git clone git:// ~/.gobrew
  2. Add the following to your shell config.

     export PATH="$HOME/.gobrew/bin:$PATH"
     eval "$(gobrew init -)"


    • BASH: Add this to /.bashrc (/.bash_profile for Ubuntu users).

    • ZSH: Add this to ~/.zshenv

  3. Source your shell config file (or reopen shell session).


: gobrew install

Install a specified version of Go.

    $ gobrew install 1.5
: gobrew uninstall
    $ gobrew uninstall 1.5
: gobrew use

Sets which version of Go to use globally.

    $ gobrew use 1.5
: gobrew workspace

Note: 'gobrew workspace' echos the currently set workspace ($GOPATH). Use 'gobrew workspace set' to set your $GOPATH to the current working directory. Use 'gobrew workspace unset' to remove this setting.

    $ cd /path/to/workspace
    $ gobrew workspace set
    $ gobrew workspace unset

Visit for more on workspaces.



To upgrade run update script from .gobrew source with: $ cd ~ $ ./.gobrew/tools/


If you want to uninstall it, just run

    $ cd ~
    $ ./.gobrew/tools/

from the command line and it’ll remove itself.

  • Change go 1.5 download path & local gobrew version file name  (version -> gobrew_version )

    Change go 1.5 download path & local gobrew version file name (version -> gobrew_version )

    go1.5 download path


    local gobrew version file name (version -> gobrew_version)

    Sometimes, if I used the version file name in my project, it caused some confusion about gobrew. Version is too normal of a file name, so I changed the file name to gobrew_version.

  • gobrew-install doesn't work for go 1.2 on mac os x

    gobrew-install doesn't work for go 1.2 on mac os x

    The go downloads now include the Mac OS X version in the filename, they didn't before so the gobrew-install script needs to be fixed.

    The new file name looks like: go1.2.darwin-amd64-osx10.8.tar.gz instead of go1.2.darwin-amd64.tar.gz

  • Install golang 1.5 not work

    Install golang 1.5 not work

    $ gobrew install 1.5
    + version=1.5
    + version_dir=/Users/abtris/.gobrew/versions/1.5
    ++ pwd
    + OLDPWD=/Users/abtris/go/src/
    + mkdir -p /Users/abtris/.gobrew/versions/1.5
    + cd /Users/abtris/.gobrew/versions/1.5
    ++ uname -s
    ++ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'
    + platform=darwin
    ++ uname -m
    + '[' x86_64 = x86_64 ']'
    + arch=amd64
    + '[' -z 1.5 ']'
    + files_url=
    ++ echo 1.5
    ++ cut -d . -f 1
    + version_major=1
    ++ echo 1.5
    ++ cut -d . -f 2
    + version_minor=5
    + '[' darwin = darwin -a 5 -gt 1 ']'
    ++ uname -r
    ++ cut -d . -f 1
    + darwin_major=14
    + '[' 14 -lt 11 ']'
    + file_name=go1.5.darwin-amd64-osx10.8.tar.gz
    + download=
    + set +e
    + type wget
    + echo 'Installing go1.5.darwin-amd64-osx10.8.tar.gz'
    Installing go1.5.darwin-amd64-osx10.8.tar.gz
    + wget -P /Users/abtris/.gobrew/cache
    --2015-08-20 07:48:52--
    Resolving, 2a00:1450:400d:806::2010
    Connecting to||:443... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
    2015-08-20 07:48:53 ERROR 404: Not Found.
    + tar -zxf /Users/abtris/.gobrew/cache/go1.5.darwin-amd64-osx10.8.tar.gz --strip-components 1
    tar: Error opening archive: Failed to open '/Users/abtris/.gobrew/cache/go1.5.darwin-amd64-osx10.8.tar.gz'
    + rm /Users/abtris/.gobrew/cache/go1.5.darwin-amd64-osx10.8.tar.gz
    rm: /Users/abtris/.gobrew/cache/go1.5.darwin-amd64-osx10.8.tar.gz: No such file or directory
    + cd /Users/abtris/go/src/
    + rm -rf /Users/abtris/.gobrew/versions/1.5
    + echo 'gobrew: unable to install 1.5 from binary, download not available'
    gobrew: unable to install 1.5 from binary, download not available
    + exit 1

    I think name not contains osx10.8 now.

  • Command: `gobrew use` not change go version on my Mac

    Command: `gobrew use` not change go version on my Mac

    gobrew install 1.4

    return ok;

    gobrew use 1.4

    return ok;

    gobrew version

    return 1.4


    go version

    return 1.6, not ok, because i want it to be 1.4

    did i miss something here?

  • Fix gobrew list debug flag

    Fix gobrew list debug flag

    Fixed spacing in gobrew-list

    Before fix output:

    ➜  gobrew git:(feature/fix-gobrew-list-output) gobrew list
    ++ uname -s
    ++ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'
    + platform=darwin
    ++ uname -m
    + '[' x86_64 = x86_64 ']'
    + arch=amd64
    + echo 'finding Go versions for darwin-amd64'
    finding Go versions for darwin-amd64
    + url=
    + go_downloads_list=
    + curl -s
    + grep -o '<a href=".*//.*/golang/go.*\.tar\.gz'
    + sed -e 's/<a .*href=['\''"]//' -e 's/["'\''].*$//' -e '/^$/ d'
    + sed -n 's/.*golang\/\(go.*\.tar\.gz\)/\1/p'
    + sed -n 's/go\(.*\)\.darwin-amd64.*/\1/p'
    + uniq
    + sort


    ➜  gobrew git:(feature/fix-gobrew-list-output) ./libexec/gobrew-list
    finding Go versions for darwin-amd64

    With flag:

    ➜  gobrew git:(feature/fix-gobrew-list-output) GOBREW_DEBUG=true ./libexec/gobrew-list
    ++ uname -s
    ++ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'
    + platform=darwin
    ++ uname -m
    + '[' x86_64 = x86_64 ']'
    + arch=amd64
    + echo 'finding Go versions for darwin-amd64'
    finding Go versions for darwin-amd64
    + url=
    + go_downloads_list=
    + curl -s
    + grep -o '<a href=".*//.*/golang/go.*\.tar\.gz'
    + sed -e 's/<a .*href=['\''"]//' -e 's/["'\''].*$//' -e '/^$/ d'
    + sed -n 's/.*golang\/\(go.*\.tar\.gz\)/\1/p'
    + sed -n 's/go\(.*\)\.darwin-amd64.*/\1/p'
    + uniq
    + sort
  • Install script

    Install script

    Created easy to use install / upgrade / uninstall scripts, mentioned by #5

    Install is now just one command. Like:

    curl -L | sh

  • Fix broken headings in Markdown files

    Fix broken headings in Markdown files

    GitHub changed the way Markdown headings are parsed, so this change fixes it.

    See bryant1410/readmesfix for more information.

    Tackles bryant1410/readmesfix#1

  • Fix use command

    Fix use command

    ls command output vary from OS to OS. In my case, awk '{print $9}' shows time of last modification. Since the last field always shows directory name, we have to get it by $NF to get dir names of go versions.

    $ ls -l
    total 0
    drwxr-xr-x  20 abc123  Hoge Users  680  3 29 15:23 1.8
  • Local version file should be file,not directory.

    Local version file should be file,not directory.

    If some directory has  "version" directory, go command in `gobrew` does not works.
    $ls  LICENSE     api        flags.go  join_test.go  manage.go  state
    Dockerfile   cluster    help.go   logo.png      scheduler
    Godeps   discovery  join.go   main.go       script     version
    cat: /home/anarch/go/swarm/src/ Is a directory
    gobrew: couldn't find any version specified for use
  • update list command to be less restrictive when greping for files

    update list command to be less restrictive when greping for files

    by not including "" in the grep regex, it'll make it easier for gobrew_fw to host the files while to still enabling gobrew list to work.

  • update to source profile after install

    update to source profile after install

    sourcing the profile causes the gobrew-init script to run which sets up directories and other stuff which is required to install go. (ex: $HOME/.gobrew/cache gets created)

  • go brew in OSX M1

    go brew in OSX M1

    I'm just setting up a new OSX machine with the M1 chip. I did my go brew installation with the curl command and installed go 1.17. After that I ran gobrew use 1.17. If I run a go command I get zsh: command not found: go

    Could it be that gobrew is installing amd64 instead of arm64?

    Screen Shot 2021-12-28 at 12 58 26 PM

  • source command not found during installation.

    source command not found during installation.


    Using your install script, it works wrong to install. In the end of script, there is source command to set new profile. As I know, source command is supported only in bash and zsh. I think the script must be executed with bash. Or it is good way that source command is removed and note developers to manually execute it.

  • Cannot change version if user group contains two words

    Cannot change version if user group contains two words

    When I run gobrew use 1.8 it shows that the version is not installed.

    I investigated why and I see this line in libexec/gobrew-use file:

    VERSIONS=ls -l $GOBREW_ROOT/versions | egrep '^d' | awk '{print $9}'

    and the problem is in awk command because if my user group contains two words and space in between (my user in an Active Directory user) then the version name is on 10th position.

    I just fixed it to awk '{print $10}' and it works perfect for me, but maybe you could find some general solution for that case.

    Thanks :)

  • init should add paths at the end of $PATH

    init should add paths at the end of $PATH

    When running gobrew init, the CLI adds a few paths to the PATH environment variable. Unfortunately it adds them in the beginning, not at the end.

    This is bad in terms of performance because every call to a binary will then first search these paths, before looking at regular paths such as /usr/local/bin (and I guess that system binaries are more often called than the ones in the directories added by gobrew).

    Furthermore this leads to the situation where binaries in the directories added by gobrew have higher precedence than anything that was installed before.

    Could this be changed to adding the directories in the end instead of at the beginning?

  • gb doesn't work, needs GOROOT set

    gb doesn't work, needs GOROOT set

    Whenever I build a gb project, I have to set GOROOT in order for it to find the compiler.

    Sourcing the output from go env takes care of this. It'd be nice if gobrew did this automatically when switching versions.

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