`runenv` create gcloud run deploy `--set-env-vars=` option and export shell environment from yaml file.


runenv create gcloud run deploy --set-env-vars= option and export shell environment from yaml file.


I want to manage Cloud Run environment variables in a yaml file. But there is no way to pass the file to gcloud run deploy. Also, in gcloud services replace, it can manage environment variables in a yaml file, but it has to manage other values as well. In particular, we need to specify the revision, which is difficult to use.


go install github.com/sonatard/runenv@latest


# env.yaml
- name: SERVER_KEY1
  value: value1
- name: SERVER_KEY2
  value: value2
$ runenv env.yaml

$ runenv -e env.yaml
export SERVER_KEY1="value1"
export SERVER_KEY2="value2"


gcloud run deploy --set-env-vars

  1. Prepare revision config
gcloud run services describe [SERVICE] --format=export > service.yaml
  1. Create env.yaml from service.yaml
brew install yq
yq ".spec.template.spec.containers[].env" service.yaml > env.yaml

# or you can create env.yaml manualy.
# env.yaml
- name: SERVER_KEY1
  value: value1
- name: SERVER_KEY2
  value: value2
  1. Cloud run deploy with environment variables
gcloud run deploy [SERVICE] --image=[IMAGE] --set-env-vars="$(runenv env.yaml)"

Export shell environment

  1. Create env.yaml
# env.yaml
- name: SERVER_KEY1
  value: value1
- name: SERVER_KEY2
  value: value2
  1. Export shell environment
$ eval "$(runenv -e env.yaml)"
$ echo $SERVER_KEY1
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  • 同学,您这个项目引入了21个开源组件,存在2个漏洞,辛苦升级一下


    检测到 sonatard/runenv 一共引入了21个开源组件,存在2个漏洞

    漏洞标题:Google Kubernetes API Server 资源管理错误漏洞
    缺陷组件:gopkg.in/[email protected]
    漏洞描述:Google Kubernetes是美国谷歌(Google)公司的一套开源的Docker容器集群管理系统。该系统为容器化的应用提供资源调度、部署运行、服务发现和扩容缩容等功能。API server是其中的一个API(应用编程接口)服务器。
    Google Kubernetes 1.15.10之前版本、1.16.7之前版本和1.17.3之前版本中的API Server组件存在资源管理错误漏洞。远程攻击者可借助特制请求利用该漏洞造成拒绝服务。
    影响范围:(∞, 2.2.8)
    缺陷组件引入路径:github.com/sonatard/runenv@->gopkg.in/[email protected]


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