Package fsm allows you to add finite-state machines to your Go code.

fsm PkgGoDev Build Status Coverage Status Go Report Card

Package fsm allows you to add finite-state machines to your Go code.

States and Events are defined as int consts:

const (
    StateFoo fsm.State = iota

const (
    EventFoo fsm.Event = iota

f := fsm.New(StateFoo)
    fsm.On(EventFoo), fsm.Src(StateFoo),

You can have custom checks or actions:

    fsm.Src(StateFoo), fsm.Check(func () bool {
        // check something
    fsm.Call(func () {
        // do something

Transitions can be triggered the second time an event occurs:

    fsm.On(EventFoo), fsm.Src(StateFoo), fsm.Times(2),

Functions can be called when entering or leaving a state:

f.EnterState(StateFoo, func() {
    // do something	
f.Enter(func(state fsm.State) {
    // do something	
f.ExitState(StateFoo, func() {
    // do something	
f.Exit(func(state fsm.State) {
    // do something	


This package is much faster and does a lot less allocations than

BenchmarkCocoonSpaceFSM-12    	29371851	        40.32 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkLooplabFSM-12        	 2438946	       487.8 ns/op	     320 B/op	       4 allocs/op

(benchmark data is for two executed transitions)

Benchmark information on


go get

Contribution guidelines

Contributions are welcome, as long as:

  • unit tests & comments are included,
  • no external package is used.



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