Find secrets and passwords in container images and file systems

Deepfence Logo

What are Secrets?

Secrets are any kind of sensitive or private data which gives authorized users permission to access critical IT infrastructure (such as accounts, devices, network, cloud based services), applications, storage, databases and other kinds of critical data for an organization. For example, passwords, AWS access IDs, AWS secret access keys, Google OAuth Key etc. are secrets. Secrets should be strictly kept private. However, sometimes attackers can easily access secrets due to flawed security policies or inadvertent mistakes by developers. Sometimes developers use default secrets or leave hard-coded secrets such as passwords, API keys, encryption keys, SSH keys, tokens etc. in container images, especially during rapid development and deployment cycles in CI/CD pipeline. Also, sometimes users store passwords in plain text. Leakage of secrets to unauthorized entities can put your organization and infrastructure at serious security risk.

Deepfence SecretScanner helps users scan their container images or local directories on hosts and outputs a JSON file with details of all the secrets found.

Check out our blog for more details.

Command line options

Running as a container

$ docker run -it --name=deepfence-secretscanner -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /usr/bin/docker:/usr/bin/docker deepfenceio/secretscanning:latest

Usage of /home/deepfence/src/SecretScanner/SecretScanner:
  -config-path string
    	Searches for config.yaml from given directory. If not set, tries to find it from SecretScanner binary's and current directory
  -debug-level string
    	Debug levels are one of FATAL, ERROR, IMPORTANT, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. Only levels higher than the debug-level are displayed (default "ERROR")
  -image-name string
    	Name of the image along with tag to scan for secrets
  -local string
    	Specify local directory (absolute path) which to scan. Scans only given directory recursively.
  -max-multi-match uint
    	Maximum number of matches of same pattern in one file. This is used only when multi-match option is enabled. (default 3)
  -maximum-file-size uint
    	Maximum file size to process in KB (default 256)
    	Output multiple matches of same pattern in one file. By default, only one match of a pattern is output for a file for better performance
  -temp-directory string
    	Directory to process and store repositories/matches (default "/tmp/Deepfence/SecretScanning")
  -threads int
    	Number of concurrent threads (default number of logical CPUs)

Running on host

$ ./SecretScanner

Usage of ./SecretScanner:
  -config-path string
    	Searches for config.yaml from given directory. If not set, tries to find it from SecretScanner binary's and current directory
  -debug-level string
    	Debug levels are one of FATAL, ERROR, IMPORTANT, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. Only levels higher than the debug-level are displayed (default "ERROR")
  -image-name string
    	Name of the image along with tag to scan for secrets
  -local string
    	Specify local directory (absolute path) which to scan. Scans only given directory recursively.
  -max-multi-match uint
    	Maximum number of matches of same pattern in one file. This is used only when multi-match option is enabled. (default 3)
  -maximum-file-size uint
    	Maximum file size to process in KB (default 256)
    	Output multiple matches of same pattern in one file. By default, only one match of a pattern is output for a file for better performance
  -temp-directory string
    	Directory to process and store repositories/matches (default "/tmp/Deepfence/SecretScanning")
  -threads int
    	Number of concurrent threads (default number of logical CPUs)

Quickly Try Using Docker

Install docker and run SecretScanner on a container image using the following instructions:

  • Build SecretScanner:

docker build --rm=true --tag=deepfenceio/secretscanning:latest -f Dockerfile .

  • Or, pull the latest build from docker hub by doing:

docker pull deepfenceio/secretscanning

  • Pull a container image for scanning:

docker pull node:8.11

  • Run SecretScanner:
    • Scan a container image:

      docker run -it --name=deepfence-secretscanner -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /usr/bin/docker:/usr/bin/docker deepfenceio/secretscanning:latest -image-name node:8.11
    • Scan a local directory:

      docker run -it --name=deepfence-secretscanner -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /usr/bin/docker:/usr/bin/docker deepfenceio/secretscanning:latest -local /home/deepfence/src/SecretScanner/test

SecretScanner will also create json files with details of all the secrets found in the current working directory. In this case, output json files will be in the directory (/home/deepfence/output) inside the container.

Build Instructions

  1. Install Docker
  2. Install Hyperscan
  3. Install go for your platform (version 1.14)
  4. Install go modules, if needed: gohs, yaml.v3 and color
  5. go get will download and build SecretScanner automatically in $GOPATH/bin or $HOME/go/bin directory. Or, clone this repository and run go build -v -i to build the executable in the current directory.
  6. Edit config.yaml file as needed and run the secret scanner with the appropriate config file directory.

For reference, the Install file has commands to build on an ubuntu system.

Instructions to Run on Local Host

./SecretScanner --help

./SecretScanner -config-path /path/to/config.yaml/dir -local test

./SecretScanner -config-path /path/to/config.yaml/dir -image-name node:8.11

Sample Secrets Json Output



We have built upon the configuration file from shhgit project.


This tool is not meant to be used for hacking. Please use it only for legitimate purposes like detecting secrets on the infrastructure you own, not on others' infrastructure. DEEPFENCE shall not be liable for loss of profit, loss of business, other financial loss, or any other loss or damage which may be caused, directly or indirectly, by the inadequacy of SecretScanner for any purpose or use thereof or by any defect or deficiency therein.

  • Crashed when scanning big sized image.

    Crashed when scanning big sized image.

    Hi, I used this tool to scan an image whose size is 26.83GB, then I received a fatal error:

    scanImage: Could not save container image: exit status 1. Check if the image name is correct. main: error while scanning image: exit status 1 panic: Fatal error....

    goroutine 1 [running]:*Logger).Log(0x4000800f5b, 0x5, {0x1094c61, 0x24}, {0xc00045dee8, 0x1, 0x1}) /home/deepfence/src/SecretScanner/core/log.go:68 +0x25e*Logger).Fatal(...) /home/deepfence/src/SecretScanner/core/log.go:73 main.runOnce() /home/deepfence/src/SecretScanner/main.go:108 +0x145 main.main() /home/deepfence/src/SecretScanner/main.go:148 +0x114

  • Remove baseDir from IsSkippableDir

    Remove baseDir from IsSkippableDir

    • I would expect that if "{sep}var{sep}lib{sep}docker" is included in blacklisted_paths that the contents of /var/lib/docker will not be scanned
    • However, when scanning docker images, baseDir = /tmp/Deepfence/SecretScanning/df_<image_name><imagetag>/ExtractedFiles which means that /var/lib/docker is not skipped
    • Removing baseDir from the IsSkippableDir check also allows for matching multiple directories with one pattern
      • If this is seen as undesirable then we could always use strings.HasPrefix

    Love the software and am keen to use it in CI pipelines but need to be able to effectively ignore directories to control false positives 🙂

  • can't install from repo

    can't install from repo

    I'm getting this error:

    output/output.go:11:2:[email protected] (replaced by ./agent-plugins-grpc): reading agent-plugins-grpc/go.mod: open /go/src/ no such file or directory
  • Skip matches containing strings using blacklisted_strings

    Skip matches containing strings using blacklisted_strings


    I'm running the SecretScanner in local mode using the docker image: docker run --rm -v /tmp/vulnerable_repo:/target -v /tmp/test_sec:/artifacts deepfenceio/deepfence_secret_scanner -config-path /artifacts -debug-level DEBUG -multi-match -maximum-file-size 512 -max-multi-match 5 -json-filename report.json -output-path /artifacts -local /target

    The tool works perfectly, and it detect all the repository secrets.

    But in some cases the target repositories may contain files with meta attributes. For example:

        "mariadb": {
            "host": "MARIADB_HOST",
            "port": "MARIADB_PORT",
            "rootMariaPwd": "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD_EXAMPLE",

    I'm triying to whitelist all the matches containing the string _EXAMPLE with no success:

    # Secret Scanner Configuration File
    blacklisted_extensions: []
    blacklisted_paths: []
    - _EXAMPLE
    - name: Generic credentials
      part: contents
      regex: (?i)(?:'|"){0,1}(?:[a-z0-9\-_.]{0,25})(?:key|api|apikey|token|secret|client|pass|pwd|passwd|password|auth|cred|authentication)(?:[0-9a-z\-_\s.]{0,20})(?:'|"){0,1}(?:=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:)(?:'|\"|\s|=){0,5}([0-9a-z\-_\.=:@!]{8,512})['|\"|\n|\r|\s]
      regextype: 'large'
      severity: high
      severityscore: 10

    Is there something wrong with my configuration ? or it is a SecretScanner bug ?

  • Docker build fails on MacOS Catalina 10.15.7

    Docker build fails on MacOS Catalina 10.15.7

    Building the docker image fails when trying to compile hyperscan:

    $ docker build --rm=true --tag=deepfenceio/secretscanning:latest -f Dockerfile .
    #6 341.4 [ 54%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/hs_compile.dir/src/nfagraph/ng_literal_decorated.cpp.o
    #6 341.6 [ 54%] Building C object CMakeFiles/hs_exec_shared_corei7.dir/src/nfa/truffle.c.o
    #6 343.6 [ 54%] Building C object CMakeFiles/hs_exec_shared_corei7.dir/src/som/som_runtime.c.o
    #6 343.9 [ 54%] Building C object CMakeFiles/hs_exec_shared_corei7.dir/src/som/som_stream.c.o
    #6 344.3 [ 54%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/hs_compile.dir/src/nfagraph/ng_mcclellan.cpp.o
    #6 345.9 [ 54%] Building C object CMakeFiles/hs_exec_shared_core2.dir/src/nfa/sheng.c.o
    #6 346.6 [ 54%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/hs_compile.dir/src/nfagraph/ng_limex.cpp.o
    #6 347.0 [ 54%] Building C object CMakeFiles/hs_exec_shared_corei7.dir/src/rose/block.c.o
    #6 347.5 [ 55%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/hs_compile.dir/src/nfagraph/ng_limex_accel.cpp.o
    #6 348.8 [ 55%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/hs_compile.dir/src/nfagraph/ng_misc_opt.cpp.o
    #6 350.8 [ 55%] Building C object CMakeFiles/hs_exec_shared_core2.dir/src/nfa/shufti.c.o
    #6 350.8 [ 55%] Building C object CMakeFiles/hs_exec_shared_corei7.dir/src/rose/catchup.c.o
    #6 353.6 [ 55%] Building C object CMakeFiles/hs_exec_shared_core2.dir/src/nfa/tamarama.c.o
    #6 389.1 c++: internal compiler error: Killed (program cc1plus)
    #6 389.1 Please submit a full bug report,
    #6 389.1 with preprocessed source if appropriate.
    #6 389.1 See <file:///usr/share/doc/gcc-7/README.Bugs> for instructions.
    #6 389.1 CMakeFiles/hs_compile.dir/build.make:1536: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/hs_compile.dir/src/nfagraph/ng_mcclellan.cpp.o' failed
    #6 389.1 make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/hs_compile.dir/src/nfagraph/ng_mcclellan.cpp.o] Error 4
    #6 389.1 make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
    #6 389.2 [ 56%] Building C object CMakeFiles/hs_exec_shared_corei7.dir/src/rose/init.c.o
    #6 392.1 [ 56%] Building C object CMakeFiles/hs_exec_shared_core2.dir/src/nfa/truffle.c.o
    #6 392.3 [ 57%] Building C object CMakeFiles/hs_exec_shared_core2.dir/src/som/som_runtime.c.o
    #6 392.3 [ 57%] Building C object CMakeFiles/hs_exec_shared_core2.dir/src/som/som_stream.c.o
    #6 392.3 [ 57%] Building C object CMakeFiles/hs_exec_shared_corei7.dir/src/rose/stream.c.o
    #6 393.0 [ 57%] Building C object CMakeFiles/hs_exec_shared_corei7.dir/src/rose/match.c.o
    #6 394.3 CMakeFiles/Makefile2:512: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/hs_compile.dir/all' failed
    #6 394.3 make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/hs_compile.dir/all] Error 2
    #6 394.3 [ 57%] Building C object CMakeFiles/hs_exec_shared_core2.dir/src/rose/block.c.o
    #6 394.8 [ 57%] Building C object CMakeFiles/hs_exec_shared_core2.dir/src/rose/catchup.c.o
    #6 395.1 [ 57%] Building C object CMakeFiles/hs_exec_shared_core2.dir/src/rose/init.c.o
    #6 398.7 [ 57%] Building C object CMakeFiles/hs_exec_shared_corei7.dir/src/rose/program_runtime.c.o
    #6 398.9 [ 57%] Building C object CMakeFiles/hs_exec_shared_corei7.dir/src/util/multibit.c.o
    #6 399.9 [ 57%] Building C object CMakeFiles/hs_exec_shared_core2.dir/src/rose/stream.c.o
    #6 400.1 [ 58%] Building C object CMakeFiles/hs_exec_shared_core2.dir/src/rose/match.c.o
    #6 400.2 [ 58%] Building C object CMakeFiles/hs_exec_shared_core2.dir/src/rose/program_runtime.c.o
    #6 403.2 [ 58%] Building C object CMakeFiles/hs_exec_shared_core2.dir/src/util/multibit.c.o
    #6 404.2 [ 58%] Building C object CMakeFiles/hs_exec_shared_core2.dir/src/util/simd_utils.c.o
    #6 406.8 [ 58%] Building C object CMakeFiles/hs_exec_shared_core2.dir/src/util/state_compress.c.o
    #6 408.1 [ 58%] Building C object CMakeFiles/hs_exec_shared_core2.dir/src/database.c.o
    #6 408.1 [ 58%] Building C object CMakeFiles/hs_exec_shared_corei7.dir/src/util/simd_utils.c.o
    #6 408.4 [ 59%] Building C object CMakeFiles/hs_exec_shared_corei7.dir/src/util/state_compress.c.o
    #6 411.4 [ 59%] Building C object CMakeFiles/hs_exec_shared_corei7.dir/src/database.c.o
    #6 421.1 [ 59%] Built target hs_exec_shared_corei7
    #6 421.3 [ 59%] Built target hs_exec_shared_core2
    #6 421.3 make: *** [all] Error 2
    #6 421.3 Makefile:129: recipe for target 'all' failed
    executor failed running [/bin/sh -c mkdir -p /usr/local/include/ &&     cd /usr/local/include/ &&     git clone &&     mkdir /usr/local/include/hs &&     cd /usr/local/include/hs &&     export MAKEFLAGS=-j$(nproc) &&     cmake -DBUILD_STATIC_AND_SHARED=1 /usr/local/include/hyperscan &&     echo "/usr/local/lib" | tee --append /etc/ &&     cd /usr/local/include/hs && make && make install]: exit code: 2

    I'm relatively new to docker, so if you can provide the steps to grab any log files you might be interested in, I'm happy to do so. Pulling the docker image from docker hub appears to work fine, and is a valid workaround.

  • Blacklisted problem

    Blacklisted problem

    Hi I saw blacklisted_paths in config.yaml I use customization content pattern, but result is not skip blacklisted_paths path Does blacklisted_paths work on scan image mode?

  • --json-file is invalid flag

    --json-file is invalid flag


    flag provided but not defined: -json-file
    Usage of /home/deepfence/usr/SecretScanner:
      -config-path string
            Searches for config.yaml from given directory. If not set, tries to find it from SecretScanner binary's and current directory
      -container-id string
            Id of existing container ID
      -container-ns string
            Namespace of existing container to scan, empty for docker runtime
      -debug-level string
            Debug levels are one of FATAL, ERROR, IMPORTANT, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. Only levels higher than the debug-level are displayed (default "ERROR")
      -host-mount-path string
            If scanning the host, specify the host mount path for path exclusions to work correctly.
      -http-port string
      -image-name string
            Name of the image along with tag to scan for secrets
      -json-filename string
            Output json file name. If not set, it will automatically create a filename based on image or dir name
      -local string
            Specify local directory (absolute path) which to scan. Scans only given directory recursively.
      -max-multi-match uint
            Maximum number of matches of same pattern in one file. This is used only when multi-match option is enabled. (default 3)
      -max-secrets uint
            Maximum number of secrets to find in one container image or file system. (default 1000)
      -maximum-file-size uint
            Maximum file size to process in KB (default 256)
            Output multiple matches of same pattern in one file. By default, only one match of a pattern is output for a file for better performance
      -output-path string
            Output directory where json file will be stored. If not set, it will output to current directory (default ".")
      -socket-path string
            The gRPC server unix socket path
      -temp-directory string
            Directory to process and store repositories/matches (default "/tmp")
      -threads int
            Number of concurrent threads (default number of logical CPUs)

    Correct-one (printed by binary as well): --json-filename

  • Allow for merging multiple config files and absolute path specification.

    Allow for merging multiple config files and absolute path specification.

    This PR allows for multiple config paths to be specified, and adds the --merge-configs flag. When multiple paths are specified, and the merge is enabled, it joins the configs together, layering each config on top of the default config.

    Additionally it adds the ability to specify the full path to a config file, not just the directory containing a config file. This means you can do --config-path some/path/nonstandard.yaml

    Closes #71

  • Fix blacklisted_paths can not work on scan image feature

    Fix blacklisted_paths can not work on scan image feature

    Hi, I try to use blacklisted_paths to ignore some dir when using image scan, but it not work.

    In IsSkippableDir function, use path var to compare with skippablePathIndicator var that read from blacklisted_paths, I try to print path to I get some path problem.

    For example: If I want to ignore /bin path, code will compare both two string by use HasPrefix But in image scan feature, path output is like this: /tmp/Deepfence/SecretScanning/df_demoimage4/ExtractedFiles/<layer_id>/bin This is reason that I this blacklisted_paths not work So I try use TrimPrefix to let path like this: Original /tmp/Deepfence/SecretScanning/df_demoimage4/ExtractedFiles/<layer_id>/bin After TrimPrefix /bin It will work on IsSkippableDir function, and can successful ignore blacklisted_paths by use image scan

  • Process gets killed when scanning

    Process gets killed when scanning

    The secret scanner process running inside agent gets Killed on VM Process log:

          "Full File Name": "/fenced/mnt/host/var/snap/docker/common/var-lib-docker/overlay2/5043b3ac304141297e67251e1ce08efd890a2e0b738a4fdc0087daee3d95ca9c/diff/var/log/dpkg.log",
          "Matched Contents": ".log"


       PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                                                                                                                       
    1375878 root      20   0 1404896  40476  22884 D  19.3   1.0   0:13.14 SecretScanner  

    The memory % and cpu usage does not grow with time. Issue has been produced only in this VM

  • Error creating temp folder.

    Error creating temp folder.

    root@bb1:~# SecretScanner -image-name worker1
    Scanning image worker1 for secrets...
    scanImage: Could save container image failed to save image: invalid output path: directory "/tmp/Deepfence/SecretScanning/df_worker1" does not exist
    findSecretsInImage: failed to save image: invalid output path: directory "/tmp/Deepfence/SecretScanning/df_worker1" does not exist
    main: error while scanning image: failed to save image: invalid output path: directory "/tmp/Deepfence/SecretScanning/df_worker1" does not exist
    panic: Fatal error....
    goroutine 1 [running]:*Logger).Log(0x7ffc1c756662, 0x5, {0x56cb7e, 0x24}, {0xc00033ff50, 0x1, 0x1})
    	/root/go/src/ +0x25e*Logger).Fatal(...)
    	/root/go/src/ +0x14c

    Ubuntu 20 go version go1.17.6 linux/amd64

  • CLI for SecretScanner

    CLI for SecretScanner

    Running make static creates a static binary in the current folder which can be placed in /usr/bin Sample commands:

    SecretScanner -local ~/.aws/ -quiet=false -config-path /home/ubuntu/SecretScanner/
    SecretScanner -quiet=false -image-name ubuntu/redis:latest -config-path /home/ubuntu/SecretScanner/
    SecretScanner -quiet=false -config-path /home/ubuntu/SecretScanner/ -container-id mystifying_newton
  • Building as standalone gives issues regarding version

    Building as standalone gives issues regarding version

    $ go get go: downloading v1.1.2 go: upgrade => v1.1.2 go get:[email protected] requires[email protected]: invalid version: unknown revision 000000000000

    What is the problem here? May I have the latest updated the documentation or can you fix the go.mod file?

  • Github action and secretscanner match support for 140 secret types using SARIF file integration

    Github action and secretscanner match support for 140 secret types using SARIF file integration

    idea :- | need same feature using our secretscanner | ---> how to :- SARIF support for secret scanning using github action

  • How to exclude paths?

    How to exclude paths?

    I read the documentation and found that I can exclude certain paths by appending them to exclude_paths.

    Trying to evaluate this tool, I found the following false positive:

          "Image Layer ID": "xxxxxxxxxxx",
          "Matched Rule ID": 135,
          "Matched Rule Name": "Contains a private key",
          "Matched Part": "contents",
          "String to Match": "",
          "Signature to Match": "-----BEGIN (EC|RSA|DSA|OPENSSH|PGP) PRIVATE KEY",
          "Severity": "medium",
          "Severity Score": 5.08,
          "Starting Index of Match in Original Content": 0,
          "Relative Starting Index of Match in Displayed Substring": 0,
          "Relative Ending Index of Match in Displayed Substring": 26,
          "Full File Name": "usr/local/share/.cache/yarn/v6/npm-proxy-agent-5.0.0-d31405c10d6e8431fde96cba7a0c027ce01d633b-integrity/node_modules/proxy-agent/test/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key",
          "Matched Contents": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"

    While there's a private key in the path, it's added to the container by the repo's dependencies. So inorder to remove any detection of secrets in the usr/local/share/.cache path, I appended it to exclude_paths list:


    # Secret Scanner Configuration File
    blacklisted_strings: ["node_modules"] # skip matches containing any of these strings (case sensitive)
    blacklisted_extensions: [".exe", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".gif", ".bmp", ".tiff", ".tif", ".psd", ".xcf", ".zip", ".tar.gz", ".ttf", ".lock", ".pem"]
    blacklisted_paths: ["{sep}var{sep}lib{sep}docker", "{sep}var{sep}lib{sep}containerd", "{sep}var{sep}lib{sep}containers", "{sep}var{sep}lib{sep}crio", "{sep}var{sep}run{sep}containers", "{sep}bin", "{sep}boot", "{sep}dev", "{sep}lib", "{sep}lib64", "{sep}media", "{sep}proc", "{sep}run", "{sep}sbin", "{sep}usr{sep}lib", "{sep}sys", "{sep}home{sep}kubernetes"]
    exclude_paths: ["{sep}var{sep}lib{sep}docker", "{sep}var{name_sep}lib{name_sep}docker","{sep}var{sep}lib{sep}containerd", "{sep}var{name_sep}lib{name_sep}containerd", "{sep}usr{sep}local{sep}share{sep}.cache"] # use {sep} for the OS' path seperator and {name_sep} for -  (i.e. / or \)
      - part:  'extension'

    And ran the command: docker run -it --rm --name=deepfence-secretscanner -v $(pwd):/home/deepfence/output -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock deepfenceio/deepfence_secret_scanner:latest -image-name <image>:latest --config-path secretscanner (where the config.yaml is saved in secretscanner directory).

    SecretScanner still detects this path and the false positive.

    PS: I tried using {name_sep} instead of {sep}, and tried adding the path to blacklisted_strings and blacklisted_paths. Nothing worked so far.

  • [feat]:Docker extension for SecretScanner

    [feat]:Docker extension for SecretScanner

    Design and develop docker extension for SecretScanner with following features.

    • Ability to list all images present locally
    • Ability to run secret scan on selected image
    • Result in human readable table format instead of JSON
    • In-depth details of each scan result
  • feature-req: container runtime as a flag

    feature-req: container runtime as a flag

    passing a flag like, -container-runtime or -cr during runtime would reduce the overall time taken to scan images when underlying runtime is known to user.

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Dec 6, 2021
linenoise is a library that generates strings of random characters that can be used as reasonably secure passwords.

linenoise linenoise is a library that generates strings of random characters (herein called a "noise") that can be used as reasonably secure passwords

Dec 7, 2022
Simple CLI to generate passwords

pwdrng Simple CLI to generate passwords $ pwdrng Copied password to clipboard: bfx861[X<26-b^UT Installation and Usage With Homebrew $ brew tap docto

Apr 8, 2022
A tool for secrets management, encryption as a service, and privileged access management
A tool for secrets management, encryption as a service, and privileged access management

Vault Please note: We take Vault's security and our users' trust very seriously. If you believe you have found a security issue in Vault, please respo

Jan 2, 2023
QR secrets is a cryptographically secure mechanism to store secret data with the highest levels of security and store it on physical paper.
QR secrets is a cryptographically secure mechanism to store secret data with the highest levels of security and store it on physical paper.

QR Secrets QR secrets is a cryptographically secure mechanism to store secret data with the highest levels of security. Incorporating; AES256-GCM-HKDF

Jan 12, 2022
Telling tales on you for leaking secrets!
Telling tales on you for leaking secrets!

Squealer Telling tales on you for leaking secrets! Squealer scans a local git repository for secrets that are being leaked deep within the commit hist

Nov 8, 2022
Friends don't let friends leak secrets on their terminal window
Friends don't let friends leak secrets on their terminal window

senv - safer env Friends don't let friends leak secrets in terminal windows. ?? Print your environment to the terminal without worry.

Oct 26, 2022
A containerd runc shim for replacing environment variables with external secrets

ext-secrets-runc-shim A containerd, runc-based, shim for replacing environment variables with secrets from arbitrary external engines. Quickstart Inst

Aug 9, 2022
Scans and catches callbacks of systems that are impacted by Log4J Log4Shell vulnerability across specific headers.
Scans and catches callbacks of systems that are impacted by Log4J Log4Shell vulnerability across specific headers.

Log4ShellScanner Scans and catches callbacks of systems that are impacted by Log4J Log4Shell vulnerability across specific headers. Very Beta Warning!

Jun 17, 2022