📦🚀 A GitHub Action to install

setup-krew GitHub Action

Test GitHub Action GitHub go.mod Go version

This action enables you to download and install kubernetes-sigs/krew binary.

setup-krew verifies the integrity of the krew release during installation by verifying its SHA256 against its SHA256 file release along the way with the binary itself.


This action currently supports GitHub-provided Linux, macOS and Windows runners (self-hosted runners may not work).

Add the following entry to your Github workflow YAML file:

uses: developer-guy/setup-krew@main
 krew-version: "v0.4.2" # optional

Example using a pinned version:

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Install Krew and test presence in path
      - name: Install krew
        uses: developer-guy/setup-krew@main
          krew-version: 'v0.4.2'
      - name: Check install!
        run: krew version
Batuhan Apaydın
I do mostly #Go, #Kubernetes, and cloud-native stuff 🐱 🐳 ⛵️ Organizer at @goturkiye_ & Community Rel. at @devopstr 🧑🏻‍💻✍️
Batuhan Apaydın
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