GraphJin - Build APIs in 5 minutes with GraphQL. An instant GraphQL to SQL compiler.

GraphJin - Build APIs in 5 minutes

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GraphJin gives you a high performance GraphQL API without you having to write any code. GraphQL is automagically compiled into an efficient SQL query. Use it either as a library or a standalone service.

1. Quick Install

Mac (Homebrew)

brew install dosco/graphjin/graphjin

Ubuntu (Snap)

sudo snap install --classic graphjin

Debian and Redhat (releases)

Download the .deb or .rpm from the releases page and install with dpkg -i and rpm -i respectively.

Go Install

go get

2. Create New API

graphjin new <app_name>

cd <app_name>
docker-compose run api db:setup
docker-compose up

About GraphJin

After working on several products through my career I found that we spend way too much time on building API backends. Most APIs also need constant updating, and this costs time and money.

It's always the same thing, figure out what the UI needs then build an endpoint for it. Most API code involves struggling with an ORM to query a database and mangle the data into a shape that the UI expects to see.

I didn't want to write this code anymore, I wanted the computer to do it. Enter GraphQL, to me it sounded great, but it still required me to write all the same database query code.

Having worked with compilers before I saw this as a compiler problem. Why not build a compiler that converts GraphQL to highly efficient SQL.

This compiler is what sits at the heart of GraphJin, with layers of useful functionality around it like authentication, remote joins, rails integration, database migrations, and everything else needed for you to build production-ready apps with it.

Better APIs Faster!

Lets take for example a simple blog app. You'll probably need the following APIs user management, posts, comments, votes. Each of these areas need apis for listing, creating, updating, deleting. Off the top of my head thats like 12 APIs if not more. This is just for managing things for rendering the blog posts, home page, profile page you probably need many more view apis that fetch a whole bunch of things at the same time. This is a lot and we're still talking something simple like a basic blogging app. All these APIs have to be coded up by someone and then the code maintained, updated, made secure, fast, etc. We are talking weeks to months of work if not more. Also remember your mobile and web developers have to wait around till this is all done.

With GraphJin your web and mobile developers can start building instantly. All they have to do is just build the GraphQL queries they need and GraphJin fetches the data. Nothing to maintain no backend API code, its secure, lighting fast and has tons of useful features like subscriptions, rate limiting, etc built-in. With GraphJin your building APIs in minutes not days.


  • Works with Postgres, MySQL8 and Yugabyte DB
  • Complex nested queries and mutations
  • Realtime updates with subscriptions
  • Build infinite scroll, feeds, nested comments, etc
  • Auto learns database tables and relationships
  • Role and Attribute-based access control
  • Opaque cursor-based efficient pagination
  • Full-text search and aggregations
  • JWT tokens supported (Auth0, JWKS, Firebase, etc)
  • Join database queries with remote REST APIs
  • Also works with existing Ruby-On-Rails apps
  • Rails authentication supported (Redis, Memcache, Cookie)
  • A simple config file
  • High performance Go codebase
  • Tiny docker image and low memory requirements
  • Fuzz tested for security
  • Database migrations tool
  • Database seeding tool
  • OpenCensus Support: Zipkin, Prometheus, X-Ray, Stackdriver
  • API Rate Limiting
  • Highly scalable and fast



Quick Start


Build APIs in 5 minutes with GraphJin

GraphQL vs REST

GraphQL Examples

Using it in your own code

go get
package main

import (

  _ ""

func main() {
  db, err := sql.Open("pgx", "postgres://postgres:@localhost:5432/example_db")
  if err != nil {

  sg, err := core.NewGraphJin(nil, db)
  if err != nil {

  query := `
    query {
      posts {

  ctx := context.Background()
  ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, core.UserIDKey, 1)

  res, err := sg.GraphQL(ctx, query, nil)
  if err != nil {


Reach out

We're happy to help you leverage GraphJin reach out if you have questions


discord/graphjin (Chat)

Production use

The popular site for discovering trending papers in AI and Computer Science uses GraphJin for it's entire backend.


Apache Public License 2.0

Copyright (c) 2019-present Vikram Rangnekar

Vikram Rangnekar
Founder Also building Super Graph the automagical GraphQL to SQL compiler in Go.
Vikram Rangnekar
  • Super Graph as a library (aka. embedded mode)

    Super Graph as a library (aka. embedded mode)

    What would you like to be added:

    A clean API to integrate Super Graph into other GoLang apps. This would be done as a http handler that can be plugged into an existing router or at a much lower level where you can provide a config object and create a new Super Graph instance to be used in your code.

    Also hooks can be added for various things like onQuery, onMutation, onMutationComplete, etc, etc. This would help code using Super Graph as a library provide their own behaviour to execute during request handling.

    The Super Graph GraphQL compilers (QCode and SQL) are already available as a library, this work would focus on moving more pieces of the serv package into a clean API.

    Why is this needed:

    Currently I run two services one for custom apis like authentication and the other Super Graph. Going ahead other custom endpoints like file upload etc would possibly also be added to the first service. It would be great if I could instead bundle it all together into a single app and also be able to augment Super Graph with my own app code.

  • Full business logic in JavaScript

    Full business logic in JavaScript

    Awesome project, thank you Vikram!

    I'm thinking about something like a "forgot password" functionality. I don't think it's quite possible yet to implement it fully in GraphJin yet, but maybe with a few small changes it could be done (and it opens a lot of other possibilities too). (Please correct me if this is all already possible).

    Basically, a user requests something like this:

    mutation forgotPassword @script(name: "forgotPassword.js") (email: "[email protected]") {  ​
    ​  ok

    where forgotPassword.js could be something like this:

    function request(vars) {
      ​// validate the request
      ​if(! { 
        // return an error instead of processing
        return {ok: false, message: 'email does not seem correct');
        // or throw '...'?
      // check if user exists
      ​const user = graphql('query { user(email: $email) { id } }', {email:});
      if( === null) { // or user === null?
        return ....;
     ​ // save the request
      ​const data = { email:, code: generateRandomString(), time: new Date(), attempts: 0 };
      // graphql() function runs a GraphQL request on our database
      ​const graphqlResult = graphql('mutation { forgot_password_requests (insert: $data) { id } }', {data});
      ​// send an email
      const html = `You have requested...`
      ​'', {html, to}); // send the email to the user
     ​ // return a custom object
     ​ return { ok: true, message: "Sent! Check your email", requestId: }; // don't do any postgres queries, just return this immediately

    There are three things that I think are missing now in the GraphJin, that could make it hugely more useful:

    1. ability to run GraphQL queries right from the request(...)
    2. ability to immediately return results instead of GraphJin doing anything
    3. ability to throw a custom error message, creating a more detailed validation

    I think this opens huge possibilities - you could have a whole additional API without running node.js or something. Full custom business logic right in GraphJin

    Then of course you'd need something that validates the code after it was sent, so it could be something like

    mutation resetPassword @script(name: 'resetPassword.js') (requestId: "....", codeFromEmail: "123456abcdef", newPassword: "s3cr3t") {

    and resetPassword.js:

    function request(vars) {
      const data = graphql('query forgot_password_requests(id: $id) { code, attempts }', {id: vars.requestId};
      // TODO: check if not expired
      if(data.attempts > 3) {
        // some more logic to rate limit requests.. 
        return {ok: false, message: 'Too many attempts'};
      if(data.code != vars.code) {
        // mutation to increment attempts
        return {ok: false, message: 'The code was not correct'};
      return {ok: true}

    I don't know - maybe instead of return {ok: false, message: "xyz error"} it would be better to throw an exception, but I think you get the idea.

    This might actually also help with the problem that YugaByteDB guys told about - where a complex query like query getHome from older mobile clients could be intercepted by the backend via a custom request function, be processed in a more efficient manner (by running graphql() calls inside) and return the data with the same schema, but using a different way to run it.

    Thank you!

  • Cue validation for query and mutations variables

    Cue validation for query and mutations variables

    checkout tests for examples.


    1. only works with variables. can not find a way to cast field args into json or struct.
    2. can not use string inside cue schema (double quote " problem) inside plain graphql query, but it can be done with passing validation schema through variables.
  • RLS security support via session variables

    RLS security support via session variables


    I'd like to suggest a feature: setting current role from the session. That would allow RLS policies to be run using the session's user name, while not needing to set any securrity models the config file.

    My implementation suggestion would be hooking into sql generating and prepending the session user name like this:

    conn.Query(ctx, 'SET session authorization howe; SELECT * FROM...')

    This would allow reusing connections from the pool (as they already are) without more worries.

    While we're at it, why not supporting session variables as well? They could be used on RLS policies, functions, triggers, etc. That woud be just as easy to implement: conn.Query(ctx, `SET supergraph.company_id=1234; SELECT * FROM...')

    Of course the '1234' parameter above should be sent as a parameter in the prepared query; that was just an easier to read example.

    Let's not forget to reset all those variables before running new queries; the final command should look like something this: conn.Query(ctx, `RESET ALL;SET supergraph.myvar1='xxx'; SET supergraph.myvar2='yyy'; SELECT * FROM...')

    I think there should be internally a hook for before sending queries to the server, and the standalone server should have a default implementation getting vars from jwt etc., but when running the server on embedded mode, the caller should be able to customize it. On jwt, the "sub" token should probably be the role name, and the payload could set the session variables.

    I didn't have a deep look into the source, but should be easy enough to implement. I could look into it if you're not willing to implement this, but think it's a good idea.

    Any comments?

    Thanks, Howe

  • Incorrect SQL query using variables for filters

    Incorrect SQL query using variables for filters

    I think we have a problem with filters.

    Inspired by this:

    I used this in my dev.yml:

        account_id: "select account_id from users where id = $user_id"
    - name: user
            - name: players
                    filters: ["{ account_id: { _eq: $account_id } }"]

    And I get this error:

    ERR C:/super-graph/serv/http.go:104 > failed to handle request error="ERROR: invalid input syntax for type bigint: \"select account_id from users where id = 2\" (SQLSTATE 22P02)"
    SELECT "_sg_auth_info"."role", (CASE "_sg_auth_info"."role" WHEN 'user' THEN (SELECT json_build_object('player', "__sel_0"."json") as "__root" FROM (SELECT json_build_object('id', "players_0"."id", 'created_at', "players_0"."created_at", 'account_id', "players_0"."account_id", 'amount', "players_0"."amount", 'note', "players_0"."note") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "players"."id", "players"."created_at", "players"."account_id", "players"."amount", "players"."note" FROM "players" WHERE (((("players"."account_id") = 'select account_id from users where id = 2' :: bigint) AND (("players"."id") =  '2' :: bigint))) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "players_0") AS "__sel_0") WHEN 'admin' THEN (SELECT json_build_object('player', "__sel_0"."json") as "__root" FROM (SELECT json_build_object('id', "players_0"."id", 'created_at', "players_0"."created_at", 'account_id', "players_0"."account_id", 'amount', "players_0"."amount", 'note', "players_0"."note") AS "json" FROM (SELECT "players"."id", "players"."created_at", "players"."account_id", "players"."amount", "players"."note" FROM "players" WHERE ((("players"."id") =  '2' :: bigint)) LIMIT ('1') :: integer) AS "players_0") AS "__sel_0") END) FROM (SELECT (CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 2) THEN (SELECT (CASE WHEN id = 1000 THEN 'admin' ELSE 'user' END) FROM (SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 2) AS "_sg_auth_roles_query" LIMIT 1) ELSE 'anon' END) FROM (VALUES (1)) AS "_sg_auth_filler") AS "_sg_auth_info"(role) LIMIT 1

    The query is visibly incorrect. A bug or is it my fault?

  • Does not resolve queries through a linking table (Many-To-Many)

    Does not resolve queries through a linking table (Many-To-Many)

    I have three three tables: film, actor, and film_actor (details below). The following GraphQL query:

    query {
      actor {
        film {
    # Output 
      "error": {
        "error": "something wrong no remote ids found in db response",
        "data": null
                                                  Table ""
          Column      |            Type             | Collation | Nullable |                Default                
     film_id          | integer                     |           | not null | nextval('film_film_id_seq'::regclass)
     title            | character varying(255)      |           | not null | 
     description      | text                        |           |          | 
     release_year     | year                        |           |          | 
     language_id      | smallint                    |           | not null | 
     rental_duration  | smallint                    |           | not null | 3
     rental_rate      | numeric(4,2)                |           | not null | 4.99
     length           | smallint                    |           |          | 
     replacement_cost | numeric(5,2)                |           | not null | 19.99
     rating           | mpaa_rating                 |           |          | 'G'::mpaa_rating
     last_update      | timestamp without time zone |           | not null | now()
     special_features | text[]                      |           |          | 
     fulltext         | tsvector                    |           | not null | 
        "film_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (film_id)
        "film_fulltext_idx" gist (fulltext)
        "idx_fk_language_id" btree (language_id)
        "idx_title" btree (title)
    Foreign-key constraints:
        "film_language_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (language_id) REFERENCES language(language_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT
    Referenced by:
        TABLE "film_actor" CONSTRAINT "film_actor_film_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (film_id) REFERENCES film(film_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT
        TABLE "film_category" CONSTRAINT "film_category_film_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (film_id) REFERENCES film(film_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT
        TABLE "inventory" CONSTRAINT "inventory_film_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (film_id) REFERENCES film(film_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT
        film_fulltext_trigger BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON film FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE tsvector_update_trigger('fulltext', 'pg_catalog.english', 'title', 'description')
        last_updated BEFORE UPDATE ON film FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE last_updated()
                                                Table ""
       Column    |            Type             | Collation | Nullable |                 Default                 
     actor_id    | integer                     |           | not null | nextval('actor_actor_id_seq'::regclass)
     first_name  | character varying(45)       |           | not null | 
     last_name   | character varying(45)       |           | not null | 
     last_update | timestamp without time zone |           | not null | now()
        "actor_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (actor_id)
        "idx_actor_last_name" btree (last_name)
    Referenced by:
        TABLE "film_actor" CONSTRAINT "film_actor_actor_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (actor_id) REFERENCES actor(actor_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT
        last_updated BEFORE UPDATE ON actor FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE last_updated()
                             Table "public.film_actor"
       Column    |            Type             | Collation | Nullable | Default 
     actor_id    | smallint                    |           | not null | 
     film_id     | smallint                    |           | not null | 
     last_update | timestamp without time zone |           | not null | now()
        "film_actor_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (actor_id, film_id)
        "idx_fk_film_id" btree (film_id)
    Foreign-key constraints:
        "film_actor_actor_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (actor_id) REFERENCES actor(actor_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT
        "film_actor_film_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (film_id) REFERENCES film(film_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT
        last_updated BEFORE UPDATE ON film_actor FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE last_updated()
  • Allow to setup Graphjin with a pre-existing Postgres databse

    Allow to setup Graphjin with a pre-existing Postgres databse

    What would you like to be added: Right now, in order to start Graphjin docker-compose pulls it and Postgres docker image as its dependency for the whole setup. Unfortunately, there is no straightforward way of setting up Graphjin using a pre-existing database

    A command like

    graphjin new blog --local

    That will create a docker-compose with only Graphjin as a service and point graphjin to already running postgres database (barebones on my machine or remote)

    Why is this needed: For adopting Graphjin in already running projects (databases) Will save time to deliver products

  • Camel Case Support Extend To Mutation Variables

    Camel Case Support Extend To Mutation Variables

    What would you like to be added:

    A few months ago, we discussed adding a feature for Camel Case and there is a setting to control this behavior.

    I'd like to see this extended to mutated variables as well.

    { "insert": { "id": "01FVPABVWGDG4VBD76N9XCBWwg", "first_name": "Elliot", "last_name": "something", "email": "fragile_something", "policy_group_id": "01FVPABVWFS242TE0FCX5J7RHH", "phone": "something", "dob": "2022-01-01" } }

    I'd prefer to be able to provide camel case variables and they'd be converted into the snake case vars.

    Why is this needed: Well, I can't recall the term for it. But if I'm querying the database and get a user for example, I should be able to copy the dataset returned and paste it as update variables and it should process.

    Which means that the system should accept the variables for camel case when mutating the object.

  • When no row is found return an object, do not throw an error

    When no row is found return an object, do not throw an error

    What would you like to be added:

    Maybe we should not throw an error when no row is found.

    Why is this needed:

    Today SuperGraph as a library throws in this case with:

    error="sql: no rows in result set"

    Maybe we should answer with this instead:

      "errors": [
          "message": "not found",
          "path": [
      "data": null

    I think this is more corresponding with what all the other GraphQL backends return and all the GraphQL clients expect in response.

    And even if I'm not an expert in GraphQL syntax, I think this is what is foreseen by the standard.

    What do you think?

  • Error when trying to start supergraph via docker-compose which generated using go.

    Error when trying to start supergraph via docker-compose which generated using go.


    I could able to generate files using the below commands,

    go get super-graph new testapp

    After that, I tried to start services using docker-compose file,

    ashar@testing:~/testapp$ docker logs -f testapp_testapp_api_1 restarting "./super-graph" when it changes (additional dirs: ./config) INF roles_query not defined: attribute based access control disabled ERR failed to initialize Super Graph: error fetching version: failed to connect to host=db user=postgres database=testapp_development: server error (FATAL: database "testapp_development" does not exist (SQLSTATE 3D000))


    Upon searching I could able to see that the below command to fix the issue but getting some query issues also,

    ashar@testing:~/testapp$ docker-compose run testapp_api ./super-graph db:setup Creating network "testapp_default" with the default driver Creating testapp_db_1 ... done INF created database 'testapp_development' INF 2020-06-16 10:15:01 executing 0_init.sql up -- Write your migrate up statements here

    CREATE TABLE public.users ( id bigint GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, full_name text, email text UNIQUE NOT NULL CHECK (length(email) < 255), created_at timestamptz NOT NULL NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), updated_at timestamptz NOT NULL NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW() );

    ERR ERROR: syntax error at or near ";" (SQLSTATE 42601)

    Please let me know what is wrong.

  • Test Super Graph with Cockroach DB

    Test Super Graph with Cockroach DB

    What would you like to be added:

    Document what it would take to get Super Graph working with Cockroach DB a distributed database that is designed to be compatible with Postgres. Super Graph makes use of a bunch of Postgres specific features like querying for database tables and columns, lateral joins, json functions etc. I have never tried using Super Graph with Cockroach if someone can take the time to do this and document what worked and what did not. And maybe what it would take to get this working.

    Why is this needed:

    Since Cockroach DB is Postgres compatible this would help Super Graph work with a massively scalable distributed database and possibly help the Cockroach DB team see what gaps can be filled in their compatibility layer.

  • COPY command fails on tables with enum columns

    COPY command fails on tables with enum columns

    What version of GraphJin are you using? graphjin version

    v0.21.9 (Go binary install)

    Have you tried reproducing the issue with the latest release?


    What is the hardware spec (RAM, OS)?

    16GB, Fedora 37

    Steps to reproduce the issue (config used to run GraphJin).

    1. Add following to 0_init.sql
    CREATE TYPE employee_type AS ENUM ('Contract', 'Permenant');
    CREATE TABLE employees (
      id SERIAL,
      eid VARCHAR(10) PRIMARY KEY,
      e_type employee_type NOT NULL,
      e_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    1. Create employees.csv in current directory
    1. Add following line to seed.js

    import_csv("employees", "employees.csv");

    Expected behaviour and actual result.

    ❯ docker-compose run api db setup

    FATAL   Error with copy-from: ERROR: COPY from stdin failed: unable to encode "Contract" into binary format for unknown type (OID 16394): cannot find encode plan (SQLSTATE 57014) (line no 2)


    This seems to coming from this line probably a bug in an external dependency,

    current solution is to avoid enum custom types and using check constraints.

  • Subscription transports

    Subscription transports

    What would you like to be added:

    I am wondering if there is merit in adding an option to use SSE for subscription updates ?

    Why is this needed:

    Partly because I am having problems with web sockets and so reaching out to see if SSE would be better. It’s a far simpler protocol .

    I am also curious how the backend manages what users are subscribed to what . Is this able to be inspected somehow or even better to have that data available as a change stream over SSE.

  • Better documentation for JWT authentication

    Better documentation for JWT authentication

    There is just a small paragraph about JWT in the docs. It doesn't do any service for one of most used ways of authentication nowadays. It lacks details about how to actually go about it. Maybe an example or a short tutorial of sort will be fine. Thank you

  • Surrealdb support

    Surrealdb support

    What would you like to be added: I really like Surreraldb and I think It will be a great match with Graphjin since it doesn't need migration and have graph support as well. It uses similar SQL to other SQL databases. Why is this needed: Faster development, Faster app response (it is written in rust), ... the only down side is that it's in beta now but works fine for me so far. thanks.

  • Update multiple items in single mutation

    Update multiple items in single mutation

    What would you like to be added: Update of multiple items via a single mutation:

    mutation {
      plans(update: $data) {

    where data is:

    [{ id: 10, name: "plan1" }, { id: 11, name: "plan2" }]

    Why is this needed: I don't believe this is possible currently without implementing a custom mutation, and I think this abstraction is generically helpful.

    The documentation suggests that this is possible with upsert:

    However, I haven't got this to work successfully via the packaged Graphjin UI - the error message coming back is complaining there is a missing where clause, implying the primary key is not matched if this behaviour is indeed intended.

    I'm very aware this might be my misunderstanding, so apologies in advance if that is the case

  • Cache the schema and relationships discovered from the database

    Cache the schema and relationships discovered from the database


    I stumbled on this project via and I have a use-case which would suit perfectly with this project. However, this might need the addition of a feature.

    The current problem statement is to accept a graphql request via AWS Lambda (or any serverless framework), spin up the lambda, convert the graphql to plain sql, run the query, fetch/insert the result, return the reponse. I use Postgresql.

    I am currently researching and have almost finalised doing this via the Postgraphile library in Javascript, making use of its --write-cache CLI option to write the schema and relationship data discovered in a storage medium (or package it in the Lambda), and then use the --read-schema CLI option to fetch this cached data, validate the graphql query against it and return the result to caller. (I am not using CLIs anymore, but the functions that are being called by the CLI, but that is just an implementation detail for now).

    What would you like to be added: Option/method to save the discovered data to a file or some cache.

    Why is this needed:

    I would like to use graphjin to do something as explained above, however, I am unable to find any documentation to save the discovered data. In serverless framework, one does not need to discover this data for every API call that is made, and hence, this will be a very useful feature, and will allow for efficiency gain for use-cases like mine, performance, and better adoption of the library in general.

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💥 A lightweight DSL & ORM which helps you to write SQL in Go.
💥 A lightweight DSL & ORM which helps you to write SQL in Go.

sqlingo is a SQL DSL (a.k.a. SQL Builder or ORM) library in Go. It generates code from the database and lets you write SQL queries in an elegant way.

Jan 2, 2023
Fluent SQL generation for golang

sqrl - fat-free version of squirrel - fluent SQL generator for Go Non thread safe fork of squirrel. The same handy fluffy helper, but with extra lette

Dec 16, 2022
Fluent SQL generation for golang

Squirrel is "complete". Bug fixes will still be merged (slowly). Bug reports are welcome, but I will not necessarily respond to them. If another fork

Jan 6, 2023
golang orm and sql builder

gosql gosql is a easy ORM library for Golang. Style: var userList []UserModel err := db.FetchAll(&userList, gosql.Columns("id","name"), gosql.

Dec 22, 2022
Analyzer: helps uncover bugs by reporting a diagnostic for mistakes of *sql.Rows usage.

sqlrows sqlrows is a static code analyzer which helps uncover bugs by reporting a diagnostic for mistakes of sql.Rows usage. Install You can get sqlro

Mar 24, 2022
LBADD: An experimental, distributed SQL database
LBADD: An experimental, distributed SQL database

LBADD Let's build a distributed database. LBADD is an experimental distributed SQL database, written in Go. The goal of this project is to build a dat

Nov 29, 2022
A Go library for collecting sql.DBStats in Prometheus format

sqlstats A Go library for collecting sql.DBStats and exporting them in Prometheus format. A sql.DB object represents a pool of zero or more underlying

Dec 4, 2022