Sync distributed sets using bloom filters


An implementation to sync distributed sets using bloom filters. Based on the paper "Low complexity set reconciliation using Bloom filters" by Magnus Skjegstad and Torleiv Maseng


Syncing multiple distributed sets over a distributed system and hard and tedious. To tackle this the paper aims at syncing multiple lists by sending across bloom filters to each node to then caluclate the elements missing between the sets. This idea makes syncing sets much easier and of lower complexity.


To provision the cluster:

$ git clone
$ cd goSetReconciliation
$ make provision

This creates a 2 node Set cluster established in their own docker network.

To view the status of the cluster

$ make info

This provides information on the cluster and its associated ports to access each node. An example of the output seen in make info would be like below:

d3fd26dd4df3  set  "/go/bin/set"  2 hours ago  Up 2 hours>8080/tcp  peer-1
8830feb6cd68  set  "/go/bin/set"  2 hours ago  Up 2 hours>8080/tcp  peer-0

Now we can also send requests to add, list, and sync values to any peer node using its port allocated.

$ curl -i -X POST localhost:<peer-port>/set/add -d {"values": <values>}
$ curl -i -X GET localhost:<peer-port>/set/list
$ curl -i -X GET localhost:<peer-port>/set/sync

In the logs for each peer docker container, we can see the logs of the peer nodes getting in sync after each local operation.

To tear down the cluster and remove the built docker images:

$ make clean

This is not certain to clean up all the locally created docker images at times. You can do a docker rmi to delete them.

To provision the cluster and run automated end to end tests:

$ make e2e

This uses BATS bash testing to run curl requests to each node and asserts the output received.


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