A typed implementation of the Go sync.Map using code generation


https://godoc.org/github.com/a8m/syncmap LICENSE Build Status Go Report Card

A typed implementation of the Go sync.Map using code generation.


go get -u github.com/a8m/syncmap@master


  1. Using CLI
$ syncmap -name IntMap "map[int]int"
$ syncmap -name RequestMap -pkg mypkg "map[string]*http.Request"


$ go run github.com/a8m/syncmap -name IntMap "map[int]int"
  1. Using go generate.

    • Add a directive with map definition:
      //go:generate go run github.com/a8m/syncmap -name WriterMap map[string]io.Writer
      //go:generate go run github.com/a8m/syncmap -name Requests map[string]*http.Request
    • Then, run go generate on this package.

    See testdata/gen.go for more examples.

How does it work?

syncmap didn't copy the code of sync/map.go and replace its identifiers. Instead, it reads the sync/map.go from your GOROOT, parses it into an *ast.File, and runs a few mutators that bring it to the desired state. Check the code for more information.

How can we make sure it will continue to work? - I'm running a daily CI test on TravisCI.


Benchmark tests were taken from the sync package.

BenchmarkLoadMostlyHits/*main.DeepCopyMap-8         	100000000	        15.1 ns/op
BenchmarkLoadMostlyHits/*main.RWMutexMap-8          	30000000	        54.4 ns/op
BenchmarkLoadMostlyHits/*sync.Map-8                 	100000000	        14.0 ns/op
BenchmarkLoadMostlyHits/*main.IntMap-8              	300000000	        5.65 ns/op <--

BenchmarkLoadMostlyMisses/*main.DeepCopyMap-8       	200000000	        10.2 ns/op
BenchmarkLoadMostlyMisses/*main.RWMutexMap-8        	30000000	        59.2 ns/op
BenchmarkLoadMostlyMisses/*sync.Map-8               	100000000	        11.3 ns/op
BenchmarkLoadMostlyMisses/*main.IntMap-8            	300000000	        4.05 ns/op <--

BenchmarkLoadOrStoreBalanced/*main.RWMutexMap-8     	 3000000	        400 ns/op
BenchmarkLoadOrStoreBalanced/*sync.Map-8            	 3000000	        400 ns/op
BenchmarkLoadOrStoreBalanced/*main.IntMap-8         	 5000000	        233 ns/op <--

BenchmarkLoadOrStoreUnique/*main.RWMutexMap-8       	 2000000	        744 ns/op
BenchmarkLoadOrStoreUnique/*sync.Map-8              	 2000000	        903 ns/op
BenchmarkLoadOrStoreUnique/*main.IntMap-8           	 3000000	        388 ns/op <--

BenchmarkLoadOrStoreCollision/*main.DeepCopyMap-8   	200000000	        7.29 ns/op
BenchmarkLoadOrStoreCollision/*main.RWMutexMap-8    	20000000	        97.5 ns/op
BenchmarkLoadOrStoreCollision/*sync.Map-8           	200000000	        9.11 ns/op
BenchmarkLoadOrStoreCollision/*main.IntMap-8        	500000000	        3.14 ns/op <--

BenchmarkRange/*main.DeepCopyMap-8                  	  500000	        4479 ns/op
BenchmarkRange/*main.RWMutexMap-8                   	   30000	        56834 ns/op
BenchmarkRange/*sync.Map-8                          	  300000	        4464 ns/op
BenchmarkRange/*main.IntMap-8                       	1000000000	        2.38 ns/op <--

BenchmarkAdversarialAlloc/*main.DeepCopyMap-8       	 2000000	        826 ns/op
BenchmarkAdversarialAlloc/*main.RWMutexMap-8        	20000000	        73.6 ns/op
BenchmarkAdversarialAlloc/*sync.Map-8               	 5000000	        303 ns/op
BenchmarkAdversarialAlloc/*main.IntMap-8            	10000000	        182 ns/op <--

BenchmarkAdversarialDelete/*main.DeepCopyMap-8      	10000000	        204 ns/op
BenchmarkAdversarialDelete/*main.RWMutexMap-8       	20000000	        78.3 ns/op
BenchmarkAdversarialDelete/*sync.Map-8              	20000000	        72.2 ns/op
BenchmarkAdversarialDelete/*main.IntMap-8           	100000000	        14.2 ns/op <--

Running benchmark with -benchmem

BenchmarkLoadMostlyHits/*main.DeepCopyMap-8         100000000	  12.7 ns/op	  7 B/op	  0 allocs/op
BenchmarkLoadMostlyHits/*main.RWMutexMap-8          30000000	  53.6 ns/op	  7 B/op	  0 allocs/op
BenchmarkLoadMostlyHits/*sync.Map-8                 100000000	  16.3 ns/op	  7 B/op	  0 allocs/op
BenchmarkLoadMostlyHits/*main.IntMap-8              200000000	  6.02 ns/op	  0 B/op	  0 allocs/op <--

BenchmarkLoadMostlyMisses/*main.DeepCopyMap-8       200000000	  7.99 ns/op	  7 B/op	  0 allocs/op
BenchmarkLoadMostlyMisses/*main.RWMutexMap-8        30000000	  52.6 ns/op	  7 B/op	  0 allocs/op
BenchmarkLoadMostlyMisses/*sync.Map-8               200000000	  8.87 ns/op	  7 B/op	  0 allocs/op
BenchmarkLoadMostlyMisses/*main.IntMap-8            1000000000	  2.88 ns/op	  0 B/op	  0 allocs/op <--

BenchmarkLoadOrStoreBalanced/*main.RWMutexMap-8     3000000	  357 ns/op	  71 B/op	  2 allocs/op
BenchmarkLoadOrStoreBalanced/*sync.Map-8            3000000	  417 ns/op	  70 B/op	  3 allocs/op
BenchmarkLoadOrStoreBalanced/*main.IntMap-8         5000000	  202 ns/op	  42 B/op	  1 allocs/op <--

BenchmarkLoadOrStoreUnique/*main.RWMutexMap-8       2000000	  648 ns/op	  178 B/op	  2 allocs/op
BenchmarkLoadOrStoreUnique/*sync.Map-8              2000000	  745 ns/op	  163 B/op	  4 allocs/op
BenchmarkLoadOrStoreUnique/*main.IntMap-8           3000000	  368 ns/op	  74 B/op	  2 allocs/op <--

BenchmarkLoadOrStoreCollision/*main.DeepCopyMap-8   300000000	  5.90 ns/op	  0 B/op	  0 allocs/op
BenchmarkLoadOrStoreCollision/*main.RWMutexMap-8    20000000	  94.5 ns/op	  0 B/op	  0 allocs/op
BenchmarkLoadOrStoreCollision/*sync.Map-8           200000000	  7.55 ns/op	  0 B/op	  0 allocs/op
BenchmarkLoadOrStoreCollision/*main.IntMap-8        1000000000	  2.68 ns/op	  0 B/op	  0 allocs/op <--

BenchmarkRange/*main.DeepCopyMap-8                  500000	  3376 ns/op	  0 B/op	  0 allocs/op
BenchmarkRange/*main.RWMutexMap-8                   30000	  56675 ns/op	  16384 B/op	  1 allocs/op
BenchmarkRange/*sync.Map-8                          500000	  3587 ns/op	  0 B/op	  0 allocs/op
BenchmarkRange/*main.IntMap-8                       2000000000	  1.75 ns/op	  0 B/op	  0 allocs/op <--

BenchmarkAdversarialAlloc/*main.DeepCopyMap-8       2000000	  761 ns/op	  535 B/op	  1 allocs/op
BenchmarkAdversarialAlloc/*main.RWMutexMap-8        20000000	  67.9 ns/op	  8 B/op	  1 allocs/op
BenchmarkAdversarialAlloc/*sync.Map-8               5000000	  264 ns/op	  51 B/op	  1 allocs/op
BenchmarkAdversarialAlloc/*main.IntMap-8            10000000	  176 ns/op	  28 B/op	  0 allocs/op <--

BenchmarkAdversarialDelete/*main.DeepCopyMap-8      10000000	  194 ns/op	  168 B/op	  1 allocs/op
BenchmarkAdversarialDelete/*main.RWMutexMap-8       20000000	  76.9 ns/op	  25 B/op	  1 allocs/op
BenchmarkAdversarialDelete/*sync.Map-8              20000000	  60.8 ns/op	  18 B/op	  1 allocs/op
BenchmarkAdversarialDelete/*main.IntMap-8           100000000	  13.1 ns/op	  0 B/op	  0 allocs/op <--


I am providing code in the repository to you under MIT license. Because this is my personal repository, the license you receive to my code is from me and not my employer (Facebook)

  • syncmap: function was deleted

    syncmap: function was deleted

    Hi @a8m ,

    No matter which example command you mentioned in the doc' I'm always ending with this error:

    sneko@sneko XXXXX % go run github.com/a8m/syncmap -name IntMap "map[int]int"
    syncmap: function was deleted

    I also tried directly yncmap -name IntMap "map[int]int" but same error.

    Any idea of what I'm missing that triggers (?) https://github.com/a8m/syncmap/blob/4bbbd178de97432c071e2d70312b77ec0039fefe/syncmap.go#L128

    Thank you,

  • not work on go 1.18 any more

    not work on go 1.18 any more

    the simple cli: syncmap -name TsysLicMap -pkg mypkg "map[string]*http.Request" generate the code type is any.

    func (m *TsysLicMap) Load(key any) (value any, ok bool) 
  • Maybe you should copy a syncmap.go as a template, not user's GOROOT

    Maybe you should copy a syncmap.go as a template, not user's GOROOT

    Different versions of syncmap.go are different, including unexport methods, fields, variables and so on. Users may fail in some old go-version. So you can use a template to keep the program stable and update with the go version.

  • The case BenchmarkRange seems has some problem ?

    The case BenchmarkRange seems has some problem ?

    // syncmap code:
    	b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%T", &IntMap{}), func(b *testing.B) {
    		m := &IntMap{}
    		// setup:
    		// reset:
    		// perG:
    		perG := func(b *testing.B, pb *testing.PB, i int, m *IntMap) {
    			for ; pb.Next(); i++ {
    				m.Range(func(_, _ int) bool { return true })
    		var i int64
    		b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
    			id := int(atomic.AddInt64(&i, 1) - 1)
    			perG(b, pb, id*b.N, m)

    seems the setup function is nil, then the map is empy, so at the benrchmark result, it seems vary fast

  • Can different custom packages for key and value is possible?

    Can different custom packages for key and value is possible?

    Hi @a8m ,

    Currently using a basic

    syncmap -name UserChannelsMap -pkg xmap -o ./types/xmap/user_channels_map.go "map[string]string"

    will work.

    If I want to use a custom type:

    syncmap -name UserChannelsMap -pkg xmap -o ./types/xmap/user_channels_map.go "map[string]*UserChannelList"

    I need to make sure UserChannelList is in the same package than the one exported for the file (here xmap). I could arrange myself to do so, but it brings some complexity.

    Last case, I want to use like an "enum" for the keys, in my case it's defined in my own constant package, how could I deal with this? From what I understand it's not possible, the syncmap would have to manage some add of imports, no?

    syncmap -name UserChannelsMap -pkg xmap -o ./types/xmap/user_channels_map.go "map[constant.NameID]*UserChannelList"

    Maybe I missed something 🤔

    Thank you,

    EDIT: a workaround could be that aside my exported file (having package xmap) I could declare type aliases for both the key and the value types, like:

    import ...
    type NameID = constant.NameID
    type UserChannelList = entity.UserChannelList

    EDIT2: in all cases, I should make sure it won't bring circular loop if the XXXMap was needed in one of those packages ^^

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