Lightweight RESTful database engine based on stack data structures

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[pee-lah-dee-bee]. pila means stack or battery in Spanish.

piladb is a lightweight RESTful database engine based on stack data structures. Create as many stacks as you need, PUSH or POP elements of any kind, and have access to the one on top always in constant time.


  • Stacks are auto-scalable and are only limited by the capacity of the host or by configuration.
  • Available POP, PUSH, PEEK,SIZE, and FLUSH operations for each of the stacks.
  • Manage stacks and other resources by using a REST API, so you can use it with your favorite programming language.
  • Manage elements in JSON-compatible data types: strings, numbers, arrays, objects, etc.
  • Totally configurable using a REST API, or CLI parameters.
  • In-memory store.
  • Written in Go, i.e. binaries are self-contained and distributable.



You can download binaries for Linux and Mac in the Releases page.

From Source Code

You need Go installed. Version 1.6+ recommended.

go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
make pilad



You need Go installed. Version 1.6+ is mandatory.

go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
make all

You can also use Docker to create piladb builds or development environment. Please see the dev directory.


piladb aims to minimize the amount of third party dependencies and to rely on the Go standard library as much as possible.

Even though, it uses dep to vendor its few dependencies.

piladb also provides a go.mod file, which turns this project into a Go module. To learn more about Go modules and the vgo prototype, please read the Go & Versioning series by Russ Cox.

Code Coverage

We aim for a universal 100% code coverage for all suppackages. If some piece of code is not testable, it probably needs to be changed.

Check current code coverage of the project:


You need Docker installed.

It's possible to get pilad binary releases by executing make release. This will cross-compile pilad in all available OS's and architectures.

Alternatively, if you don't have docker installed, you can release pilad binary with the make gox command. For this, you need a configured Go environment and gox installed.


piladb is developed by Fernando Álvarez and ≅oscillatingworks on a Dell XPS 13 laptop, running Ubuntu, and using vim-go plugin within the vim editor, in Berlin and Madrid, with the support of Gali, Godín and other friends.

Logo was designed by GraphicLoads.

Typography Lily Script One designed by Julia Petretta.



Fernando Álvarez
Ops @basecamp. OSS developer @oscillatingworks. Author of #piladb. Cities and Urbanism @UOC.
Fernando Álvarez
  • New Stack operations #44: FULL

    New Stack operations #44: FULL

    I am not really sure if putting isMaxStackSize in pilad/config.go is the best way, feel like check full should be encapsulate in the stack itself.

    I am open to suggestion.

        Add a new rest endpoint FULL which checks if a particular stack is full or not.
    Testing Methodology:
        Verify the following curl call to full will return full = true
            ./bin/pilad -max-stack-size 0
            curl -XPUT "localhost:1205/databases?name=MY_DATABASE"
            curl -XPUT "localhost:1205/databases/MY_DATABASE/stacks?name=BOOKSHELF"
            curl -XPOST localhost:1205/databases/MY_DATABASE/stacks/BOOKSHELF \
                -d '{"element":{"title":"1984","author":"George Orwell","ISBN":"1595404325","comments":[]}}'
            curl "localhost:1205/databases/MY_DATABASE/stacks/BOOKSHELF?full"
        Verify the following curl call to full will return full = false
            ./bin/pilad -max-stack-size 2
            curl -XPUT "localhost:1205/databases?name=MY_DATABASE"
            curl -XPUT "localhost:1205/databases/MY_DATABASE/stacks?name=BOOKSHELF"
            curl -XPOST localhost:1205/databases/MY_DATABASE/stacks/BOOKSHELF \
                -d '{"element":{"title":"1984","author":"George Orwell","ISBN":"1595404325","comments":[]}}'
            curl "localhost:1205/databases/MY_DATABASE/stacks/BOOKSHELF?full"
  • New Stack operations #44: isEmpty

    New Stack operations #44: isEmpty

    Hi fern4lvarez,

    This pull request fixes the code reviews from

    1. Pull request merging to dev-0.2 instead of master
    2. change handler and api name to empty to conform naming convention
    3. Implement Empty function in stack.go
    4. Enforce 100% code test coverage.
    5. Allow maintainer to edit pull request.


    Added isEmpty functionality to api. Now client can access is_empty rest call to
    determine if the stack associated to the pass in stack id and db id is empty or not.

    Testing Methodology:

    Verify the following curl call will return is_empty = false
        curl -XPUT "localhost:1205/databases?name=MY_DATABASE"
        curl -XPUT "localhost:1205/databases/MY_DATABASE/stacks?name=BOOKSHELF"
        curl -XPOST localhost:1205/databases/MY_DATABASE/stacks/BOOKSHELF \
            -d '{"element":{"title":"1984","author":"George Orwell","ISBN":"1595404325","comments":[]}}'
        curl "localhost:1205/databases/MY_DATABASE/stacks/BOOKSHELF?is_empty"
    Verify the following curl call will return is_empty = true
            curl -XPUT "localhost:1205/databases?name=MY_DATABASE"
            curl -XPUT "localhost:1205/databases/MY_DATABASE/stacks?name=BOOKSHELF"
            curl "localhost:1205/databases/MY_DATABASE/stacks/BOOKSHELF?is_empty"
    Verify that empty db or stack will have standard empty response
  • stack: fix data races

    stack: fix data races

    In particular, Peek could panic, but this doesn't prevent all race conditions (see commit msg).

    IMO, the stack should just embed a mutex so that the client can decide whether or not to acquire a lock.

  • New Stack operations #44: isEmpty

    New Stack operations #44: isEmpty

    Hi fern4lvarez,

    I am not sure if you are looking for contributors, but I saw your post on r/golang and got interested in the project. I saw issue New Stack operations #44 and decide to take a stab on one of the sub task. If you are cool with having contributors I will be happy to finish some of the other issues too.


    Added isEmpty functionality to api. Now client can access is_empty rest call to
    determine if the stack associated to the pass in stack id and db id is empty or not.

    Testing Methodology:

    Verify the following curl call will return is_empty = false
        curl -XPUT "localhost:1205/databases?name=MY_DATABASE"
        curl -XPUT "localhost:1205/databases/MY_DATABASE/stacks?name=BOOKSHELF"
        curl -XPOST localhost:1205/databases/MY_DATABASE/stacks/BOOKSHELF \
            -d '{"element":{"title":"1984","author":"George Orwell","ISBN":"1595404325","comments":[]}}'
        curl "localhost:1205/databases/MY_DATABASE/stacks/BOOKSHELF?is_empty"
    Verify the following curl call will return is_empty = true
            curl -XPUT "localhost:1205/databases?name=MY_DATABASE"
            curl -XPUT "localhost:1205/databases/MY_DATABASE/stacks?name=BOOKSHELF"
            curl "localhost:1205/databases/MY_DATABASE/stacks/BOOKSHELF?is_empty"
    Verify that empty db or stack will have standard empty response
  • Fix encoding bug when pushing a malformed payload

    Fix encoding bug when pushing a malformed payload

    Before this fix, if you tried to PUSH an element using some of the following payloads:

    • {"elent":8}
    • {"foo":8}
    • {1:8}

    The server wouldn't complain when parsing them, and would store a null on top of the Stack. Same behavior when trying to set some config value.

    With this fix, we now check that the payload contains the word element as key. Otherwise, we return an error when decoding it, that will become a 400 Bad Request in pilad.

  • pila: allow publicly to use custom Stack implementation

    pila: allow publicly to use custom Stack implementation

    This commit does not imply API breaking changes, so it can be added in the next 0.1.X release.

    Now it is possible to create a pila.Stack using a custom implementation that satisfies the stack.Stacker interface, e.g.

    type TestStack struct{}
    func (s *TestStack) Push(element interface{}) { return }
    func (s *TestStack) Pop() (interface{}, bool) { return nil, false }
    func (s *TestStack) Size() int                { return 0 }
    func (s *TestStack) Peek() interface{}        { return nil }
    func (s *TestStack) Flush()                   { return }
    stack := pila.NewStackWithBase("stack", time.Now(), &TestStack{})

    It is also possible to create a Stack with a custom base implementation from a Database instance:

    id := db.CreateStackWithBase("stack", time.Now(), &TestStack{})
  • Use UUID Version 5

    Use UUID Version 5

    We replace our old UUID implementation, which wasn't RFC 4122-compliant and use the Version 5 of, which is lightweight and well tested. This dependency is added to our vendor directory.

    This PR doesn't change the logic of piladb, only the way the Stacks and Databases UUIDs are represented.

  • Add option to allow pushing on a Stack when this is full

    Add option to allow pushing on a Stack when this is full

    Previously (0.1.X), when a Stack is full, PUSH operation is unavailable, returning 406 NOT ACCEPTABLE.

    This change provides a new config value, of boolean type:

    • PILADB_PUSH_WHEN_FULL as environment variable.
    • -push-when-full as CLI parameter.

    When this value is set to true, PUSH operations on a full Stack will be accepted, removing the bottommost element from the Stack.

    This PR also adds a new Sweep method to the Stack, which will remove the bottommost element from the Stack, returning such element and an OK if it was successfull. Note that the method is implemented at the Stack level, but there's no such SWEEP operation from the outside of a Pila.

  • Add support to

    Add support to

    Fixes #42

    • Add new script to execute tests on TravisCI gathering all coverage reports in one file.
    • Update TravisCi file in order to execute this script and send data to
    • Add badge to README.
    • Update README regarding code coverage.
  • Introduce request for donations on startup

    Introduce request for donations on startup

    This can be disabled by using the -no-donate command line flag, or setting PILADB_NO_DONATE environment variable to true.

    This PR also introduces a new ASCII logo for the startup:

       .___.            _  _             _  _     
      /  _  \    _ __  (_)| |  __ _   __| || |__  
     |  |+|  |  | '_ \ | || | / _` | / _` || '_ \ 
     |  |-|  |  | |_) || || || (_| || (_| || |_) |
      \.___./   | .__/ |_||_| \__,_| \__,_||_.__/ 
  • Introduce graceful shutdown to pilad server

    Introduce graceful shutdown to pilad server

    Previously, when running a pilad server and then terminating it, it stopped immediately without caring about on-going connections.

    With this change, whenever pilad server receives SIGINT or SIGTERM signals, it will wait for on-going connections until they are finished. If the connections aren't finished after the Shutdown Timeout is due, they all will be interrupted and the shutdown will happen.

    This Shutdown Timeout can be configure with the pilad command with the -shutdown-timeout parameter, which value is 15 seconds by default. As other config values, it can be set on runtime using the /_config endpoint.

  • Add prod Dockerfile

    Add prod Dockerfile

    Add a prod Dockerfile for pilad with only 3 layers and weighting 11.2 MB. Also add DockerHub badge for /r/fern4lvarez/piladb in case of switching from dev image to prod image.

  • Implement version control

    Implement version control

    Version control will be the way piladb persists its contents: instead of writing data into disk, it will decode all atomic operations into a binary log, that will contain the history of the piladb server. This will make possible to recover the state of a piladb instance from a file in order to implement #14, and also to share the state with other instances in a distributed fashion, so we can achieve #13.

  • Write `piladb` complete documentation

    Write `piladb` complete documentation

    piladb needs proper documentation.

    The chosen approach is to use GitBook, as it provides Git/Github compatibility, Markdown, well structured sections, nice user interface and possibility to export to PDF, Mobi or ePub.

    The project will be called

    GitBook site: Github repository:

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