Dead simple, super fast, zero allocation and modular logger for Golang

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Onelog is a dead simple but very efficient JSON logger. It is one of the fastest JSON logger out there. Also, it is one of the logger with the lowest allocation.

It gives more control over log levels enabled by using bitwise operation for setting levels on a logger.

It is also modular as you can add a custom hook, define level text values, level and message keys.

Go 1.9 is required as it uses a type alias over gojay.Encoder.

It is named onelog as a reference to zerolog and because it sounds like One Love song from Bob Marley :)

Get Started

go get

Basic usage:

import ""

func main() {
    // create a new Logger
    // first argument is an io.Writer
    // second argument is the level, which is an integer
    logger := onelog.New(
        onelog.ALL, // shortcut for onelog.DEBUG|onelog.INFO|onelog.WARN|onelog.ERROR|onelog.FATAL,
    logger.Info("hello world !") // {"level":"info","message":"hello world"}


Levels are ints mapped to a string. The logger will check if level is enabled with an efficient bitwise &(AND), if disabled, it returns right away which makes onelog the fastest when running disabled logging with 0 allocs and less than 1ns/op. See benchmarks

When creating a logger you must use the | operator with different levels to toggle bytes.

Example if you want levels INFO and WARN:

logger := onelog.New(

This allows you to have a logger with different levels, for example you can do:

var logger *onelog.Logger

func init() {
    // if we are in debug mode, enable DEBUG lvl
    if os.Getenv("DEBUG") != "" {
        logger = onelog.New(
            onelog.ALL, // shortcut for onelog.DEBUG|onelog.INFO|onelog.WARN|onelog.ERROR|onelog.FATAL
    logger = onelog.New(

Available levels:

  • onelog.DEBUG
  • onelog.INFO
  • onelog.WARN
  • onelog.ERROR
  • onelog.FATAL

You can change their textual values by doing, do this only once at runtime as it is not thread safe:

onelog.LevelText(onelog.INFO, "INFO")


You can define a hook which will be run for every log message.


logger := onelog.New(
logger.Hook(func(e onelog.Entry) {
    e.String("time", time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339))
logger.Info("hello world !") // {"level":"info","message":"hello world","time":"2018-05-06T02:21:01+08:00"}


Context allows enforcing a grouping format where all logs fields key-values pairs from all logging methods (With, Info, Debug, InfoWith, InfoWithEntry, ...etc) except for values from using logger.Hook, will be enclosed in giving context name provided as it's key. For example using a context key "params" as below

logger := onelog.NewContext(

logger.InfoWithFields("breaking news !", func(e onelog.Entry) {
    e.String("userID", "123455")

// {"level":"info","message":"breaking news !", "params":{"userID":"123456"}}

This principle also applies when inheriting from a previous created logger as below

parentLogger := onelog.New(

logger := parentLogger.WithContext("params")
logger.InfoWithFields("breaking news !", func(e onelog.Entry) {
    e.String("userID", "123455")

// {"level":"info","message":"breaking news !", "params":{"userID":"123456"}}

You can always reset the context by calling WithContext("") to create a no-context logger from a context logger parent.


Without extra fields

Logging without extra fields is easy as:

logger := onelog.New(
logger.Debug("i'm not sure what's going on") // {"level":"debug","message":"i'm not sure what's going on"}
logger.Info("breaking news !") // {"level":"info","message":"breaking news !"}
logger.Warn("beware !") // {"level":"warn","message":"beware !"}
logger.Error("my printer is on fire") // {"level":"error","message":"my printer is on fire"}
logger.Fatal("oh my...") // {"level":"fatal","message":"oh my..."}

With extra fields

Logging with extra fields is quite simple, specially if you have used gojay:

logger := onelog.New(

logger.DebugWithFields("i'm not sure what's going on", func(e onelog.Entry) {
    e.String("string", "foobar")
    e.Int("int", 12345)
    e.Int64("int64", 12345)
    e.Float("float64", 0.15)
    e.Bool("bool", true)
    e.Err("err", errors.New("someError"))
    e.ObjectFunc("user", func(e Entry) {
        e.String("name", "somename")
// {"level":"debug","message":"i'm not sure what's going on","string":"foobar","int":12345,"int64":12345,"float64":0.15,"bool":true,"err":"someError","user":{"name":"somename"}}

logger.InfoWithFields("breaking news !", func(e onelog.Entry) {
    e.String("userID", "123455")
// {"level":"info","message":"breaking news !","userID":"123456"}

logger.WarnWithFields("beware !", func(e onelog.Entry) {
    e.String("userID", "123455")
// {"level":"warn","message":"beware !","userID":"123456"}

logger.ErrorWithFields("my printer is on fire", func(e onelog.Entry) {
    e.String("userID", "123455")
// {"level":"error","message":"my printer is on fire","userID":"123456"}

logger.FatalWithFields("oh my...", func(e onelog.Entry) {
    e.String("userID", "123455")
// {"level":"fatal","message":"oh my...","userID":"123456"}

Alternatively, you can use the chain syntax:

logger.InfoWith("foo bar").
    Int("testInt", 1).
    Int64("testInt64", 2).
    Float("testFloat", 1.15234).
    String("testString", "string").
    Bool("testBool", true).
    ObjectFunc("testObj", func(e Entry) {
        e.Int("testInt", 100)
    Object("testObj2", testObj). // implementation of gojay.MarshalerJSONObject
    Array("testArr", testArr). // implementation of gojay.MarshalerJSONArray
    Err("testErr", errors.New("my printer is on fire !")).
    Write() // don't forget to call this method! 

Accumulate context

You can create get a logger with some accumulated context that will be included on all logs created by this logger.

To do that, you must call the With method on a logger. Internally it creates a copy of the current logger and returns it.


logger := onelog.New(
).With(func(e onelog.Entry) {
    e.String("userID", "123456")

logger.Info("user logged in") // {"level":"info","message":"user logged in","userID":"123456"}

logger.Debug("wtf?") // {"level":"debug","message":"wtf?","userID":"123456"}

logger.ErrorWithFields("Oops", func(e onelog.Entry) {
    e.String("error_code", "ROFL")
}) // {"level":"error","message":"oops","userID":"123456","error_code":"ROFL"}

Change levels txt values, message and/or level keys

You can change globally the levels values by calling the function:

onelog.LevelText(onelog.INFO, "INFO")

You can change the key of the message by calling the function:


You can change the key of the level by calling the function:


Beware, these changes are global (affects all instances of the logger). Also, these function should be called only once at runtime to avoid any data race issue.


For thorough benchmarks please see the results in the bench suite created by the author of zerolog here:

The benchmarks data presented below is the one from Uber's benchmark suite where we added onelog.

Benchmarks are here:

Disabled Logging

ns/op bytes/op allocs/op
Zap 8.73 0 0
zerolog 2.45 0 0
logrus 12.1 16 1
onelog 0.74 0 0

Disabled with fields

ns/op bytes/op allocs/op
Zap 208 768 5
zerolog 68.7 128 4
logrus 721 1493 12
onelog 1.31 0 0
onelog-chain 68.2 0 0

Logging basic message

ns/op bytes/op allocs/op
Zap 205 0 0
zerolog 135 0 0
logrus 1256 1554 24
onelog 84.8 0 0

Logging basic message and accumulated context

ns/op bytes/op allocs/op
Zap 276 0 0
zerolog 141 0 0
logrus 1256 1554 24
onelog 82.4 0 0

Logging message with extra fields

ns/op bytes/op allocs/op
Zap 1764 770 5
zerolog 1210 128 4
logrus 13211 13584 129
onelog 971 128 4
onelog-chain 1030 128 4
Francois Parquet
Site Reliability Engineer
Francois Parquet
  • feat: exit after Fatal, FatalWithFields, and FatalWith chained entries.

    feat: exit after Fatal, FatalWithFields, and FatalWith chained entries.


    As of now, Fatal calls do not exit from the app.

    Comparing with other loggers mentioned in the benchmark table, I found that all of them have an implementation for the same. Considering this, it would be a great addition to have in onelog as well.

    • Logrus:
    • Zap:
    • Zerolog:

    Please see my proposed API for the same.

  • Onelog out of sync with most recent Gojay changes

    Onelog out of sync with most recent Gojay changes

    Bonjour Francois, First off, I like this project! Especially chaining.

    It looks like some recent changes to Gojay broke Onelog.

    Perhaps all that needs to be changed is to update to new names in Onelog?

    Currently what I'm seeing when trying to go get:

    ➜  go get
    ../../francoispqt/onelog/entry.go:62:37: undefined: gojay.MarshalerObject
    ../../francoispqt/onelog/entry.go:68:36: undefined: gojay.MarshalerArray
    ../../francoispqt/onelog/entry.go:152:37: undefined: gojay.MarshalerObject
    ../../francoispqt/onelog/entry.go:161:36: undefined: gojay.MarshalerArray
  • Default io.Writer output

    Default io.Writer output


    Nice project, I'm using it extensively. I have written a wrapper to go around the New function in order to safely initialise the io.Writer interface.

    Have you thought about checking for a nil io.Writer interface in the constructor, and applying ioutil.Discard as a deafult?

  • Omit Nil Errors

    Omit Nil Errors

    Currently, you get a nil pointer dereference error if you pass a nil error to the Err() functions. Instead, I propose to check for nils in this specific case and omitting nil errors conditionally.

  • Rename entry to ChainEntry.

    Rename entry to ChainEntry.

    The DebugWith and related functions currently return the unexposed entry type. This PR exposes the chain entry as ChainEntry, which allows users to wrap these commands.

    For example the following is now possible:

    type interface MyLogEntry {
        String("key", "value") MyLogEntry
    type onelogEntry struct {
        entry onelog.ChainEntry
    func (e *onelogEntry) String(k string, v string) MyLogEntry {
        return &onelogEntry{entry: e.entry.String(k, v)}

    For users that want to abstract away the actual log implementation that is being used.

  • fix: panic in case NewContext is used to initialize logger with Fatal

    fix: panic in case NewContext is used to initialize logger with Fatal


    I missed adding ExitFn to NewContext() causing a panic.

    Have added a patch to fix it along with a scoped exit function which checks if ExitFn is nil (since it is exposed) and calls os.Exit as a fallback.


  • Logger.With behavior

    Logger.With behavior

    Logger.With currently copies some fields of the Logger, does not copy hook or ctx.

    Proposed behavior: copy all fields of the Logger, add to existing ctx. This is how zerolog works. Code:

    func (l *Logger) copy() *Logger {
    	nL := Logger{
    		levels: l.levels,
    		w:      l.w,
    		hook:   l.hook, // ADDED
    	return &nL
    // With copies the current Logger and adds it a given context by running func f.
    func (l *Logger) With(f func(Entry)) *Logger {
    	nL := l.copy()
    	e := Entry{}
    	enc := gojay.NewEncoder(nL.w)
    	e.enc = enc
    	enc.AppendByte(' ')
    	enc.AppendBytes(l.ctx) // ADDED
    	b := enc.Buf()
    	nL.ctx = make([]byte, len(b[1:]))
    	copy(nL.ctx, b[1:])
    	return nL

    It allows you to create multiple levels of derived loggers. Ideally you would also be able to add multiple hook functions, rather than replacing the single one.

  • ORCA-619: Add context based logging to onelog

    ORCA-619: Add context based logging to onelog

    PR adds context logging where grouping of log fields can be done using the WithContext(contextName string) signature. Allowing the following possibilities:

    parentLogger = Log.New(os.Stdout, INFO)
    serviceLogger = parentLogger.WithContextKey("context")
    serviceLogger.INFOWithFields("ready to deploy").Int("id", 2343)
    // => { message: "ready to deploy", context: {id: 2343}}
    orderLogger = serviceLogger.With(func(e onelog.Entry){ e.Int("r", 20) })
    orderLogger.INFOWithFields("ready to deploy").Int("id", 2343)
    // => { message: "ready to deploy", context:{id: 2343, r:20}}
    orderLogger = serviceLogger.Hook(func(e onelog.Entry){ e.Int("r", 20) })
    orderLogger.INFOWithFields("ready to deploy").Int("id", 2343)
    // => { message: "ready to deploy", r:20, context:{id: 2343}}
  • default output ioutil.Discard

    default output ioutil.Discard

    if a nil io.Writer is provided, then use ioutil.Discard which will discard all output. This will avoid a panic when writing to a nil interface

  • Windows color

    Windows color

    Using this file:

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
       onelog.LevelText(onelog.INFO, color.CyanString("INFO"))
       aa := onelog.New(os.Stdout, onelog.ALL)

    I get this result:

    {"level":" [36mINFO [0m","message":"bbbbb"}
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