Golog is a logger which support tracing and other custom behaviors out of the box. Blazing fast and simple to use.



Golog is an opinionated Go logger with simple APIs and configurable behavior.

Why another logger?

Golog is designed to address mainly two issues:

Reduce the amount of PII (personally identifiable information) data in logs

Golog exposes APIs which does not allow to simply introduce a struct or a map as part of the log fields.

This design pushes the consumers of this library to care about PII data and aim to reduce as much as possible the amount of data which can be logged.

It is possible to extend the logger behavior for handling complex data type by implementing an interface as shown in the "Custom field type" section.

Add tracing and other extra data into the logging behavior

Golog expects to have a context passed down to the logging API.

The context.Context in Go is usually the holder for tracing information and embedding one of the decorators available to the logger plugs this behavior for free in all the places where the logger is used.



The Logger interface is implemented by the StdLogger type. It allows you to write log messages.

An example of its usage may look like this:

   golog.Bool("key name", true),
   golog.Strings("another key name", []string{"one", "two"}),
}).Error(ctx, "log message here")

To override the default logger you can use the SetLogger API as shown here:

// create a new custom logger
logger := golog.New(
   // any other option you may want to pass

// set the custom logger as the global one 


The CheckLogger interface is implemented by the StdLogger type. It allows you to write log messages allowing to set fields only if the log message will be written.

For example if the min log level set is higher than the one which will be logged, as shown in this example, there will be no extra data allocation as well as having a huge performance improvement::

if checked, ok := golog.CheckDebug(ctx, "This is a message"); ok {
        golog.Bool("key name", true),
        golog.Strings("another key name", []string{"one", "two"}),

To override the default check logger you can use the SetCheckLogger API as shown here:

// create a new custom logger
logger := golog.New(
   // any other option you may want to pass

// set the custom check logger as the global one 

Standard Library support

Golog Writer can be used by the go log package as well as output

w := &BufWriter{
    Encoder:         enc,
    Writer:          bufio.NewWriter(buf),
    ErrHandler:      errHandler.Handle,
    DefaultLogLevel: DEBUG, //! This will be the log level used for all the logs by the stdlib logger

log.Println("your log message here...")


Golog provides multiple ways to customize behaviors


A decorator is a function that gets executed before a log message gets written, allowing to inject only once a recurring logging behavior to modify the log message.

An example may be adding a trace and span ids to the log:

var customTraceDecorator golog.DecoratorFunc = func(e golog.Entry) golog.Entry {
    span := trace.FromContext(e.Context()).SpanContext()

    return e.With(golog.Fields{
        golog.String("span_id", span.SpanID.String()),
        golog.String("trace_id", span.TraceID.String()),

var logger golog.Logger = golog.New(
    // other arguments here
    golog.OptionFunc(func(l golog.StdLogger) golog.StdLogger {
        return l.WithDecorator(customTraceDecorator)

Out of the box are provided some decorators for tracing purposes in the opencensus and opentelemetry packages, PRs are welcome to add more behavior.


A checker is a function that gets executed before a log message gets decorated, allowing to skip the decoration and the writing of a log entry due to custom logic.

An example may be skipping a log if the context doesn't have a value:

var customCtxValueChecker golog.Checker = golog.CheckerFunc(func(e golog.Entry) bool {
    if _, ok := e.Context().Value("key").(string); !ok {
        return false

    return true

var logger golog.Logger = golog.New(
    // other arguments here
    golog.OptionFunc(func(l golog.StdLogger) golog.StdLogger {
        return l.WithChecker(customCtxValueChecker)

Out of the box are provided some checkers for skipping log with level lower than an expected one.

Example usage:

var logger golog.Logger = golog.New(
    // other arguments here

Custom field type

Logging complex data structure is not intentionally supported out of the box, Golog expects you to implement a FieldMapper interface.

An example may be something like this:

// The complex data structure to log
type User struct {
	ID              string
	Email           string
	Password        string
	ReferenceCode   string

// The FieldMapper interface method to create fields out of the complex data structure
func (u User) ToFields() golog.Fields {
    return golog.Fields{
        golog.String("user_id", u.ID),
        golog.String("reference_code", u.ReferenceCode),


var u User{...} 
golog.With(golog.Mapper("user", u)).Debug(ctx, "...")

And its usage would look like this

// Example API usage
golog.With(NewUserFields(u)).Error("an error occurred")


Based on your need you may want to use different entry writers.

Golog provide you those implementations:


It is the standard implementation, and it can be created in this way:

w := golog.NewBufWriter(


This implementation provides you a way to use a different writer based on the log level, with a default writer used in case there is not an override defined for a log level

var stdOutWriter golog.Writer 
var stdErrWriter golog.Writer 

w := NewLeveledWriter(
    golog.DefaultMuxWriterOptionFunc(golog.ERROR, stdErrWriter),
    golog.DefaultMuxWriterOptionFunc(golog.FATAL, stdErrWriter),


This implementation simply writes an across multiple writers concurrently

var w1 golog.Writer
var w2 golog.Writer
var w3 golog.Writer
w := golog.NewMultiWriter(w1, w2, w3)

Testing utilities

The golog/test package provide a mock generated using gomock for helping developers to test the logger.

HTTP utilities

The golog/http utility package provide a simple and customizable API for adding some logging behavior on an HTTP server.

// ...
import (
    httplog "github.com/damianopetrungaro/golog/http"

// ...
var h http.Handler // the handler you want to decorate
var logger golog.Logger // your logger
httplog.NewHandler(h, logger, httplog.DefaultLogHandle()) // returns your decorated handler


Golog is a really fast logging solution, with a low number of allocations as well as crazy performances.

Benchmarks comparing it to logrus and zap

goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/damianopetrungaro/golog/benchmarks/logger
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz
BenchmarkLogger/golog-12                 1380526               836.7 ns/op          2842 B/op         27 allocs/op
BenchmarkLogger/zap-12                   1271785               947.1 ns/op          2836 B/op         20 allocs/op
BenchmarkLogger/logrus-12                 361929              3151 ns/op            6166 B/op         69 allocs/op
BenchmarkLogger/golog.Check-12          55652446                18.82 ns/op           64 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkLogger/zap.Check-12            1000000000               0.8118 ns/op          0 B/op          0 allocs/op
ok      github.com/damianopetrungaro/golog/benchmarks/logger    8.476s

Considering the nature of the logger and the design it has, the performances are really high.

In the future there may be a support for an even faster and zero allocations version of the logger, but the APIs exposed won't be matching the current one and there will be a different interface provided for that purpose.

More updated benchmarks can be found on this page


Golog doesn't hande key deduplication.

Meaning that

    golog.String("hello", "world"),
    golog.String("hello", "another world"),
}).Info(ctx, "no deduplication")

will print

  "level": "INFO",
  "message": "no deduplication",
  "hello": "world",
  "hello": "another world"
Damiano Petrungaro
Philosopher ego-less coder and community enthusiast, DDD lover. Creating applications in Golang & PHP since 2015.
Damiano Petrungaro
  • sentry: take Hub from context or fallback to the global one

    sentry: take Hub from context or fallback to the global one

    Hi @damianopetrungaro, thank you for golog :)

    I'm trying to log errors to Sentry, and saw that you already provide a Sentry Writer. The only problem I see with it is that it must be initialized with a sentry.Hub, while in reality I think it should use the Hub contained in the context if any (see for example the Sentry http middleware usage, it's also worth pointing out that the Hub struct is not concurrent safe for writing, that's why it's cloned when not found in the context).

    I can open a PR if you want me to 😃

  • feat(sentry): use Hub from Entry's context when possible

    feat(sentry): use Hub from Entry's context when possible

    If the golog.Entry's context contains a sentry Hub, use it. If it doesn't, fallback to the hub configured for the Writer. If no hub were specified for the Writer, use the sentry.CurrentHub().

    Users should keep in mind that using a hub concurrently is not supported by sentry.

    I also took the chance to do some minor cleanup in the Writer struct and adding some comments.

    Closes #54.

  • fix(sentry): use log message when capturing the event

    fix(sentry): use log message when capturing the event

    to avoid grouping unrelated errors in Sentry, we must never create a new error

    BREAKING CHANGE: the sentry writer has been simplified and now needs fewer dependencies to fully operate

  • Sentry errors grouped as same error

    Sentry errors grouped as same error

    Although different unhandled error are occurring, they're being read by sentry as the same stack trace: *errors.errorString github.com/damianopetrungaro/golog/sentry in (*Writer).WriteEntry

  • Add coloured level option to text encoder

    Add coloured level option to text encoder

    To improve readability for the text encoder logs a coloured level option has been added. Once this option in textEncoder.Config is enabled then each log level will have a different colour. The colours will be as follows:

    | LEVEL | COLOUR | |-------|--------| | DEBUG | GREEN | | INFO | BLUE | | WARN | YELLOW | | ERROR | RED | | FATAL | RED-BACKGROUND |

    To do this a ColouredString has been added to Level.go and the textEncoder will use Level().Formatted(bool) instead of Level().String() to select if colours will be used or not.

  • feat: support any type in encoder

    feat: support any type in encoder

    I am not convinced this project should support any type.

    Performances for this use case may be a good selling point since the implementation designed is more efficient than other loggers around.

    New benchmarks supporting any:

    goos: darwin
    goarch: amd64
    pkg: github.com/damianopetrungaro/golog/benchmarks/logger
    cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz
    BenchmarkLogger/golog-12                   72630             16335 ns/op           17348 B/op        128 allocs/op
    BenchmarkLogger/zap-12                     58617             20173 ns/op           28346 B/op        125 allocs/op
    BenchmarkLogger/logrus-12                  66474             18344 ns/op           13882 B/op        172 allocs/op
    BenchmarkLogger/golog.Check-12          53974438                22.63 ns/op           64 B/op          1 allocs/op
    BenchmarkLogger/zap.Check-12            1000000000               0.8838 ns/op          0 B/op          0 allocs/op
    ok      github.com/damianopetrungaro/golog/benchmarks/logger    6.494s
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