A lightweight MVC framework for Go(Golang)

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utron is a lightweight MVC framework in Go (Golang) for building fast, scalable and robust database-driven web applications.


  • Postgres, MySQL, SQLite and Foundation database support
  • Modular (you can choose which components to use)
  • Middleware support. All alice compatible Middleware works out of the box
  • Gopher spirit (write golang, use all the golang libraries you like)
  • Lightweight. Only MVC
  • Multiple configuration files support (currently json, yaml, toml and hcl)


utron is a lightweight MVC framework. It is based on the principles of simplicity, relevance and elegance.

  • Simplicity. The design is simple, easy to understand, and doesn't introduce many layers between you and the standard library. It is a goal of the project that users should be able to understand the whole framework in a single day.

  • Relevance. utron doesn't assume anything. We focus on things that matter, this way we are able to ensure easy maintenance and keep the system well-organized, well-planned and sweet.

  • Elegance. utron uses golang best practises. We are not afraid of heights, it's just that we need a parachute in our backpack. The source code is heavily documented, any functionality should be well explained and well tested.


After two years of playing with golang, I have looked on some of my projects and asked myself: "How golang is that?"

So, utron is my reimagining of lightweight MVC, that maintains the golang spirit, and works seamlessly with the current libraries.


utron works with Go 1.4+

 go get github.com/gernest/utron

For the Old API use

go get gopkg.in/gernest/utron.v1


Sample application


Start with clicking the star button to make the author and his neighbors happy. Then fork the repository and submit a pull request for whatever change you want to be added to this project.

If you have any questions, just open an issue.


Geofrey Ernest

Twitter : @gernesti


These amazing projects have made utron possible:


This project is released under the MIT licence. See LICENCE for more details.

Geofrey Ernest
hello, world.
Geofrey Ernest
  • Environment configuration

    Environment configuration

    @gernest What do you think about reading some config values from the ENV before reading from the config.{ json | yaml | toml } file?

    I'm thinking that in some cases utron will need different values for the database connection and other configuration elements like the port depending on the environment we're running the app, for example our Production database url will be different than our development/testing URL.

    Maybe utron could make the app read ENV variables and if these are not satisfied then read from the config file.

    Other alternative we could do it provide environment specific configuration in the config.{json | yaml | toml} file, but in some cases reading from the ENV would be needed as well.

    Again and as usual, once you agree with one of the alternatives i would be very happy to help.

  • add sqlite3 support

    add sqlite3 support

    I was just kicking the tires a bit with utron and didn't have a mysql or postgres environment to play around in, so I hacked in GORM's sqlite3 support.

    I could be (probably) missing something here, but I figured it wouldn't hurt.

  • Session store

    Session store

    I`m start learning golang. I want to change sessionStore to redis and I found this code. Is it right? May be should be "return ctx.SessionStore.Get" ?

    //GetSession retrieves session with a given name.
    func (ctx *Context) GetSession(name string) (*sessions.Session, error) {
    	if ctx.SessionStore != nil {
    		return ctx.SessionStore.New(ctx.Request(), name)
    	return nil, errNoStore
  • Highload bug

    Highload bug


    I write the code:

    type info struct {
        c http.ResponseWriter
    type Test struct {
    func (t *Test) Index() {
        t.Ctx.Redirect("http://123123123.12", http.StatusFound)
    func NewTest() *Test {
        return &Test{}

    send many concurent requests to /test:

    siege -f urls.txt -c 10 -t30s -i

    and have error:

    fatal error: concurrent map writes
    goroutine 794 [running]:
    runtime.throw(0x9ef0e2, 0x15)
        /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/panic.go:566 +0x95 fp=0xc420505220 sp=0xc420505200
    runtime.mapassign1(0x98f7a0, 0xc4207b8c00, 0xc420505330, 0xc420505340)
        /usr/lib/go/src/runtime/hashmap.go:458 +0x8ef fp=0xc420505308 sp=0xc420505220
    net/textproto.MIMEHeader.Set(0xc4207b8c00, 0x9e551b, 0x8, 0x9edaf9, 0x13)
        /usr/lib/go/src/net/textproto/header.go:22 +0xca fp=0xc420505368 sp=0xc420505308
    net/http.Header.Set(0xc4207b8c00, 0x9e551b, 0x8, 0x9edaf9, 0x13)
        /usr/lib/go/src/net/http/header.go:31 +0x53 fp=0xc4205053a0 sp=0xc420505368
    net/http.Redirect(0xe63320, 0xc4206a4d00, 0xc4207b3680, 0x9edaf9, 0x13, 0x12e)
        /usr/lib/go/src/net/http/server.go:1819 +0xd7 fp=0xc420505488 sp=0xc4205053a0
    github.com/gernest/utron.(*Context).Redirect(0xc420174e70, 0x9edaf9, 0x13, 0x12e)
        /home/coder/go/src/github.com/gernest/utron/context.go:189 +0x5f fp=0xc4205054c8 sp=0xc420505488

    Two parallel routines get the same context. Maybe action signature should be

    func (c *SomeController) Action(ctx *utron.Context) {}

    instead to save the context into the controller??

  • Secure config

    Secure config

    In context.go you send config to view (by default). Users can save passwords and tokens in config file. I think it`s not secure. If user will want to have config in view then he put it himself.

    if c.Cfg != nil {
    	c.Data["Config"] = c.Cfg // add configuration to the view data context

    What do you think?

  • Split databaseconnection string into multiple environment variables

    Split databaseconnection string into multiple environment variables

    To use this very nice framwork, I tried to setup docker-compose. RubyOnRails and co use a much easier way to connect to databases, namely environment variables shipped by postgresl:latest container.

    I setup you example inside the docker environment: https://github.com/PatWie/ultron-webapp-container

    However, your library refuses the connection. A dump of available variables are:


    These should be automatically already there. So why not rely on these?

    If your framework can be run inside these dockers, it would be an additional argument for using the framework.

    The error-message comes from:

    + exec app
    `` is not officially supported, running under compatibility mode.
    2016/09/12 17:23:54 sql: unknown driver "" (forgotten import?)
    hipanic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x70 pc=0x46a68a]
    goroutine 1 [running]:
    panic(0x8c7ec0, 0xc42000c0a0)
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:500 +0x1a1
        /go/src/github.com/gernest/utron/utron.go:240 +0x3a
        /go/src/app/main.go:12 +0xa4

    which basically belongs to this line https://github.com/gernest/utron/blob/master/utron.go#L240

  • A more complex example

    A more complex example

    I will create a more complex example and would like help. It would be great if we had more examples.

    Who can help ...


  • Use of sessions

    Use of sessions

    There was I, just browsing some code at Github, when I decided to read Utron's wiki. Then I stumbled upon the middlewares' page, and a doubt was spawned in my head: how the heck I would use this?Do I just have to follow the Gorilla tutorial, or make use of some gimmick to achieve that?

  • Embedded config structs are now scanned from envvars

    Embedded config structs are now scanned from envvars

    This commit adds recursive scanning of Config struct fields from environment variables. Embedded fields are separated by underscore. Example:

    type Config struct {
      Database struct {
        Kind string
        URI string

    now reads DATABASE_KIND and DATABASE_URI environment variables.

  • Make app config more verbose, and enable full addr on ListenAndServe

    Make app config more verbose, and enable full addr on ListenAndServe

    This enables the ability to be more flexible with app configuration. You can now configure scheme and host in addition to port.

    I noticed currently the server will let you configure your port in the base_url and the port in the config differently, and will tell you the base_url port is being used when it is not. This change looks for mismatches and fails instead of telling you something that isn't the case or assuming you want one over the other.

    Currently you can say "localhost" but you'll actually bind to public addresses. This change in conjunction with the configuration changes will allow you to actually bind to the address you intend to via http.ListenAndServe().

    I left a TODO in here to enable TLS listen, but I didn't want to implement that before checking on the rest first. If this merges I would be happy to implement the TLS listen configuration after talking through what is wanted there on gitter or issues.

  • Empty environment variables are ignored

    Empty environment variables are ignored

    In some environments I want to use the environment variables to override the default values that are set in a config file. For example, in a test environment I may want to use an empty db user (e.g. pass DB_USER="" to a particular command) .

    Right now, config.go cannot distinguish between a zero-length environment variable and a environment variable that is not present.

  • Does (*context.Context) GetSession return new session intentionally?

    Does (*context.Context) GetSession return new session intentionally?

    I found the code below in session.go and I wonder this because gorilla/sessions has a method (Store) Get to retrieve a session with a given name.

    //GetSession retrieves session with a given name.
    func (ctx *Context) GetSession(name string) (*sessions.Session, error) {
    	if ctx.SessionStore != nil {
    		return ctx.SessionStore.New(ctx.Request(), name)
    	return nil, errNoStore
  • Consider putting Utron on OpenCollectives

    Consider putting Utron on OpenCollectives

    This is a wonderful project that has grown in leaps and bounds over time (as i have watched it for some time) and the fact that it was started by a Tanzanian is super awesome! I would suggest that a collective be opened here to enable it raise money to make more contributors give more time to work on the project and turn out releases faster the development of utron.

  • Feature/view factory

    Feature/view factory

    I've added in a change to allow the default SimpleView implementation to be replaced by a custom View implementation. Because all templates are parsed when NewMVC is called, there is no way to have templates that rely on other templates in the views directory. This change allows us to define supporting templates and add functions also.

    Example usage:

    utronView.SetViewFactory(func(viewDir string)(utronView.View, error){ return view.NewComplexView("fragments", viewDir, views.FuncMap) })

    app, err := utron.NewMVC("config")


  • adding a caching abstraction layer to the Utron framework.

    adding a caching abstraction layer to the Utron framework.

    Hi there,

    This PR is to provide caching functionality out of the box (a cache package). As it stands at the moment the supported stores are Redis, Memcache, and map (local). This would allow for using any store interchangeably without having to change code. The api is very simple to use and rather complete, it allows for the use of tags and it also provides the ability to cache any given type of struct. In addition the code is rather extendible, if we were to add more stores we would just need to comply with the given interfaces and make the tests pass for the given store. I believe the framework could benefit of something like this given to the fact that caching is a major component for any type of application and it keeps the framework lightweight (I would say it makes it even more lightweight, decreasing calls to the db). I appreciate you taking the time to review this PR and I think what you are doing with utron is great. Please let me know your thoughts and have a nice day.


  • Mapping in controllers

    Mapping in controllers

    All public methods in controllers are mapped to url path by default.

    Maybe will be better if only methods with suffix or prefix "Action" will mapped by default. Some people can`t knew that their methods open for public.


    // this will be parsed to /todo/home by default. Method for routing
    func (t *Todo) ActionHome() {
    	todos := []models.Todo{}
    // this won`t be parsed by default. Simple public method
    func (t *Todo) Home2() {
    	todos := []models.Todo{}

    if user want to set path manual then he can set

    func NewTodo() controller.Controller {
    	return &Todo{
    		Routes: []string{

    Or maybe add some flexible settings for do it.

    default parsing here https://github.com/gernest/utron/blob/master/router/routes.go#L230

Dec 28, 2022


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